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I really enjoyed reading this chapter and looking on the website online. I always heard that watching porn could render your expectations of sex but I have never heard that it could impact you on so many levels. I was majoring in the science field for a long time so to read all the affects…

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October 19th

The ereserve article “Marketing Violence: The Special Toll on Children of Color”  had several interesting points.  For one it talked about “glamorized violence” in video games and that entertainment violence affects different children in different ways. The article talked a lot about the mindset children have at this time, but did not speak so much…

Read more October 19th

Media violence has declined as Media culture has expanded.

Violence has declined as media culture has expanded was an interesting part of chapter five for me. We all know media has drastically changed over the decades, but it’s interesting to read and put into perspective what Sternheimer’s discussing. She touches on how “traditional media like television has grown from a handful of channels to…

Read more Media violence has declined as Media culture has expanded.

October 19th

I don’t believe in blaming the media for all problems concerning youth and violence they see as they play these video games.  It’s so true that as a society we look for something or someone to blame when shootings occur in schools, movie theaters, post offices and military bases.  I believe that yes, we can…

Read more October 19th

Week 8 Readings

Good evening guys! Sorry for posting so late, I’ve been busy studying and reading for midterm stuff. This week’s readings were really interesting. I really appreciated Sternheimer’s in-depth look as to why research on media violence is not that valuable or truthful. I also found the connections between media violence and real violence interesting. Both…

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October 19th

Marketing Violence: The Special Toll on Young Children of Color ~  Media Messages about race: Children of color are sometimes judged by other children and adults, could this be because of what children watch on TV?  Many parents try to teach their children  not  to judge others based on the color of their skin. However,…

Read more October 19th

Video Games and Violence

I think that this was a good topic to discuss in regards to media. I think that many people complain about the video games children are playing and how that can cause them to be violent. I have never really believed that to be true and I think that chapter 5 in Sternheimer’s book really…

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October 19, 2015

I have always thought that it was odd to connect video game violence with actual violence. It is just like the gun war going on right now, taking guns away from everyone is not the solution. Why dont we just teach our children that just because there is violence in a game doesn’t mean thats…

Read more October 19, 2015

Violence in Video Games

Video games can be violent and with the graphics that keep coming out are very real looking. I’m not the biggest fan of video games and the most violent they get is the occasional turtle shell but I do think kids should have some restrictions on what games they play and for how long. I…

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