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345G2 2015-10-07 01:49:49

On the article about the basic facts about children in poverty, it surprised me that there was a difference in the percentage of children in poverty from different age groups. What I did not find surprising was that parents’ nativity contributed to the percentage of children in low-income families. In the article “Poverty’s Poor Show…

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What’s Dumbing Down America?!

Chapter four’s title caught my attention and drew me into reading the chapter.  Sternheimer elaborates on the recent news stories argue that the internet is “re-wiring young people’s minds, and not for the best.” That statement made me ponder, and it’s leaning me more and more to believe it. There is so much negative corrupted…

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October 12

“It distracts us from knowing too much about the way American society is structured, being too aware of social problems that might seem boring in the face of so much other interesting stuff out there to pay attention” (73). Yes, we society is engulfed in materialistic possessions and media. For starters, the UGG fascination. We…

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week5 posting

hey guys, so I really sat down and started to think after reading Grinberg’s “Let toys be toys,” article, and realized all of the things being taught to different kids each day. It really is true when she states that the way you are told how and which toys you should use (depending on the…

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Little girls Wow! was how the articles left me complimenting little I believe on things like the newest clothes and shoes is absurd to me 10 years ago because I didn’t grow up with those things and my sisters did. I always have been on the late train with the newest things and have always…

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October 5th

DeMause Poverty in the News and Frica Global Food Disparity a Photo Diary The article on poverty was interesting in the sense that we are aware that poverty is an issue worldwide yet we don’t give it as much as attention as other issues. Just knowing about something isn’t really enough to change the outcome…

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October 5th

The Best Way to Compliment Little Girls: When I read this article I realized, this is the best way to inspire little girls to care more about their inner beauty not just their appearance. Growing up I didn’t really have that problem. However, I did have friends that only cared about appearance. I always thought…

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