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One Final Blog

It is officially one more week until out pinning ceremony. It all seems quite surreal. However, looking back at this course and all we have learned this semester in addition to all of our previous semesters, I feel that I am ready. This course has helped me to bring everything together. In patho we learned […]

What?! I need a portfolio?

So you are close to graduating. You are getting ready for interviews and NCLEX studying. You are planning family time to celebrate pinning and graduation ceremonies. Then you are asked if you are bringing your portfolio to your interview?! What portfolio? What should I include? What’s too much? Where do you start? Here’s some tips: […]

La Conchita landslide 1995 & 2005

The hillsides of Southern California are notoriously prone to landslides. On January 10, 2005 the steep cliffs behind the unincorporated town of La Conchita, in Northern Ventura County crumbled into the community killing 10, injuring 15, and destroying 31 homes http://www.latimes.com/local/california/la-me-la-conchita-20150104-story.html#page=1. The same hillside had failed, in the same area ten years before in 1995 … Continue reading La Conchita landslide 1995 & 2005

Haiti Natural Disaster

In 2008 Hurricane Gustav affected Haiti. It is important to understand that Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the Western Hemisphere and have original problems in respect to health (AmeriCares, 2009). Moreover, Haiti has high infant and maternal mortality rates, high malnutrition, and the inhabitants have a high rate of having HIV/AIDS too … Continue reading Haiti Natural Disaster


The disaster I chose to discuss is the earthquake that occurred in 2010 in Port Au Prince, Haiti. It was a 7.0 magnitude earthquake that affected the southern part of Haiti. Haiti is considered a third world country where poverty and limited resources are very common. Although it occurred over a great distance, the impact … Continue reading Earthquake!

Final Reflection

I cannot believe that pinning is just around the corner. It feels so unreal. I cannot believe I will be walking down the line for graduation, my goals are slowly being accomplished. Such an amazing feeling. When I came back to the program after taking a break due certain reasons, I was nervous because there […]