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Lindsey Module 1 recap

The big idea presented by Karen Sternheimer is something I didn’t originally agree with. The idea that childhood has changed and it isn’t all at the hands of the media. It is suggested that our youth has changed from generation to generation due to outside influences such as the economy and the needs of the…

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Module 1 Readings

In my opinion, most of these readings were dense and full of information I had not the slightest clue of! I thought Masterman’s idea that “Media does not reflect reality, it re-presents it” was the overarching message seen throughout all of the texts. Fox example, in my interdisciplinary class (section: Black Lives Matter) we talked…

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Reflection: Module 1 Readings

In the article titled Social Critique and Pleasures: Critical Media Literacy with Popular Culture Texts written by Jesse Gainer explains how a father and daughter review song and the tensions that can be created from the message behind the lyrics. Music has the power to change our moods and affect our emotions. In every song…

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Week/Module 1 Readings

When I first started this class a few days ago, I had absolutely no clue what media literacy was and, therefore, why it is important; but within a few days, it is safe to say I have already learned some new ideas!  As defined by Jane Tallim in her exert What is Media Literacy?, “media…

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Reflection on Module 1 reading

When talking about media literacy one must first know the definition, “the expected outcome from work in either media education or media study. The more you learn about or through the media, the more media literacy you have. Media literacy is the skill of experiencing, interpreting/analyzing and making media products (Wally Bowen, 1996). Being media…

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Reflections on Module 1 Readings

At first glance, just by reading the three different philosophies about why media education is necessary constructivist appealed to me the most. I agree in the way this philosophy perceives why media education is necessary because, meaningful learning happens when we for ourselves try to make sense of the world by analyzing new information through…

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