Travels, Tiredness, & Taking Over London


What a wonderful week it has been! From visiting the majestic Windsor Castle to seeing London from the top of the Shard, to going to the outskirts of England to see the Stonehenge, this trip has been absolutely surreal.

Even though I am tired from lack of sleep and my feet hurt from walking around so much, I cannot complain because being here and seeing all that London has to offer makes up for it.

My first traveling experience outside of the states has been one of the best trips I have ever taken. I’m so thankful for this opportunity and I will cherish this time in London forever!

Being from California, you don’t get to see a lot of historical buildings or older architecture. But in London, everywhere you walk is something new. We have learned so much with Dr. J that it makes our experience here so much better!

P.S. I’m in love with London.

Night snorkel at airport beach

Several of our group undertook a night snorkel at Airport Beach last night. The moon was full, the water was warm and the corals were busily fluorescing. We spent an hour swimming between coral bommies looking at the fishes that were active during the night, including iridescent cardinal fishes, squirrelfishes and a curious porcupine fish […]