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Earthquake in Nepal

This past Saturday, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit Nepal, India. To date, more than 4,800 people have been found dead and more than 9,200 people are injured. Nepal’s weak healthcare system, terrain, and whether are some identified barriers for providing and accessing healthcare. According to the 2011 World Health Organization report, Nepal has a population … Continue reading Earthquake in Nepal

Typhoon Haiyan

In 2013 a storm surge of epic proportion hit the Philippines. This area is no stranger to harsh weather, but the 20 foot storm surge proved to be bigger than anything seen in recent history on the islands. Since harsh weather is a commonality in the Philippines, the government has well prepared for such disasters. … Continue reading Typhoon Haiyan

Nepal Earthquake

A 7.8 earthquake recently devastated the country of Nepal. On Saturday, April 25th, a 7.8 earthquake struck 48 miles northwest of the capital of Katmandu. Numerous aftershocks rocked the country with the highest aftershock registering a 6.8. the earthquake was also felt in India and Tibet.Over 1800 people are known to be dead, with just […]

Typhoon Haiyan

On November 2013, a devastating crisis occurred in the Philippines as Typhoon Haiyan struck its eastern region (CNN, 2013). The super typhoon displaced over 650,000 individuals nationwide and killed over 10,000 people (World in Brief, 2013). There were over thousands injured and missing and dead bodies were being collected throughout the streets (CNN, 2013). To

LAST Blog: The Art of Being a Nurse

As the semester comes to an end and graduation nears, the realization that we will all be BSN graduates begins to kick in. This journey, we call nursing school, has been one in which I will remember for the rest of my life. I have learned so many new aspects of not only the nursing […]

Santa Clara Waste Plant in Santa Paula, Ca

The Santa Clara Waste Plant in Santa Paula had a chemical explosion in mid-November 2014. The plant had mixed sodium chlorite and waste that caused an explosion. The mixture exploded when chemical introduced in a vacuum truck. Over 1,000 gallons of the material spilled, crystalized, dried and ignited into flames. The mixture was not identified […]