Nutrition: A log of nutrient intake for day



1.Breakfast: Oatmeal


2.Lunch: Veggie Burger

3.Dinner. Pear and Gorgonzola Salad




For this day I consumed a total of 880 mg of Sodium. Sodium is in almost everything. It is an important part of our diet. If I had to cut down on my consumption of Sodium for cardiac issues I would be able to do it. The difficult and disciplined part would be: reading every label and calculating  my sodium intake for the day.


















There is not one single universal definition of political representation that is accepted by all. Due to this difference in opinion, political representation is defined in many different ways, by many different political scientists. My personal definition of political representation has been developed by utilizing various components of definitions and is as follows. Political representation is the operation of political compensation by representatives, in an attempt to express the viewpoints of citizens within their political domain, as well as representing their thoughts and statements in politics. Political representation is made up of four factors, all that vary from case to case, but all cases still require a group, organization, or party that is being represented, the representative, the values, opinions and viewpoints that are being delineated, and finally, the setting and background in which it is being represented. Political representation is necessary within a state because it allows for power amid citizens to be shared rather than unequally distributed.

Two different forms of representation include delegate and trustee representation. Delegate representation requires the representative to represent specific groups within society, while trustee representatives represent the common interest of society. Delegate representatives are responsible for how well their actions benefitted the individuals of the group they represent, while trustee representatives are answerable to how they influenced the nation.

When representing constituencies, representatives are faced with two conflicting plans of action. They can either go along with the plans and interests of the constituency, or they could follow through with the plan of action that they feel is the best for the constituency as a whole.

Congress’ job is to represent the citizens by acting in the interest of the majority, and determining the decisions the majority would support if they had been given the same information that Congress had received. Therefore, they must take into consideration not only how the majority feels presently, but also how they will feel in the future. While most legislatures represent in this fashion, some believe that it is up to them to determine the best course of action for the majority.

The representative must also take into consideration his future plans for reelection while representing the constituencies. If the representative plans on attempting to be reelected, he must appeal to his constituency and represent them in a way that they are not irritated or harbor any hatred towards him that could essentially keep them from voting in the representative’s favor.         Typically while running and representing, legislatures tend to target their supporters rather than their opponents. Supporter’s votes already lay with the representatives and are easy votes to maintain, while obtaining the votes of the opponents would be a challenge. A representative will change their concrete behaviors according to various characteristics of groups. Factors that have to potential of altering the representative’s manner of representing are the economic status of a nation, diversity within the group they represent, as well as the values of the group they are representing. A representative’s tactics must adapt to the characteristics and values of the party they are representing. The diversity within the group makes it difficult for a representative to find a way to appeal to all the members of a certain area. A representative must be adaptive to be successful in representing a party.

Week 2: Meal Check

Yesterday I spent the day entertaining some friends who were visiting for Labor Day weekend. A huge part of showing someone a good time in Santa Barbara, besides seeing the mission and the courthouse, is taking them to all the best restaurants and the local hipster ice cream shop and so on. I try to be conscious of my eating habits, for both health and financial reasons, but yesterday my single goal was to keep everyone happy– dieting took the backburner. For breakfast I ate my kale, pear, lime, ginger, celery smoothie that I try to make a habit. But once I met up with my friends we had tacos and ice cream downtown for lunch. The taco meat was definitely salty and fatty, and the ice cream was probably all the saturated fat I was supposed to eat all day. However, I don’t know the exact amounts of either; there was no food label or calorie counter in the taco stand. Eating at restaurants must be so difficult for Cardiac patients when they really don’t have a choice what type of food their loved ones are asking for. It seems like many people would end up being polite, and choose not to make a fuss and tell their children, “Actually my doctor told me I can’t eat this type of food.” Without knowing the content of the food the food you’re ordering, and often not being able to choose a restaurant with healthier options, eating out must be a source of stress and discouragement for many adults trying to limit their salt and fat intake. After dinner, another friend made us all steak and yams and cold slaw. When eating the yams, I mentioned “These are amazing, what did you put in them?” My friend replied, “Heavy cream and a big stick of butter.” I had thought the yams were the “healthy” part of the meal! Unless you are sitting at home, cooking for yourself, reading every label and measuring your daily allotment of fat and salt specifically, it seems impossible to really know what you’re eating. In one day of being social and polite, I ate salty, fatty red meat twice and washed it down with ice cream and butter mixed with yams– all without ever seeing a single food label or any nutritional information.


