SIOP in motion

Interaction and strategies

Siop in motion

Siop- strategies

This short youtube is one of my favorites because it shows how interaction among peers is at the center of learning. Interaction encourages sharing of ideas, oral fluency, and a chance to speak up in a low risk situation.

Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

Welcome to 605Blog

This is a space for you to process what you experience in EDUC 605 — within your own mind and with others in your small group — posing questions, formulating arguments and making sense of course readings and other learning activities that you experience.

Each week, I will offer prompts that you may choose to use to spark your reflections and analyses of that week’s reading material and other learning activities. You will be responsible for posting a response to those questions BEFORE reading, and again AFTER reading, as a way of helping you to make your learning visible to yourselves, within the safe space of your small group blog.

NOTE: Each small group blog page is password protected, but those safe spaces will only be as private as each of you commits to making them. If you walk away from a public computer without quitting your browser, you will have effectively published this private space to the next person who sits down at that computer. ALWAYS QUIT YOUR BROWSER AFTER POSTING TO YOUR SMALL GROUP BLOG.

I will use the rubrics we create in class to assess and evaluate: (1) the quality of your individual participation in this reflective blog space, and (2) the overall quality of your group’s conversation via this small-group blog.


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Missing the Islands

 The Cook Islands definitely delivered when it came to giving us ample research opportunities. In particular, the Reef Team was able to travel all over the lagoon in Aitutaki studying and surveying reefs. From less than a meter to over 6 meters deep, the reefs provided us with a multitude of species to learn and […]

Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

Four species of crown-of-thorns

I wanted to toss up a quick post to clear up something we were talking about earlier in our trip.  We had several conversations earlier regarding the challenges of crown-of-thorn starfish (Acanthaster planci; often called simply “COTS”) surrounding their purported colonial nature.  This was a misconception.  The original stepping off point was the comment that this […]

University 150 2015-08-12 14:10:22

Section 03 meets Mondays and Wednesdays from 10:00 – 11:50 AM in Bell Tower 2372. We’ll explore different aspects of transitioning to university life and developing critical thinking. In our first unit we’ll discuss useful tools at Channel Islands that can help make your studying and learning more efficient. Then we’ll delve into the nature of science, experimentation, and analytical thought. Finally we’ll examine ethical and philosophical issues in society today. Click on the the links below for more information about these individual units.

Navigating college

Scientific methodology

Ethics and society

University 150 2015-08-12 14:07:35

Section 01 meets Mondays and Wednesdays from 8:00 – 9:50 AM in Del Norte 1555. We’ll explore different aspects of transitioning to university life and developing critical thinking. In our first unit we’ll discuss useful tools at Channel Islands that can help make your studying and learning more efficient. Then we’ll delve into the nature of science, experimentation, and analytical thought. Finally we’ll examine ethical and philosophical issues in society today. Click on the the links below for more information about these individual units.

Navigating college

Scientific methodology

Ethics and society