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Who are Software Developers?

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Hello everyone,

My name is Oliver Mercado. I graduated from the nursing program at Ventura College in May 2014 and became licensed in the same year. Other than clinicials during the program, I have no other healthcare work experience but look forward to finding a job this year. I’m not sure which area I’d like to work in yet, but telemetry is always an area of preference for me.

Short Bio

sola con diplomaHello!

My name is Sabrina Aguirre and I am almost 24 y/o. I was born and raised in Lima-Peru, but my family roots expand to the jungle and mountains of Peru as well. I came to USA when I was 16, and did 2 years of High school. It was very hard to live in a totally different world from one day to the other, especially because I did not speak English very well. High school was a  great place to improve my English and I am thankful for that. I graduated from Chatsworth H.S. in 2009 and went straight to Pierce Community College to get my per-requisites to apply to Nursing school while I started my first job at a retail store. I finished all my requisites in Fall/2011 and applied to Pierce and College of the Canyons (COC) crossing my fingers to be accepted to one of those schools. I remember I had to go personally to COC to turn in my transcripts because only a day before the last day to turn them in I had received my official transcripts. In February of 2012, I got notified I had been accepted to the COC nursing program. At that time, I was working as a bank teller, and even though it was a great experience, I decided to quit my job to focus entirely on my studies. I began nursing school in fall 2012 and I graduated this June 10, 2014. There were many times that I questioned if I was going to be able to graduate, but thank God it was possible with lots of hard work, sacrifices, and dedication. I got my CA RN license in August, and I started working as an RN at a surgical center in October. I never imagined that I would be working in OR, but I really like it, and I am learning a lot. I am being trained in pre, intra, and post-surgery rotations, which I think is great. All my co-workers are very nice and patient with me. Even the doctors (anesthesiologists) that I work with are willing to teach me everything they can. I am thankful for being there. My ultimate goal is to work at a Hospital, but it seems hard right now due to the competence out there. I have faith the day will come though. I’d like to work in ER or L&D one day; those were my two favorite rotations during nursing school. Now I am continuing my education and I am pursuing my BSN degree in Nursing because I think it is necessary for the work environment. As I said before, there is a lot of competence, so I want to posses all qualifications I need to grow professionally.

Regarding my personal life, I have 2 sisters and 1 brother that I love, and 2 great supportive parents. I consider myself artistic (not an artist), so I like drawing, painting, dancing, and probably singing a little too; I’m really shy though. I love exercising, and traveling. I’d love to learn another language and speak it fluently. I speak a little Portuguese, and I know a few words of Quechua, which is a Peruvian dialect. I love going to church every week and work with the youth and early teens class I am in charge of. In summary, I am blessed to be where I am right now, and I am excited to see what the next year will bring in every aspect including this class. Thank you, and have a wonderful day!

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Week 1 Discussion: Digital Technology And Healthcare

There’s no doubt that technology is our future, doesn’t matter what field your in medicine, business, communication, or education, technology is ever evolving. There our so many new apps, I can’t even keep up anymore! When I was at the airport the other day I saw a magazine called Mac Life, and this particular issue was dedicated to the 40 best ios apps that had come out this past year! It really blew my mind a whole magazine about all things apple and apps. I thought to myself, have a fallen that far behind?! I have an apple phone and I’m not even sure I’ve downloaded eight new apps this year! Surely I’m missing out. Being able to monitor our sleep, social interactions, and fitness was interesting to me we can sort of see our life on something like a pie chart and make changes where we need to, and perhaps spend more of our time in healthier ways. I thought the mention of “PATRICIA” was awesome your own personal affective therapist in your pocket, who couldn’t use some motivational feedback, but I especially think its helpful for those enduring a debilitating injury or rehabilitation. What I found fascinating about PATRCIA is that it’s not your standard auto-response inspirational quote but its personal, based on your physiological responses such as heart rate and respirations.

Technology in my opinion has its greatest potential in preventative and maintenance of health. Using technology to prevent strokes can save lives and prevent a lifetime of debilitating injuries. However, one has to wonder how many hours a day is it necessary to wear the electrode belt? There must be a minimum hours a day it must be worn to get a accurate reading right? Is it uncomfortable? Is it bulky? A month is a long time to wear this device and if its heavy or uncomfortable it might not get a lot of wear. Apps like this could help assessment in the future, and it could give the patients more insight into their health and life style. Fitness apps could also help keep patients on track, promoting them to be more active and perhaps eat healthier. There are also apps I’ve seen where you can use your phone as a scanner and scan the bar code on the packages of what you eat, enter quantities, and keep track of daily intake and nutrition.

However, the major problem I see with gathering patient data outside of the clinical setting is its accuracy. Also, how will all of this patient information be organized? Tons of data collected monthly, weekly, daily, hourly on thousands or perhaps millions of patients where will it all go? How will it be stored? And for that fact will it be safe and secure? Now days, on the news we hear about all this information leaking and sites being hacked keeping patient information secure should be a top priority.

Besides a laptop my primary medical doctor uses I don’t think I’ve seen any new technology used at the bedside for patient education however videos and animations would be a perfect tool for patients to view while their bound to a hospital bed. Also, having a link on the hospitals webpage to patient education so in the situation a patient misplaces their educational printouts they still have access to the information.

Lots of new technology is headed our way whether were ready or not, and id like to find that I’m ready and able to use new programs, apps, and devices to help improve patients health.


Hello all

I am Sophia Manson and I’m a Scorpio.I graduated from Ventura College and passed my NCLEX in Sept.  Currently I work in Assessment and Referrals as a RN at Vista del Mar psych hospital.  I get the opportunity to sharpen my assessment skills at my job a well as see the inter-workings of the hospital politics and learn another side to nursing dealing with paperwork and insurance companies as well.

Nursing school had shown me I am interested in many areas of nursing its hard to decide where my true passion lies and I am excited to see where my career will take me. My ADN is just the beginning of a career that will hopefully ( I only say hopefully for financial reasons) take me to obtaining my NP.  I am fascinated by the juvenile justice system and would like to eventually be a practitioner in one of the youth authority facilities or a facility like Casa Pacifica for youths with behavior problems. On the other hand public health nursing is also an interest of mine. So this journey will be very interesting.

Technology in health care

I think the advancement of technology in regard to health care apps is a very good thing.  Consumerism is on the rise and not only do people have internet access, they have it in the palm of their hand with a wealth of information.  Apps now cannot only allow you to take a pulse but they can keep logs on blood sugars, to pedometers  with food and exercise logs.  There are also reference apps for medication searches and blood test normal ranges. I even used apps to study for the NCLEX.  So both the public and health care workers have access to very useful information. I think my use of it will continue to be the same over time which is for everything. I use technology for work school and play.

Mobile technology has a variety of uses as well.  It allows for mobile based home health care and electronic / mobile charting.   This can keep a patient out of the hospital and in the comfort of their own home.  Patient safety is a concern however this makes a nurse’s/heath care professional’s teaching is so important in regard to monitors.  Regular home visits by a nurse are also imperative to keeping the patient safe.

There is tons of research that’s been done on home care and mobile pro’s are a drastic reduction in health care costs, the con being hospitals losing money for the patients that stay out of the hospital.