The “Digital Trends in Nursing” blog is a comprehensive opinion based blog designed to bring fourth changing technologies and how it is being incorporated into the nursing world.  Unfortunately the blogger (Raney Linck) has not kept up the site, and the most recent post is almost a full year old. With the continued advances in technology, and integration of that technology in healthcare, it is important to remember that changes happen everyday.

I feel like the technology referenced in this blog is becoming more mainstreamed and is available to the masses, not just health care providers.  I feel in the next few months the department I work for will be utilizing the technology available; in fact, today I participated in an inservice for my hospitals new tele robot.  This robot will be replacing the current tele stroke robot, that essentially video conferences a neurologist to a potential stroke patient, and will be used to conduct follow up appointments in the emergency room and connect patients with specialists that would otherwise have to travel to the facility.  This robot, and technology like it, enhances the assessment process, it does not replace it.  It remains the nurses responsibility to be the eyes and ears in the physical room and participate the in advanced assessment process.

It is also important to remember that these technologies are made to enhance the assessment process and do not necessarily replace the need for more “basic” or “primitive” testing; example being an EKG monitors the electrical activity of the heart, but does not replace the importance of auscultating for heart and valve sounds.

It is also important for follow up and proper education if people are bringing these technologies into their homes for self care.  Home health agencies or monitoring companies must be notified to follow up to ensure the patient is truly being cared for and does not have a false sense of safety.  Continual monitoring and health applications could give a better overall picture to the patients daily health status but must be interoperated by a medical doctor and not the redly available “doctor google”.

There is a never ending story of research conducted by multiple agencies, hospitals, and educational centers.  It is important for the health care provider to be alerted to the ever powerful “evidence based practice” research.  Only when research is conducted, tested, and proven in a clinical setting does it become the standard for health care.  As technology advances new tools will be available for clinicians and for people to use at home.  Some pros of mobile technology include the potential for fewer hospital stays, monitoring patients, better recovery outcomes, and an overall better quality of life.  Some cons of mobile technology include false sense of security, interrupted or malfunction of equipment, and poor knowledge of equipment available.

In the hospital I work at, we encourage patients to utilize the technologies available; from blood sugar checks, blood pressure machines, heart rate and oxygen saturation finger probes, and an ACCURATE thermometer.  These are now basic technologies that are common in many homes that, when utilized appropriately, can alert a patient or practitioner of acute health changes that need additional treatments.


The University of Michigan article talked about the influence of media on children


I asked my sister a few questions, like what do you think about commercials on drinking and smoking.

I also asked  her about children in movies, and how they always fall victim. They always get themselves into a situation where they need help. My sister said: “Kids can solve things on there own, they’re not always helpless.” It made her feel bad, but isn’t this how real life is? I have always thought Kids do always need help, they don’t know how to handle certain situations. That’s why its like this in the movies.


The “core-concepts: fundamental” article talked about seven specific in-school activities? Uhm what are they?

Why does America put the junk food at the eye level of children? A piece of candy is cheaper than a bag of nuts .. so it would be more cost effective to have the expensive healthy stuff at eye level. OR!!! do they feed us junk food so that we spend more money on healthcare and medicine?


So many different countries have banned certain types of advertising and the U.S says they can’t do that, they were full of excuses. A good point is brought up, if there is no financing available, for children’s programming then they watch adult shows + thats not going to work.

Discussion Post (1?)

Since we are supposed to have had a small group discussion on here in a week I thought I would make a starter post.

