My Bio


My name is Jennifer Rodriguez and I have lived in Oxnard, California most of my life. I am pursuing a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology with both a Mathematics and Chemistry minor at CSUCI. My research aims to determine some of the physiological factors that restrict young mysticetes’ ability to dive and survive in their changing marine environment. We focus on analyzing the composition of muscle tissue to obtain information on the respiratory pathways that baleen whales use to achieve their submerged lifestyle. Aside from the research I conduct at school, I am a tutor for Project ACCESO. For fun, I enjoy playing tennis and spending time with my German Shepherd.

Homework 1: Likes and Dislikes



To be honest, I am really excited about incorporating technology into the curriculum especially since one day I hope to help further advance the use of technology to help educate future nurses after I gain some experience. Although, it is important to remember not to use technology as a barrier between you and your patient. I would love to one day use technology in a way that would allow nurses to be able to provide more patient centered care and not always documenting on the computer for most of the time during their shift. I do not have any dislikes or any changes that I would like made about the course so far, only time will tell. Furthermore, I like that we can be creative in this course with our assignments. I am looking forward to this course and see how cikeys can further benefit the learning and discussions made in this class.



Likes & Dislikes

I appreciate that we are able to learn through technology and I am amazed at how much you can do online. However, I am having a little bit of a rough start getting used to everything. I am sure that once I get it all down and can easily navigate through all that this website has to offer, it will be a rewarding learning experience. I am also hoping that besides learning a lot of critical care knowledge, I will retain some important technology skills, as well. In general, I am looking forward to learning as much as I can before we graduate! The information we learn this semester will be very valuable as we start working this summer/fall.

Nursing 420 Likes and Dislikes

First off, I am very excited to be starting the last semester of nursing school! The past 3 years have seriously flown by, and part of me cannot believe that we are so close to graduating. It seems like we were all just sitting in our first pathophysiology class, excited but overwhelmed with all of the work ahead of us. When it was first announced that we would be making our own blogs and that the set-up of this class would be using different technology, at first I was a little hesitant because we have grown used to using the usual Blackboard, PowerPoint presentations, and discussion boards. Now we will be using something else entirely? However I really like the idea of being able to use this site not only for required blogs but as something we could use to create a professional image of ourselves. It also makes the discussion assignments more fun when we are able to use some creativity on our web pages.

I also really like the potential for the group project, as it is vastly different from any project we have done before. We get to create a whole patient scenario with not only their disease but their past medical history, their home life, and other real-life issues. I think this assignment is one that will truly help us put together everything we have learned through past clinicals and really get us to see the big picture of the person, which we will have to do every day in nursing.  The only dislike of the course I can say would be that only knowing of homework/reading assignments one week at a time might make it difficult to plan far ahead, but I do think it will help us focus more on the present and not get overwhelmed.

Lastly here is a picture of some heart rhythms for fun:

Likes & Dislikes

I  have to say that all this technology stuff is not as easy as I thought. It’s going to take me some time to completely understand it. For now I am enjoying the learning opportunity and I am grateful that Jaime is having us do this. This will help us get more comfortable with technology since that is where healthcare is heading. I am willing to try anything at this point since this is our last semester. I am excited for all of our courses and hope that we all succeed.


Nursing 420: Likes and Dislikes


CSUCI Nursing Cohort 2015 (Back in 2012)


Being familiar with some of the technical terms in this website, I am excited to share my future experiences and learn about the experiences of my peers. This class has a lot to offer and I am willing to learn as much as I can before I graduate this semester. Stepping inside the realm of technology, I would like to share my likes and dislikes about this course.

One of the things I like about this course is the fact that we are getting the opportunity to actually use technology for our own learning. This is a new way for us to further enhance our knowledge and skills in this field. Being in nursing informatics during my leadership rotation last semester, I was astonished by the type of work that nurses dealt with. This included working on the back end of the system to make sure that nurses in the front end were able to efficiently use the system when caring for patients (charting system, medication reconciliation, etc.). Much like these nurses, we will be working on the back end of our system so that we can make sure that others can view our experiences and work through the front end. Another thing that I like about this course is that information is readily available online, which can also be updated with just a few clicks. Lastly, technology will also provide us with a new way of learning, which we will use in our future endeavors.

While technology is supposed to make life easier, it is not always user friendly. I was already lost trying to navigate around this website, which I already expected. Working in the president’s office at CSUCI, I work on the back end of the website and I have experienced much frustration in editing the pages. However, this comes with anything new and I am willing to learn through future experiences. Another thing that I dislike about this course is that we will have problems with using technology in our future projects and homework assignments. As I have learned, not everything will look how I want it to look the first time. However, I am willing to learn from my mistakes and help my peers. Furthermore I am excited for what this semester has to offer! Here is a short video to help motivate us through our last semester:

Which is more beneficial to learn as a first programming language Java or C?

My Passion

My passion

Last Semester of my Undergraduate Education

I have never claimed to be technologically savvy; however, I am truly enjoying the encouragement and idea of creating a personal website. In the first week of the last semester of my undergraduate education, two classes have required that I start cultivating my CI Keys, WordPress account. Technology is our future. Period. So, learn to love it or at least try to keep up with the weekly advancements, or resist it and miss out on a future full of endless opportunities and possibilities. This entails jumping outside my comfort zone and challenging myself in unique ways. A goal of mine over this last semester is to embrace technology and dive right in. The part I love the most is the organizational aspect it brings with it. I am ready… to begin the end…