
Personal Statement

Strength Finder

I chose to take the Strengths Finder quiz because I was given an unused access code.

I didn’t love the format. It was a 100+ question survey and it had a statement on either end, and in the middle was a neutral option and then either side was “extremely like me” and then “somewhat like me” and then I would choose which option applied most to me.


My results gave me my top five strengths which are (in order):

1. Harmony

2. Context

3. Intellection

4. Empathy

5. Individualization

I personally was not surprised by my results after reading up on the different strengths. Each strength is put into a category, and the four categories are: executing, influencing, relationship building, and strategic thinking. Three out of my five strengths were relationship building and I definitely see that as my strong suit. I love taking these kinds of surveys because when I get the results it’s extremely validating, like “Oh yeah! That’s totally me!”.  I do agree with Jaimie that it is a little frustratig to only get my strengths and not things I could work on, especially since it was such an extensive survey. Attached is the breakdown of my 5 strengths for further reference.




1, 2, 3, Values in Action


Ready, set, action!

Ok, personality tests are not nearly as interesting as a big action blockbuster. However, like most movies they are a kind of journey- a self discovery journey. And at the end you have to make a decision or two. 1-does this really reflect who I am? and 2-If it does, do you like what you see?


I took the Values in Action test. (Hence this rather punny post).  It gave me 24 values in a ranked order that correspond with me. I completely agree with the first ten values which are as follows.

1. Creativity Thinking of new ways to do things is a crucial part of who you are. You are never content with doing something the conventional way if a better way is possible.

2. Fairness Treating all people fairly is one of your abiding principles. You do not let your personal feelings bias your decisions about other people. You give everyone a chance.

3. Appreciation of Beauty & Excellence You notice and appreciate beauty, excellence, and/or skilled performance in all domains of life, from nature to art to mathematics to science to everyday experience.

4. Kindness You are kind and generous to others, and you are never too busy to do a favor. You enjoy doing good deeds for others, even if you do not know them well.

5. Curiosity You are curious about everything. You are always asking questions, and you find all subjects and topics fascinating. You like exploration and discovery

6. Zest Regardless of what you do, you approach it with excitement and energy. You never do anything halfway or halfheartedly. For you, life is an adventure.

7. Gratitude You are aware of the good things that happen to you, and you never take them for granted. Your friends and family members know that you are a grateful person because you always take the time to express your thanks.

8. Humor You like to laugh and tease. Bringing smiles to other people is important to you. You try to see the light side of all situations.

9. Teamwork You excel as a member of a group. You are a loyal and dedicated teammate, you always do your share, and you work hard for the success of your group.

10. Honesty You are an honest person, not only by speaking the truth but by living your life in a genuine and authentic way. You are down to earth and without pretense; you are a “real” person.

I agree with most of the rest of the values. I think they are a fairly accurate portrayal of what I value.   However I don’t really agree with the order.  I think leadership and love of learning particular should be higher on the list then what they are.  I can’t say that I really learned anything from this experience, but I was surprised by several things. One is the appreciation of beauty quality. It is something I have always sort of seen but had never really put into words before now.  I see magic and beauty in a good book or in a starlight night. I just never thought of that as a value before.


As for the second question since I agree with the majority of this assessment, I like what qualities I value. Creativity is one of the things that I do hold dear to my heart. I am glad that is reflected and shines though. And I have been doing all kinds of volunteer work since I was six.  I am proud that this comes across as one of my core beliefs.


And as they say in the movies, THAT’S A WRAP.




Can A Person’s Character Be Summed Up in 24 Points?

Today I took a self assessment test titled Values in Action Inventory of Strengths. The test required that I honestly answer 120 questions. From the answers I provided, 24 character strengths were generated – with number 1 being the strongest strength and 24 being the weakest.

