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Hi my name is Rebecca Griffin! I have one more semester before I graduate and go on to do my teaching credentials. In five years I see myself as being an elementary school teacher.  I love the little ones and hope to get Kindergarten or First grade.  A little more about me I love sports and on…

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Hey Guys!

Hi everyone!  My name is Sheridan Soderstrom and I have been a student at CI for 4 years.  I expect to graduate in Spring 2017 and while that’s a year away, my nerves are setting in since I find each year seems to go swifter than the previous one!  I’m a 22 year old Communications…

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Audrianna Moore

Hello group 5! My name is Audrianna, but feel free to call me Anna as it’s faster to type and much easier to spell. 🙂 I’ll be completely honest, I’m a tad terrified of this class because it’s the first time I’ve taken an online course during the summer that is so writing intensive. I…

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My name is Mary White. I am excited to be taking this course this summer but also nervous because I tend to struggle with technology at times. I am about to begin my senior year at CSUCI this Autumn for my BA in Liberal Studies. I feel I am determined, responsible, and highly driven. In the…

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Hey Group!

Hey everyone! My name is Allison Sommars, and I just finished up my third year here at CI. I am 21 years old and ready to party it up this summer, just kidding! I am not the partying type.  I was born and raised in San Diego and plan on never leaving. Hopefully I can…

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Hey Hey!

I’m Danielle Anderson but I have always gone by Dani. I am a Communication Major and am finally graduating in the Fall. I am the Executive Director of a local Disability Advocacy Non-Profit and love it. Although in the short term, getting my degree will not change anything professionally, I have been going to school…

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Hello, My name is Annie Diaz, this is my second semester at CI and I am majoring in Liberal studies for Teaching and Learning. I am excited for the Summer semester to start and see what this class is all about! In the next five years it is my hope to be teaching in an…

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I realized what I did wrong but hello again, everyone! My name is Nicole Greenberg and I am currently a senior at CI.  I am an English Education major so in five years, after I receive my BA, I hope that I will be teaching in a high school English classroom. I am looking forward…

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Kam Mann

My name is Kam Mann So to start speaking about myself.. I am currently a junior at CSUCI. I am twenty years old and full Indian; Punjabi. I have a twin brother that is two minutes older than me, and two loving parents. I live with my best friend, Rose. My major is health science.…

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Hello everyone!

Classmates, professors, and readers alike, allow me to bore you with a little information about myself. I regret to tell you that I have nothing fancy or fantastical to share with you. With that little disclaimer in mind, let us commence. I am your atypical senior in college: always tired, running on coffee and/or Monster, and…

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