First Day

Hey Folks,

Welcome to my first full post since shutting FB down for the term. The holidays was a boring one for me, with the coldness and conserving of money. We’ve pushed through the coldness, and thanks to hibernation, Ive survived all of spring festival. Although, Im sad to say school starts now and bill paying is back. Meh I pushed and with alot of support I got my deficit down to $150, so Im really happy and Thanks to everyone out there whose help the Project feed Brian in China. My Roommates are all back from traveling and we celebrated with them buying us some pizzas from a new pizza joint that opened up recently.

It was interesting because the guy was definitely Chinese, but he had a crazy British Accent when speaking english, it was amazing. Hes got a little shop near our place so we hope to support him majorly in the future. Im hoping to find the last of the missing money soon before everything is due. With Water electricity and rent, adding on to my school bills, its an amaezment I have money to scrap for food =.=;.

But moving on, Ive been slowly traveling the streets of Chengdu checking more and more places out with window shopping when I ran into a Charlie brown Cafe, OH I sooo wanted to go in, but sadly I could not >.<