My strengths are as follows:

  1. Appreciation of Beauty & Excellence
  2. Love of Learning
  3. Humor
  4. Perseverance
  5. Fairness
  6. Honesty
  7. Kindness
  8. Love
  9. Prudence
  10. Curiosity
  11. Hope
  12. Leadership
  13. Social Intelligence
  14. Bravery
  15. Teamwork
  16. Judgment
  17. Zest
  18. Humility
  19. Perspective
  20. Creativity
  21. Self-Regulation
  22. Forgiveness
  23. Gratitude
  24. Spirituality

When I received and reviewed my strengths, I was surprised that I actually agreed with what was generated. I have never been a fan of personality or character quizzes because I have always felt that they never truly nail the essence of who I am. This was the first test that actually got the gist of my character.

I was extremely satisfied with points one, two, and three (Appreciation of Beauty & Excellence, Love of Learning, & Humor). I feel that those three points alone truly describe me as a person.

In regards to point one, Appreciation of Beauty & Excellence, the assessment states that I “notice and appreciate beauty, excellence, and/or skilled performance in all domains of life, from nature to art to mathematics to science to everyday experience.” This is completely true! I have always viewed my surrounds and occurrences in an artistic way. My mother always tells me that I romanticize everything. I have always taken pleasure in the simplest things and I always try to find the beauty in everything. Yet, I have never been able to find the exact words to explain this to people, until now.

Point two was not a surprise to me, for I have always known that I love to learn; but I was surprised that it was number two on the list. It made me realize how much I value knowledge and growth in myself and others.

My favorite point was number three, humor. I grew up in a very humorous household led by the king funny man himself, my father. From him I learned my humorous ways. When people first met me, they do not expect such a trait from me. It isn’t until people get to know me that they witness my funny side. It is nice to see that this characteristic is viewed as a strength, for I have never really viewed it in that manner. I have always seen it as a social benefit rather than a character strength.

I think this assessment was fun and beneficial. I loved the results I received. I believe this assessment was able to describe my character perfectly. I would totally recommend it to others.


Mission Pillar Reflection

Skills of a Leader Called Me

Today I took the Values in Action Inventory of Strengths (VIA-IS). This specific survey talks about the 24 strengths that you have as a leader and places them in order of strongest to weakest. My top 3 strengths are Honesty, Perseverance, and Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence. My bottom 3 strengths are Self- Regulation, Spirituality and Humility. I didn’t really learn all to much, to be honest I don’t take much from these kinds of activities because they all vary from test to test, one can tell you that you have a wide range of perspective and another telling you to work on your perspective. AS far as what it told me, I can’t say I agree with it because I feel like I have stronger strengths than what was told to me.

First Post

Hello Everyone!

First post of the site and I would just like to thank anyone who is visiting. Check out the menus and such as they will be updated periodically with exciting information on my current research at CSUCI.


Values in Action Inventory of Strengths

This week I had the opportunity to take the Values in Action Inventory of Strengths (VIA-IS). I found that the test rated my top twenty four strengths. My number one strength was perspective, two Hope, curiosity, Bravery, and leadership. These are the top five but so on and so on, the bottom four include prudence, forgiveness, creativity, and honesty. I learned more about the description of what these qualities are. I knew about all twenty four qualities but just got another insight from another perspective. Based off my own qualities and what I learned out of humbleness I agree. I say this because perspective being number one, aside from the other twenty three is by far my greatest strength. Though the test may have been bias or not I feel anyone can hold those 24 qualities depending on who they are. This test helped me build on my perspective.

Hello Hemodynamics…

Hemodynamics seems really complicated with the lines, connections, wires, transducers, and optical cables. However, remember you usually do some level of hemodynamic monitoring on all patients when you evaluate vital signs, urine output, and hydration status.

This month is dedicated to cardiac health and as you can see I have updated our banner and colors to reflect that! As we talk more about cardiovascular disease and assessment, and after this week’s simulation, I am sure you will all remember key elements to ask for new complaints of shortness of breath or chest pain.

Have a great weekend!

Project’s ACCESO 2015 Summer Research Institute

Project ACCESO is seeking applications from CI and community college STEM students to be part of the 45 student cohort this summer. Students need to apply for this program by 5 pm Friday, February 20. The application can be accessed through this website: