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Typhoon Yolanda, Philippines

On November 8, 2013, Typhoon Yolanda swept the Philippines and is still considered the most powerful storm recorded in history. The devastating outcomes of this storm left the country with millions of dollars worth of damage. Although the storm lasted only one day, its winds, reaching speeds of greater than 250 km/hr, ravaged several cities in […]

All roads come to an END….

      End of life…I find it interesting that our culture does not welcome death as others do. In fact, we seem to be in a state of denial about it. But, it is understandable. Why would we want to think about our wonderful life ending and leaving our loved ones behind? But in reality,  it […]

Hard Talks

I have actually had an end of life conversation with my family before. It happened right after my grandpa passed away. His death happened in our home, with the family around him, and peacefully in his sleep. I knew that if I or any of my other loved ones were to pass away – that’s how… Read more »