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Module 1 Assigned Readings

I will admit, I have a love affair with all things research. Often times, a few hours after logging online with the intention of recreational browsing,  I find myself stuck down an internet rabbit hole of case studies, research projects, and educational articles so that I may better understand a concept or term that was…

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Media Literacy’s Impact

I found this week’s reading to be incredibly eye opening. Beginning this class, I knew what felt like nothing about media literacy, however the reading really helped me realize I know more than I thought. Jane Tallim’s definition of media literacy as an ability to analyze the messages we see every day whether in the…

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Hello my name is Kristi Dollison and I am a “super senior” at Channel Islands.  Although I already walked the graduation line last weekend, I still have one more class to take outside of my ECS major… so here I am. I am incredibly nervous about taking an online course since I have always prefered…

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Reading Understanding

In the assigned readings for the week they really went into detail about explaining what media literacy is and when and where we see it. We learn that media literacy is the way that we access, understand and create media in all the different media outlets. When reading What is Media Literacy, The 3 Stages…

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Hello my name is Candice! I am really excited about this summer school class and getting to know everyone as best as possible. I have taken a few on-line classes in the past and really enjoyed the learning experience. I am definitely a night owl so on-line classes really work out for my schedule. I…

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Hello group 3! My name is Regina Hernandez and this is my second semester at CSUCI. I transferred from Santa Barbara City College Fall 16. I too will be graduating Spring 2017, if all goes well. I will be majoring in Psychology and minoring in Communications.  In the next five years, I see myself obtaining…

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Assigned Readings

The readings that were assigned in module 1 had a lot of variety. It seemed as though each text had a different audience that it was directing their message to. There were readings that were for anyone who has an interest in media literacy, or is just starting to learn what media literacy is. There…

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Hello Group 2!

Hi my name is Graysen Guercio and I am going to be going into my fourth and final year at CI this coming fall. I currently live out in Camarillo with a few friends, but my hometown is a tiny town called Agua Dulce, which is about two hours from campus. Three things that I…

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