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Nov. 9

I never realized how the media influences our decisions to eat bad food. I always figured it was the parents who determined how their children ate. I want to have a child and not introduce them to junk food at all, and I want to see what happens! Steinheimer’s book talks about ads that influence…

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November 2

I find it so disturbing to see the issues young girls face in todays society, as we dig deeper on the issue however, it seems the younger kids are the sooner they start to dress sexy. I know that now a days on social media girls compete for  things like how many followers they can get and hitting…

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November 2nd.

APA Task Force on the  Sexualization of Girls: This topic on the sexualization of girls motivates me be more aware of what soceity is doing. Young women are being trained  at such a young age by family, friends, and media about what they should and should not wear. The pressure that is put on young…

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November 2nd

There are several sections of these readings that really made me think about not only the issues of sexuality and young women but how easy it is for girls to give into that idea. The steps that people, parents, and women can take to help in getting rid of this idea of women as sex objects…

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Week 10 Readings

Happy Halloween! This week’s reading covered a range of different topics but I think the common thread was a commentary on popular culture’s influence on reality. I really enjoyed the Retro Report video (plus, Sternheimer was in it!) as I just discovered that series last week and binge watched a few of the videos. I…

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New Family Dynamic

When I first started reading chapter seven I was having a hard time taking the content seriously. The chapter discussed how Teens were choosing to get pregnant due to shows like Teen Mom and The Secrete Life of the American Teenager. I think if anything these shows depicted the hardships that come along with being…

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Session 10

I thought the video Sex, Drugs, and Gore was very interesting. I thought it was funny how one mother said she thought it was not appropriate for her daughter to buy Prince’s Purple Rain album. Then why let your kid buy it?? Whose fault is that? I get that some music can be pretty graphic,…

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Family on T.V.

Are families on television changing the way not just girls but everyone reliving their lives today? I say yes. With all the reality shows that arena T.V. there isn way that people don’t day dream about getting on T.V. some how. I think people are flocking to Alaska to try out real survival and people…

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Family and media

The short video provided by the New York Times asked an interesting question at the beginning of the video. It targeted “older people” and asked “when was the last time you listened carefully to some of the words Rock singers sing?” With that, it explains how rock music has always been controversial, and in the…

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