Blog 4

Part I:

The last class meeting I was unable to attend due to family emergency


Part II:

The two articles that we read this week. There were noticeable difference between the two authors Hurtado emphasized more on statistical data versus Torres emphasized more on the meaning of being Latino/a. For example, Torres states “Most students experience conflict in trying please their parents, have parents who sacrifice t send them to college”. Personally education was pushed on me because my parents sacrificed so much to us a better life; however, they wanted me to maintain my traditional values as a Latina. Many times causing a lot of confusion and conflict within myself and home. Trying to balance home expectations and outside expectations could be very difficult at times. Although, the articles identify struggles that Latino/a may face when attending college I was able to relate to the articles on a very personal level as I myself have faced many of these challenges.


In the article Chang & Kiang the article described how Asian American feel they are discriminated against and feel they must live up to this standard. Many people like myself have this belief that Asian people are really smart and never need help. However, we should all be aware that every race/ethnicity needs help and our campuses should offer more diversity programs to students.