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Website I guess this website is good at outlining exactly what the sexualization of girls is. This is nothing new to me, so I am just going to point out my favorite parts. “Both male and female peers have been found to contribute to the sexualization of girls — girls by policing each other to…

Read more Nov.2

October 27th

This chapter was an eye opener to the reality that still today sex is a very sensitive topic that parents often avoid with their teens. even with shows like Teen Mom and talk shows that test supposedly “Baby Daddy’s” of teens who have unprotected sex. often times I’m surprised that mothers and fathers don’t take…

Read more October 27th

October 26th

Chapter 6 Pop Culture Promiscuity This chapter had various shocking statistics while reading through. The fact that teens are not as bad as adults or that the amount of teens who have had sex has dramatically decreased from 20 years ago. I also thought it was interesting that the author noted the way people think…

Read more October 26th


Fight The New Drug’s website was very interesting to me. Additionally, i had no idea this site  existed and pornography was such a problem. In addition, after browsing the website, the site does a great job on explaining the harmful effects of pornography. Moreover, the site explains that pornography can be harmful in three ways.…

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Week 9 Readings

Yay! We’re about half-way through the semester! Congrats!  Celebration post-midterms aside, I’m obviously posting about the Sternheimer reading we had this week as well as the Fight the New Drug website we had to look at. First, Sternheimer. This has probably been my favorite chapter so far because it was on a topic I find…

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Session 9

I found it interesting in chapter 6 when it states “dont let TV be your teenager’s main source of sex education”. I feel that this is interesting because many parents out there do not sit down with their children and talk to them about sex; they rely on the TV shows and the movies the…

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October 26th

Sternheimer Chapter 6: This was an interesting topic on teen sex! It is awful to think that some teens are more responsible than adults on the topic of safe sex. Many parents try to avoid the “sex talk” with their teens without realizing the risk they create for their children. The majority of the time…

Read more October 26th

Teen Sex and Media

As the times change so will the people in those times. With that said, I think the media plays a huge roll in teens having sex at an earlier age than in previous decades. Seeing the teen pregnant mom show on MTV is one of the shows brought up in this chapter and having that…

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October 26

Porn is addictive So if porn is bad for you because of what it does to the brain than sex is bad too. Dont they do the same thing to the brain? “These porn users are being taught that those behaviors are more normal and common than they actually are.” Viewers need to learn what…

Read more October 26