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Module 1

Initially, when going through all the readings in an attempt to better understand media literacy, I found that Zaslow and Butler’s (2002) three models were easiest for me to understand. They separated media literacy into three models of protectionist or discrimination models, ideological analysis models, and constructivist models. The protectionist or discrimination models, as defined…

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Module 1

Prior to this class, I’ve never put much deep thought into the media at all.. Let alone connecting it to education and children. I was confused when I saw this this course was on the list of classes I had to take in order to receive my degree in Liberal Studies(elementary education). The first realization…

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Reflection of Module 1 Readings

A constructivist model of media literacy, or education, focuses on students not only being analytical of media sources and content, but also allowing for students to enjoy media (Zaslow and Butler, 2002), This ideology best aligns with my impression on media literacy after reading through the articles and research in module one. While the constructivist…

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