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Chapter 10

I definitely agree with the author that we live in a consumption oriented society.  I think that many parents give in to buying their kids products because of the nag factor.  Many parents don’t have time to take their children clothes shopping; as a result, they give their child money, and another family member or…

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Pop Culture

I found chapter 9 interesting. I think the topic that Sternheimer wrote about is a popular topic. Adults are quick to blame media for the cause of alcohol or drug use in teens, but I don’t fully agree with this assumption. I think that alcohol and drug use in media does spark curiosity in teens…

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November 16th

Chapter 9 on Alcohol: I found this section of chapter 9 most interesting because I can see how college students can relate to the statistics about alcohol usage. However, it’s still surprising to know how much the percentage of teen drinking has dropped. “It is more than popular culture that encourages young people to think…

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Week 12 Readings

Happy Sunday, everyone. This week we had the Sternheimer reading as well as some other outside readings. I’ll start with Sternheimer. I did find this week’s chapter topic interesting. As someone who falls into the age group of those who seem to “party”, I was excited to read Sternheimer’s take on why media portrays teens…

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November 16th

Ch. 9 “Does Pop Culture Promote Smoking, Toking, and Drinking? This chapter as I have mentioned in previous posts did a good job in explaining statistically that it isn’t just the “crazy teens” who are drinking and smoking, but more so adults. The book says that people are quick to blame pop culture and the…

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November 16 Ch 9 Blog

I agree with the fact that most adults are smokers, drinkers and addicts as compared to teens. Its also interesting to me that the study that was done in teens smoking didn’t release that fact and only what they wanted. unless a person knows how to read articles and what too look for its easy…

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November 16

Well first I would like to say that I had never Ron English and of all the artist we were introduced too and saw their work his stood out to me more. As we all know billboards have a huge Impact on delivering messages to our society. I like the way he contradicts Mc Donald’s…

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Blog Session 12

After reading the online reserves I had an Interesting thought. Art is extremely powerful form of propaganda. I was thinking that if someone is watching the news, or a television show or other types of media the use words it is easier to influence how they think. However when someone views a pience of art,…

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Pop Culture

In this weeks chapter of Sternheimer she discusses the issue of drugs and alcohol being promoted through media. Unlike the previous topics we have talked about I do think that media shines a positive light on drugs and alcohol. Before I ever drank I would watch teens drinking on television and it made it seem…

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