I completed the readings last week, so my memory is a little fuzzy, but the connection I saw between all of them was that the authors agree that we are all vulnerable to the media but children are particularly at risk of being influenced. I found it interesting in the textbook when Sternheimer wrote, “Ironically, we are encouraged to fear media by the news media itself…”(p. 10). I haven’t taken that perspective before, that the media is doing damage to itself. I don’t think society ever looks at news outlets as doing the damage of media, instead choosing to focus more on pop culture as the problem.

What did you guys think of the readings? Did anything change your perspective or how you have viewed media recently?

Edit: I’m not able to make a new category to file this post under. If anyone knows how to do it will you let me know? Thanks :)

Time- Management

Hello Class,

I hope everyone had an enjoyable Labor Day Weekend. This week in class I will be covering time-management and how important it is in order to succeed in your academic career. Please take 4 minutes to watch this short youtube video on time-management before Thursday so that we might have a full and hearty discussion.





I Found Myself


This assignment required me to Google my own name and find the strangest or weirdest thing that came up. The first thing that came up was  Yelp review of a Jorge Rodriguez Jr. aka me. In this case, instead of me being a student and construction worker, he was a well known personal trainer. This particular case wasn’t as weird because he was a personal trainer, but because I had been employed by a gym for almost three years up until a few months ago. Initially when I saw the review and Facebook page crediting this man’s personal training I immediately thought to myself, “Wow why didn’t I ever do this!” There were so many great reviews about this guy similar to the ones I received at the gym yet never made the time to create such an outgoing source like a Facebook page dedicated solely to my art. Personal training should be considered an art and it is by most since lifting weights and eating right isn’t something that everybody does, nor is it easy to do. You have to be professor, and as an athlete the best way to approach working out is as a student. Just like how you would approach school. I chose the personal training Jorge Rodriguez Jr. because he touched base on a huge part of me and opened my eyes to what possibilities there is for someone like me who is a full advocate of promoting higher self esteem through physical accomplishment.personal trainer

My Online Existence

Hello again,

Have you ever searched for yourself on the internet? I thought it would have been a lot more painful but surprisingly besides my old myspace page from my teens. That’s the only unattractive thing I’ve found online of myself, in my opinion. But I also found other social media cites that I’m a part of,some things ive never heard of, and friends pages I’m linked to.

Finding myspace was a bit surprising because I thought I had deleted it at least Twice! It was filled with great pictures of me and my older sister, of my friend and I, and pictures I had taken for digital photography. It also had posts on music I used to listen to. Those were really good times but lets face facts, times change. As you’ve heard, “out with the old and in with the new”; voila emerges facebook. I had gotten too old for myspace so it became obsolete. It reminds me of the 90s in the sense why would you ware some old out dated thing you wore then? Of course unless it was revamped and modernized to accommodate the new era and it did that but for the teens after me. That was the first social thing I ever did besides creating an email address. But everyone moves on from that.

Other things I found were my facebook page, twitter account, a job site for caregivers I had added myself on, a job site, and a link to my friends page. Those things weren’t too surprising but I did find a mylife page. I have no idea what that was but I’m assuming I made it? I’m not too sure about that page but no matter.  I came to conclude my life online isn’t half as bad as I had expected.





Search For Myself

When I first read what this assignment was about I found it odd to be googling my own name.  I had never thought about looking myself up, so when I did it I was surprised to see that there were not very many things that came up with my complete name.  There was some Thalia’s and various Fernandez’s used but very few were actually put together. Some of the things that popped up the most were Facebook pages, none of which were actually mine, and youtube songs of the Mexican singer and actress Thalia.  This was kind of interesting to me because my mom actually named me after her, so seeing that she was the most popular thing to show up when looking up my name was kind of neat.  This touches a internal subject for me because I have always loved spanish music and singing it even though I only do it privately because I am so shy.  Secretly I wish I was able to do what she does and sing my heart out but I listen from afar and enjoy the music for what it is.  After looking up my name with my current employer, I did not see my first name in any of the posts.  All posts only had my last name and some sort of fitness reference to it, which makes sense because I work at a gym.  I did not find much of this to be too strange, but the neatest thing for me was to see how close of a relation my name had to the person I was named after and I looked up to.