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Week 5 Posting 2

Hello, everyone! I wanted to make a separate post for the 2001 Gross article, 2015 Grinberg article, and 2015 Powers article. I found the Gross  article really interesting. It was funny because at the time I was indulging in a guilty pleasure, watching Glee (I know, it’s terrible). However, there were examples of what the…

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Blog #4

Visibility, representation , and diversity were all key points that were talked about in our readings this week. In the article, “The Poor Will Always Be With Us: Just not on the TV News”, I was not surprised to learn that the media gives little coverage about poverty in America, however, what I found to be…

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I really enjoyed the articles this week specifically I enjoyed “The Best way to Compliment Little Girls.” I honestly never really thought about how giving someone a compliment can affected them so negatively. I find myself constantly complimenting women on physical aspects of themselves instead of complimenting who they are as a person . For…

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October 5

My favorite article: “Best way to compliment little girl” I printed this out and gave it to my mom and told her to read it that she needed more insight on this topic. I know I talk a lot about my sister and mom but they are the epidemy of all this stuff ha. My…

Read more October 5

Week 5 posting

Hey guys, Im sorry I’ve been slacking a little bit on these blog posts, I am looking forward to engaging in conversation this week, and raising our group total to a 3! I’d like to start by commenting on one of the readings and see what everyone else got from it. The article called “Global…

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Young Girls Compliments

I really liked this article a lot especially after watching the short video in class. I don’t really think about how I talk to young girls. I have two young nieces as you guys know and I don’t know how many times I’ve told them how big they are getting. and Sarah Powers said that’s…

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Cyberbullying I found this chapter to be very difficult to read because, these are teens who actually had to go through these terrible emptions all alone. I can only imagine the pain and confusion these teens felt as their lives seemed to be, deemed unworthy by bullies who no doubt are dealing  with their own…

Read more 9/26/2015

September 28

So when reading this chapter, the entire time, I was thinking oh my gosh, social networking does kill!! But theres  a point that says it is getting better and not “deadly”. I totally disagree, Bullying has been issue since the beginning of time and we (UNFORTUNATELY) will always have it in our society (MAYBE ONE…

Read more September 28