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Pop Culture and Drugs.

This week’s reading was interesting and relatable to my work environment. In addition, i work at the Boys and Girls Club of Oxnard, and work directly with teens ages 13-18 on a daily basis. Additionally, i can see that these young individuals currently watch television shows which displays an array of un-youthful behavior such as…

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Chapter 9

After reading this chapter, I believe that pop culture is not the issue involving teens smoking and drinking.  I think it depends who the child’s friends are and if they smoke or drink.  I think it has a lot to do with peer pressure, than from ads shown on TV or in a magazine.  Additionally,…

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Chapter 9 “5 million alcohol abusers have children under eighteen living with them” (Sternheimer, 219). When using the video of Miley Cyrus, for example and saying that kids are going to copy her behavior. I say it is a stupid concept, I don’t nor have I ever copied the dumb things that celebrates or even…

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Week 11 Readings

Sorry for the late post! I think my midterm season seems to have come a couple weeks after everyone else’s. (Sherlock anyone?) Anyways, how did everyone’s anti-ad end up? I really liked the assignment and I think if I were teaching media literacy I would definitely use it in a classroom (especially with teenagers!). On…

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November 9th

Sternheimer Ch. 8 Media Health Hazards This chapter was more upsetting rather than surprising. Learning about obesity and eating disorders is never a cheery subject, however it is a very important one. This chapter started out talking about the “inactivity and overeating with ads of junk food creating a child obesity machine.” The media creates…

Read more November 9th

November 9th

The relationship between television viewing and unhealthy eating: Implications for children and media interventions. It’s so sad to know how much TV advertisments can influence what we eat especially for children.  “Humans possess an innate preference for sweet, high-fat and salty foods, and a reluctance to try unfamiliar foods, however, early experiences are critical in shaping…

Read more November 9th

November 9th

let me begin by saying this is by far the most interesting article thus far. I’m intrigued because we as communication major,s are learning daily still the influences media has on not only ourselves but, on the younger generations behind us. As I’m reading the article I’m blown away when it says something like  studies have…

Read more November 9th

play time

I agree with the article by Harris and Bargh on multiple points. Television is a very persuasive tool used by these food companies. When a child sees a giant cartoon pitcher of Cool Aide doing all sorts different extreme sports they are going to think that drinking Cool Aide is the way to be cool…

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Session 11: Media Health Hazards?

Childhood and teen obesity levels have risen substantially in the last 30 years.  The 2009 U.S. NIH studies reported by Harris and Bargh do not definitively prove direct causal effects between TV watching and obesity (also called adiposity, I just learned).  However, the write-up concluded by suggesting that parents “restrict the amount of commercial television…

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My thoughts on media and how it may lead to unhealthy eating habits

Although there were many interesting topics to choose from this week’s readings such as obesity, anorexia, and the article that was posted, in my little blog i primarily talked about how the media may have an influence on unhealthy eating habits. I related it to my childhood and elaborated a little on that. So! This…

Read more My thoughts on media and how it may lead to unhealthy eating habits