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Module 2

Module two’s reading and videos were about lies within images, cyber bullying, dumbing down of America and many more. Although the information varied in subject everything is able to be tied because of the overall media usage. Let’s begin by talking about the Smurfette Principle. The Smurfette Principle was an eye opener to myself. I…

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Module 2 Reflection

During my experience with researching our material for module 2 I found myself questioning each article with my own experiences. With every question came great concern towards how to negate mass media makers influence on society. More importantly, how could one learn to redirect his/her attention to see through what society considers a standard norm…

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Module 2 Wrap Up

After finishing up these readings and the videos, I did take in quite a bit of information. In the video that Tollefson posted, the principles of media education were talked about. There was the five core concepts and the five key questions and it was emphasized that you want to ask those key questions when…

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Module 2 Readings

This weeks module was very eye opening for me. For starters, I don’t watch a lot of television or spend a lot of time keeping tabs on what is going on in the media so once it was assigned in this module it blew my mind. It was sickening to see the numbers/data presented in…

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I have to disagree with Sternheimer, K. (2013). Does social networking kill? Cyberbullying, homophobia and suicide. I just recently had to create an inforgrpahic on cyberbullign and digital drama for another class I had and it made me think back to this chapter like Dayna Davis stated from the book “Teens are the least likely to…

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Module 2 Readings

The readings and videos that were assigned for this module brought up some points that I had never heard of, or let alone, even noticed within our popular media culture.  I was embarrassed yet blown away by the YouTube videos discussing the “Smurfette Principle” and The Bechdel Test.  I have been watching various movies and television…

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Reflections on Module 2

After watching the video of The Smurfette Principle (Tropes vs Women), it is very eye opening to the idea of the proportion of men and women in media. It focuses a lot on the idea that men characters are shown a lot more in media that young children watch. I believe this video gave of a…

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Module 2 Readings

I found this weeks readings to be quite interesting. As a younger person I never really think about my consequences for what I post online whether it be a picture, a status or a shared news article. When reading chapter 3 of Connecting Social Problems and Popular Culture, Sternheimer says that we should be more aware…

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