
Getting the Ball Rolling

This weekend(9/27/15) was a good start to collecting data. With the help of some friends I accurately surveyed four out of the five of my survey sites. I have already surveyed these points but have honed in on my techniques with greater accuracy and ease. In addition to surveying, I also took a shore line track. Since the start of school I can visually see sections of the sand start to disappear. In general, the waves this weekend were small. Needless to say, there were still some fun waves to be caught. Some thoughts for improvement on my researching would be to buy more sunscreen and bring a big umbrella(the sun was strong this weekend). I also found it to be easier to make a straight line with the transect tape by walking backwards holding the compass. Overall successful weekend of collecting data. I would like to thank Andrew Shimizu and Lauren Zahn for coming out and helping me survey. Great success!


Non-Native Invasive Species on Santa Rosa Island

IMG_3569My capstone project will be focused on non-native invasive species on Santa Rosa Island. There are many invasive species on the island, most of which get dropped there as seeds from visitors shoes or gear and will often take root near Ports of Entry. These invasive species then compete with natives for space and nutrients to thrive, diminishing the natives populations greatly. I will work on creating a Plant Identification Chart for others to easily identify invasive species. I will also catalog plants using a GPS unit to map out a 20m zone around Ports of Entry as well as sample 500m transects along dirt roads and trails to see how much coverage invasive species are taking up. Ultimately the goal of this project will be to effectively map out the locations of these invasive species and create a management plan to potentially begin restoration. I hypothesize that invasive species will higher in coverage near Ports of Entry than Dirt Roads and Trails further inland.


Water Canyon Vegetation


This capstone project will take place in Water Canyon on Santa Rosa Island. Cattle and elk heavily grazed Santa Rosa Island for 150 years having severe impacts on the vegetation. The island has been going through recovery for 3 years after the last elk was removed in 2012. This study will look at the vegetation distribution throughout the watershed, primarily focusing on the riparian habitats and terraces. Surveys will be conducted to identify species within cross sections of the stream channel. Patterns of population niches will be identified. Further research will be conducted from literature to identify why certain species inhabit certain areas.

Vegetation distribution will be examined with regards to upstream/ downstream patterns, elevation, slope, and materials within the stream channel (boulders, rocks, soils, etc.). Additionally, Invasive species will be identified and examined to see the impacts on the native species. It is anticipated that biodiversity will decrease with an increase of invasive species. The study will compare the expected vegetation in Water Canyon with literature that focuses on vegetation in stream channels and significantly impacted areas. This project will be collecting baseline data that can be used in future research projects after the island has more time to recover or after any significant natural event.


Project Mentor: Linda O’Hirok

Weekend #1

I took my first trip out to Santa Rosa Island this weekend and finally got started on my Bishop Pine research.  On the first day I went on a hike with Cause and some other students to get accustomed to the island and on Saturday we really got started on the interesting stuff.  We started the day by getting up into the mountains at 8:30 am to meet Catherine at the erosion mitigation site at a couple of the island oak groves and around 12 pm I got to my site where I will be researching the Bishop Pines.  I counted 5 trees ranging from a few inches tall to 6 meters, but most of the big guys were dead.  I also got to enjoy some beautiful views from my research site without another person for miles, it was awesome.  Unfortunately I didn’t get any pictures on Santa Rosa but here is a picture of a large Bishop Pine grove that has almost completely died off on Santa Cruz Island from the boat ride back.

Santa Cruz Dead Bishop Grove

Entry #1- First Look

I have begun my project by looking at areas that have recorded sightings of the unarmored threespine stickleback fish in the Santa Clarita area. The first place I checked out was a small section of the Santa Clara River. I found a small creek with water emptying into it from an unknown source. The water closest to the source looked unhealthy and had a layer of foam floating on surface. In addition, the water was brown and it was difficult to see anything in it. I walked along the creek for about 15 minutes and did not see any fish. I thought the water was now uninhabitable until I saw a few snails and frogs moving along the bottom. Hopefully I will see some fish in the next spot I check out.


This photo shows the point source of water for the creek I found. The white areas on the surface were foam and bubbles which covered most of the surface of the pool beneath this entry point.


So far everything is going well. The high school students don’t appear to be that interested in all of this. I am very much hoping that this will change as the year continues on. Most of the students seem to be nice enough and I hope that it will be fun for them to learn it all and I hope that i have fun teaching them all about it.


