

Hello Group,
My name is Susana Patricio. This is the last class I need to obtain my Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Studies. I was unable to fit this class in my schedule this past semester because I had a baby girl in January. Luckily, I was able to participate in the commencement ceremony on Saturday. My goal in the next year, is to enroll in a credential program at CSUCI or Cal Lutheran. In the next five years, I believe my Bachelor’s Degree will allow me to have a stable teaching job. I also believe my education will allow me to have a job where I can spend more time with my family and have weekends off. A guilty pleasure for me is probably checking TMZ every other day on my phone and also watching Netflix before going to bed.Family Events 2016 141



Hello everybody, my name is Lauren. This is my first online class. I’m 21 years old and this is my second semester at CI. I transferred from Humboldt State where I went for 3 years but I grew up in Ventura. I’m a Liberal Studies major, mainly because I found out it would be the fastest way for me to graduate. I’ve changed my major so many times that I was actually able to create a Liberal Studies major out of all the random classes I took in my different majors. Last week I got hired to be a cashier at CVS in Santa Barbara which is a bit of a commute but it made me really happy because I’ve been trying to get work for months. It’s also my kind of job since I get to be standing and moving around and interacting with people. I don’t know why but I’ve never liked to sit for extended periods of time. That’s one of the reasons I’m excited to be finished with school after the fall semester. It’s nice to meet you all!

Let Me Introduce Myself


Hi All, my name is Hannah. I just completed my first year at CSUCI as a junior transfer. My major is Liberal Studies-Teaching and Learning with a concentration in Psychology. After I graduate next year, I plan on attending CI’s Credential Program to get my multiple subject teaching credential. In 5 years, I hope to have my own classroom. I hope to be teaching 1st, 2nd, or 3rd grade, but I will teach any grade K-6.

I currently work at the Montessori School of Ojai as an assistant in the Infant and Toddler room (0-24 months). I absolutely love it! I am amazed everyday at how much information young children’s brains can absorb.

Besides working and going to school, I love travelling, cooking, and spending time with my family and friends. The picture above is from just this weekend. My boyfriend and I went to Monterey for a weekend getaway and this picture is from the Monterey Bay Aquarium. I have travelled with my family to Mexico, British Columbia, Alaska, Italy, Switzerland and more. I also love baking and cooking. I really enjoy baking and decorating cakes and cupcakes. When I’m not doing any of the above, I can usually be found enjoying life with my family of friends.

I hope you are all successful in this course and I hope you have a wonderful summer!


Hello everyone!


Hello everyone, my name is Sebastian Reyes. I am a senior at CSUCI who has had the privilege of walking with my fellow classmates this past Saturday. I only have two more classes left this summer to receive my BA in psychology! Yet, both are online courses which is a first. However, considering what I have read  thus far from your descriptions and what is expected from us in the course. I can say this is going to be quite an experience because there is much to be learned and much to be applied. I consider this course to be important through the means of persuasion and framing. Which will offer all of us a realistic scope of media. I feel that the education we all have gained thus far with theories needs to be applied towards progressive thinking. I consider mass media as distraction for our society, but can serve as a powerful tool if directed properly with purpose. With that said I look forward to sharing and engaging with you all.

Hi group 3!


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Hello everyone! My name is Gianna White and this upcoming fall will be my second year at CI! I was a transfer student from Moorpark College. I am majoring in Early Childhood Studies and I am beyond thrilled that I willl get to be working with children. After graduation next year I want to complete the prerequisites to apply in the teaching credential program here at CI. My goal is to become an elementary scool teacher for kindergarten or first grade. The future does freak me out sometimes since graduation time is approaching  and the road to becoming a teacher  seems intense. However I have been ready for the busy road up ahead and excited to become a teacher! This is also my first online class so I did spend some time yesterday exploring the course, and if anyone has any pointers along the way don’t be shy and share them with me! I’d love any guidance!! ? A guilty pleasure I have about media is Instagram…. I spend too much time on the app on my phone and it is terrible!!! During the last weeks of school this past semester I would delete the app on my phone when I needed to get assignments completed, very sad I know! Taking breaks from social media are beneficial for sure. I am excited about this course and ready to learn several new things over the next 5 weeks!


Hi my name is Rebecca Griffin!

I have one more semester before I graduate and go on to do my teaching credentials. In five years I see myself as being an elementary school teacher.  I love the little ones and hope to get Kindergarten or First grade.  A little more about me I love sports and on down time I love to paint. I especially love basketball as I’ve played since I was five years old. I’ve played on club teams, high school, and in college. I am half French and half American  because my mom is form France and my dad is from Louisiana. If any of you are taking French for a language at CI let me know I can help as I speak it fluently. One of my guilty pleasures is I feel like I check social media sites like Instagram and Snapchat too much when I’m just bored. Instead I want to try doing something rather than always being on my phone! Lastly I do love traveling and have been to many different places in the States as well as in Europe like France, United Kingdom, and Ireland. Nice to meet you all!


