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NRS 420 Final Entry

Does anyone else ever find themselves thinking about how they would hypothetically medically treat someone?   Like, if you’re watching a movie, and someone gets hurt in the movie, and you start thinking about what you’d do to help them? Or even just a story on the news, or an experience your friend tells you about.…Read more NRS 420 Final Entry

Last blog

I am excited to see the light at the end of the tunnel! It has been three years of hard work and dedication. I can’t wait to be a nurse and start working. Nursing is such a rewarding career because you can feel good about yourself when you care for someone and make their day … Continue reading Last blog

Final Blog!

Wow I can’t believe it’s the last blog post! This class has been a great learning experience. Lecture and clinical have really helped me grow in my nursing skills and critical thinking. Learning this final piece of the puzzle (critical care) has reiterated concepts that we have been learning through this whole program and solidified … Continue reading Final Blog!

Finishing Strong

This semester learning about critical care has been my favorite semester throughout all of nursing school! It has definitely begun to feel like everything is clicking into place in regards to truly applying all of our knowledge. I have never felt more excited to go into clinical rotations than I have this semester, knowing that […]

Final Blog

I can’t believe this is the last homework assignment of my last class of nursing school. It’s so bittersweet to think that we are finally at the end. I’m more than ready to be an RN and start my nursing journey, but on the other hand, it’s so weird to think that I won’t be … Continue reading Final Blog

Last Blog of Critical Care Nursing 420

WOW! I can hardly believe that the semester is over, let alone our nursing program coming to a close! I have to say, this semester is truly where everything “clicked”. I always thought I was strong in clinical, but this was the semester that content such as lab values and ventilator settings actually made sense! I felt like I was… Read more →

“Goodbye,” “No, it’s see you all later”

As I begin to write my last blog, thousands of emotions and feelings are rushing through my head such as excitement, sadness, happiness, nerves etc. As I look back on my three years I cannot believe the relationships I have established not only with my fellow classmates and soon to be colleagues, but also the […]