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Hello Students!

Welcome to our course website for the semester. Explore the site. Check out the features. We will figure it all out together in class this Wednesday. I look forward to meeting you!


Today’s the day of our pinning and I feel a mix of emotions: happy, excited, proud, scared, sad… I am so proud of all of my classmates and happy that we have made it to the end. All of our blood, sweat, and tears have brought us to this point and I couldn’t be more… Read more »


As I look back on my journey I can not believe how fast it went. Even at rehearsal for pinning, I couldn’t believe that all these chairs and stage were for us. I remember how I felt the first day of nursing school as I felt overwhelmed with the workload and trying to find my […]


I am sorry we ended so abruptly in class. Thank you to the last three groups for speeding your presentations up to get everyone in! I cannot express how proud I am of you and your presentations – your creativity, diverse approaches, and overall impressive efforts made for an educational and fun last day together. Housekeeping: 1….

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Last Post!!!

When I reflect on this journey, I feel overwhelmed at how much time and energy has been spent working towards this final class of nursing school. When I started this Continue Reading →

We Made It!

These last three years have been the most difficult and happiest time of my life. If I had the chance to go back in time, I wouldn’t do it any different. It feels like we just started this semester, but the time has flown by so quickly and this week we are all getting pinned! … Continue reading We Made It!