Aged or Not?

Hi folks, sorry for the short and inconsistent update between everything. Ive been swamped with work and school starting over here finally that its just been crazy! I have some recent photos of whats been going on in our daily lives here at the apartment. The first sunday before school started, Bryce, Josh, and myself decided to grab a good old american homemade folgers cup at our local favorite western food Restaurant, The lazy Pug. Of course as always it was amazing with our brunch =).

We Also Spent the afternoon prepping our kitchen for our future cooking, mainly Bryce to the lead with the kitchen cleaning. I commited myself to only help if Josh cleaned up after himself, lets see how well this all works out.

For those of you whove never seen a picture of our kitchen yet, this is after we cleaned it, its simple but it has everything we need. But of course we cant be college kids without a few nights of having fun, so I got some nice rooftop views of buildingd in our city.

Lastly but not least is the school schedule I got, its like highschool all over again just in Chinese xD.

I hope You all like this little update. The Reason though why its named Aged or not because officially it is 9:00am March 12, which is my birthday, but back home its barely 7pm, so whats the official judgment? Aged or not? lol