Hello my name is Dylan Fadich



… and this is my capstone

Geomorphology of Water Canyon on Santa Rosa Island

My capstone will focus on gathering geomorphological information on Water Canyon on Santa Rosa Island. I will be taking cross sections of water canyon and studying sedimentation flow throughout the river channel. We will also be studying the erosion effects and dynamics of the stream channel in order to do this, permits must be granted to set up sediment traps in the canyon. My mentor and project overseer will be Linda O’Hirok. This Project was proposed to her by the National Park Service whose goal is to gather more data on the geomorphology of Water Canyon. My hypothesis is that there will be large scale changes to the sedimentation and erosion processes throughout the different sections of the Water Canyon stream channel. Once we are out in the field my hypothesis and aspects of my project could vary slightly.

Blog Post #1

This is my first blog post. I don’t really know how this works, and am not sure if it will show up on my website or not. I am having trouble figuring out where everything goes once you’ve made something, like a page, how do you get to it when you are on your site? You can type it into the URL but is that the only way to find a page. I’m not even sure where this blog post will go.

Help! If anyone from Capstone that is more tech-savy than I,

actually sees this!

Over and Out

-Aspen CotyIMG_2042

Microplastics Update

Today Vanessa VanHeerden and I found that there are micro-plastics in some of the sand samples from the Cook islands.  We will be processing the rest of the 85 samples throughout the next month.  

On another note: Under the advisement and guidance of Dr. Clare Wormald-Steele and Dr. Sean Anderson last week I started exposing the collected sample of sand crabs to micro plastic beads to see if they would ingest them.  After 1 week the sand crabs were frozen and then dissected today.  Vanessa VanHeerden and I  found that over 80% of them had ambient fibers/plastics in their digestive tracts.  1 of the sand crabs that was exposed to micro plastic beads had 92 plastic microbeads inside of it.  These are initial findings and we plan to investigate further.

Crab_8_2-2 IMG_7837





Jay Woolsey
717 Paseo Camarillo, Camarillo CA, 93010 | (619) 315-3464 |
· To make earth a habitable place for the future
· This area is subject to change due to job title
· Major: Environmental Science and Resource Management
· Worked with ecosystem restoration, stream restoration, Remote Operated Vehicles (ROV), middle and high school students with restoration and wetlands
· Field Methods: A three week course working closely with National Park Service focused on field work and methods based on Santa Rosa Island
· Geographic information systems training
· General high school education
· Wood shop skill set acquired
· Theater technician and stage set maintenance
Skills & Abilities
· As an avid backpacker I can hike long distances to get to remote destinations for research while being safe
· With this skill comes a survival skill set
· Basic medical training and certifications
· Fire and fire safety training
· Analytic in the lab and in the field
· Sensor use such as pH, dissolved oxygen, nitrates and nitrites, titrations, chloride testing, spectrometers, etc.
· Proper sample grabbing techniques for sterile containers
· Knowledge of proper use for GPS, compass, radio and other basic skill sets involving being lost or injured
· Knowledge of power tools and safety (chainsaw, skill saw, power drill, jackhammer, etc.)
· This course covered the basics of almost every field in island bio-geography
· Worked close with National Park Service rangers
· Worked in fields such as
· Botany
· Ornithology
· Herpetology
· Geology
· Marine ecosystems
· Island history of Santa Rosa Island
· Inter tidal ecosystems
· Sustainable practices
· Working in teams with ROV groups and in Field Methods class
· Field team work with identification of flora and fauna of inter tidal, woodland, chaparral, coastal bluff and erosion sites
· Working with middle and high school students at each clean up workshops
· Vocal about ideas and always open to new ideas
· Leading informal naturalist hikes through inter tidal zones, canyons and coastal bluffs at Santa Rosa Island in small groups
· Assisting in team building and leading exercises with ROV units
· Group leader and volunteer at Boys and Girls Club of America
· Leading beach cleanup crews of middle and high school students
· Water analysis and lab testing
· Sewer treatment plant facility assistant
· Meter repair and maintenance
· Road construction
· Well housing construction
· Basic medical training courses
· Shop maintenance
· Register
· Machine maintenance
· Floor assistant
· Stocking shelves
· Store maintenance