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Media and Violence

It is difficult to prove that violent media causes violence. Sternheimer makes this valid point. After reading Chapter 5, it was difficult to value the Levin article, though poverty, neighborhood and friends are tied to behaviors. I was struck, however, by the “Bobo doll” experiment results on p 111. Kids who watched adults pummel a…

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Marketing Violence/Chapter 5

What stood out to me in the marketing violence article was the negative characteristics with minority characters.  I have been aware that Disney movies specifically incorporate stereotypes in their movies.  I am native American and I would watch Pocahontas when I was younger.  I didn’t think anything of it at that time, but there is…

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Chapter 4 Reading!

Reading chapter 4 was quite controversial. Chapter 4 basically talked about whether technology is making us dumber? at the beginning of the chapter I didn’t necessarily agree with the statement, but I did think of ways how social media, television, and the use of technology can take away from our learning. However, I began to…

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October 12th

There where many points in these articles in which I related day to day experiences society has with the news and media in general. In the article Poverty’s Poor Show in the Media there where three particular statements that jumped out at me. For one when the article spoke about” journalist interviewing people who are like…

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Week 7 Readings

Happy Saturday! Back to reading Sterheimer this week. I think the Sternheimer chapter for this week ties in really well with our discussion(s) last week about poverty. She talks about how the media is seen as problematic and is a distraction from reality. This also connected well with the Kuper, Ridgway, and Fremstad articles that…

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October 12

4 Problems With the Way the Media Depicts Poor People:    Out of all three articles this one was pretty accurate on how society ignores poor people. “This escapism – and that’s really what “reality” TV is – takes us away from the realties of our daily, monotonous lives, and enables us to live temporarily…

Read more October 12

Poverty in Media

I think that poverty is such a personal and touchy topic to talk about. I personally don’t like talking about it because it makes me feel uncomfortable. People who financially struggle is difficult to talk about or read about, for me. After reading Poverty’s poor show in the media, the dominant culture paradigms, came to…

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Media and the Poor

I was not really sure how I was going to feel about the articles this week. I think that talking about wealth or the lack there of is something that is very personal fro most people and  I was worried that the articles were going to rub me the wrong way. However , I was…

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