Hey Guys!

Hi everyone!  My name is Sheridan Soderstrom and I have been a student at CI for 4 years.  I expect to graduate in Spring 2017 and while that’s a year away, my nerves are setting in since I find each year seems to go swifter than the previous one!  I’m a 22 year old Communications major and incredibly happy to be one.  I have a deep appreciation for the art of communication and believe that if one can fine tune their communication skills, the world will become their oyster.

I am an only child born and raised in Burbank, California.  It was a lovely place to grow up and it will always be home.  I had the wonderful opportunity to dorm at Channel Islands my first year and a half of my college career.  I was fortunate in that my interactions with my roommates were nothing short of amazing and one of them has become one of my nearest and dearest friends.  On the subject of friends, I have a great group of people in my life including my boyfriend and friends that have been in my life for years (one of whom for 20 years!).  I consider my relationships to be a fundamental part of my identity as well as past/future lessons and compassion and understanding.

On a much lighter note, a guilty media pleasure of mine, without a shadow of a doubt is reality TV.  I love everything from the Real Housewives franchise on Bravo to Keeping Up with the Kardashians.  I’m a little ashamed to admit that and I promise have other far more redeeming interests!

I’m really excited for summer to begin and all the fun adventures that come along with this time of year.  I am also looking forward to this course starting and am confident that it will be awesome!  Here’s to a great 5 weeks (:


Audrianna Moore


Hello group 5! My name is Audrianna, but feel free to call me Anna as it’s faster to type and much easier to spell. ? I’ll be completely honest, I’m a tad terrified of this class because it’s the first time I’ve taken an online course during the summer that is so writing intensive. I am excited about it though and I’m looking forward to working with everyone in our group.

I’ll go ahead and follow in Kam and Rebecca’s footsteps and tell y’all a little about myself!

I’m currently a senior, I transferred into CI last fall and wanted to finish my degree as quickly as possible because I’ve been in school for so long (6 years almost– eek!) and just want to start my professional career already. I busted out some remaining resolve and have managed to finish up a semester early, and thus I graduate next semester. I love CI but I’m so ready to graduate!

I’m a huge nerd, I occupy my free time playing video games with my husband, and the many friends I’ve made over the years in person and online. I’m currently the President for the CI eSports club on campus, and you should definitely check us out if anyone is back on campus next semester, we have a lot of fun tournaments and club meetings if you’re into games! ? My guilty pleasure would probably be my love for takis. They are hotter than the sun sometimes but they’re just too addicting, and I usually end up eating too much until I start to feel sick.

I’ve known my husband for over 12 years, dated for a little over half of that, and have been married for a year and a couple of months. He’s from eastern Canada, and that’s also where I’m currently at for my lovely summer break! We met online and several years later things just clicked. I’ve always been interested in communication (hence why I’m majoring in it) and I’m very much looking forward to using this class to really further my knowledge about mass media and communication. I one day would like to work for a Non-profit focused on using video games to help kids in need, and I’d like to use my knowledge gained during my college career to help older generations rid themselves of the negative views of video games.

I think that I’m starting to ramble on a bit too much so I’ll cut my post here. Once again, I’m looking forward to working with all of you!



My name is Mary White. I am excited to be taking this course this summer but also nervous because I tend to struggle with technology at times. I am about to begin my senior year at CSUCI this Autumn for my BA in Liberal Studies. I feel I am determined, responsible, and highly driven. In the next five years I hope to be teaching in my own elementary school classroom and working on my Masters. I would say a guilty pleasure of mine would be reality television. I can watch anything from bickering housewives to dramatic veterinarians  for hours without fail. I become so immersed in those worlds even though I would describe it all as trash television. One thing I found funny on the internet recently was a Facebook post that linked to the website, BuzzFeed. They compiled 24 posts from Tumblr that described being a cat owner which I found both relatable and funny because I have always owned cats in my life.

If you are interested, here is the link:

And here is a selfie for you all (:


Hey Group!

Hey everyone! My name is Allison Sommars, and I just finished up my third year here at CI. I am 21 years old and ready to party it up this summer, just kidding! I am not the partying type.  I was born and raised in San Diego and plan on never leaving. Hopefully I can live in San Diego after I graduate. Speaking of graduating, I honestly have no clue what I want to do with my life. I am a communication major with an emphasis in health, so I am thinking about speech pathology or going into nursing school, but I still have time to make up my mind. My most favorite thing to do is be outside, whether it is at the beach or on a hiking trail. My biggest guilty pleasure involving media is Netflix. For example, I watched Greys Anatomy for the majority of the day today, oops. Oh, also the Bachelor/Bachelorette series. If I miss an episode, I honestly get a little sad and have to find a way to watch it ASAP, it’s terrible. Anyways, that’s me! Looking forward to what this class is all about! ?
