My digital footprint

I was definitely very anxious to find out what things are out in the internet. When i googled my name, I was pleased to find that there wasn’t too alarming about myself. Although I did find something embarrassing, my old MySpace account. I hadn’t seen it in years. I went to my site and went straight to deleting it. But before that, I saved a few pictures I had uploaded there that weren’t saved anywhere else. There were a few good memories. Mostly old pictures with friends. As soon as they were saved, I waisted no time in looking through it. I didn’t want to relive those middle days again.

A few other links that popped up on the google search were Facebook and Twitter. I rarely use Facebook. Maybe even only to check birthday comments every year. Facebook started to bore me and I even deactivated it for about a year at one point. I don’t need to read about drama and gossip for people I no longer talk too. I think the reason I still have it is to stay in touch with family. Especially those who live in Mexico.

The only social media site I still use frequently is Instagram. I love photography and Instagram is a perfect place to share my photos. I like to share where I like to spend my free time. Most of the time outdoors. I recently even deleted all of my pictures for a fresh start. Although there wasn’t a particular reason to do so, it felt very nice.

I am more aware of the dangers of posting things online. I will be more conscious about what I post.

Blog Numero Dos. My Audit Process

Hi everyone, Ryland here. So let’s see. I unknowingly started my audit process last week when I looked myself up on google and found and deleted my embarrassing old Myspace account.  It’s definitely a different experience looking up your own self, and finding what other people could easily find about you. I found a few pictures of myself, and one of my sister and father. I also found a bunch of pictures of female celebrities like Jessica Alba, and Blake Lively who I love both equally so that was pretty wicked!

So I’ll start explaining some things I found in my audit below. downloadHere is one picture of me posing with a “Sash” that my little girl cousins and one boy cousin made for me. They dressed me up a few times with silly accessories and told me to model, which I did and I think I look pretty cool. I posted this on my old Instagram and don’t even have this picture anymore so that was really interesting to find.

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Here is another old picture of me on my old Instagram. I am there, beardless in a pink bowling pin and slightly am lifting up my skirt. One of my good friends is in the other one trying to give me a hug. That was really awesome to find as well. It was one of my former flames (She’s not in the picture obviously) birthday parties and we went bowling. They thought I wouldn’t be down to put on the girl pin and take the picture, but I obviously was more then ready for it. Again, I don’t own this picture, so that was pretty weird but cool to find this.

It was a pretty eye opening experience to see everything that strangers can see on me. It was awesome though!

Have a great day!




Digital Footprint Audit

While doing my digital footprint audit something that really surprised me was that any sort of social media sites such as Instagram or twitter did not show up for me even when I put my name and the social media site. Instead of social media sites something that did show up was my max preps site that was created for me when I played football in high school. After I looked at that I did an image search of my name and the city I’m from and looking through a bunch of pages I was not able to find any pictures of me. I believe this was because Whittier is highly latino city and my name is a typical latino name so a bunch of other hits for people of the same name probably got searched instead of me. While doing the search for just my name certain things that I found is that there is a major league pitcher that used to play for the pirates that shares my name as I continued to search under there I discovered there was also many minor athletes that share my name in the fields of boxing, basketball, and ultimate fighting. Going through the news tab other then the pitcher from the pirates I noticed that there were several news stories of people who shared my name that were getting arrested and put into prison. Overall, I was really surprised that none of my social media showed up but looking at how many Michael Gonzalez’ there were I made sense to me.Screen Shot 2015-09-08 at 2.35.34 PM Screen Shot 2015-09-08 at 2.19.36 PM

Meal Check!

I had planned on tracking my food for today, September 8th, as I kept forgetting to take photos of my meals over the last few days and thought it would be nice to add some photos to the post. Then I started thinking about it and to get a realistic view of what I actually eat I decided to analyze what I ate yesterday. I try to be pretty conscious of what I eat and yesterday wasn’t necessarily a “bad” day but I was at home studying with not much food left in the fridge so I ended up snacking for lunch instead of prepping a healthier meal.

I plugged my meals into the USDA’s SuperTracker website to get a good analysis of my nutrient and calorie intake. Some foods were a little difficult to input, but I did my best to reconcile the nutritional information of what I ate with the options they had available on their site.

This is a summary of my meals from yesterday:

Breakfast: Quinoa sauteed red bell pepper, onion, and mushrooms topped with sheep’s milk feta and a boiled egg

Lunchtime Snacking: Seedless green grapes, carrots and white bean hummus, TJ’s flattened bananas, and TJ’s thai chile and lime cashews, TJ’s mango icecream bar… not the best lunch :)

Dinner: Rice noodles with broccoli, onion, and mushrooms in a garlic, ginger, soy sauce. Apfelshorle to drink (sparkling water and apple juice).

Looking at my daily food group targets I don’t think I did a bad job:



I went slightly over for my fruit intake but the majority was whole fruits. I also went over for my veggie intake which I think is great. I almost hit my protein target and was under on my grains target but feel I had plenty of fiber.

I was significantly under on my dairy but I thought I would have hit my calcium and B12 needs with other food groups. Unfortunately I was under the target in both of these nutrients. I usually snack on more cheese, eat meat a couple times a week, and have quite a bit of fortified almond milk so I hope this isn’t an issue. It would be interesting to track my intake over an extended period of time to see if I hit the targets.



Now for the heart healthy diet… I went over the limit on both saturated fat and sodium intake!


My overall fat intake wasn’t too bad. It made up 34% of my daily calories, largely in part to my large snack of cashews which I definitely don’t eat on a regular basis.


My saturated fat was a bit high (13% of my total calories). There is a lot of information that has recently circulated about cooking with olive oil at high heat so I’ve tried to start cooking more with coconut oil and ghee or butter. Researching more about different types of oils and how they are affected when used for cooking has been on my to do list for awhile. Regardless of their safety when heated, I should be conscious of the amount of oil I use when cooking.


I was also over on my sodium intake but thankfully not by too much. I typically don’t cook with a lot of soy sauce but I do use salt and love salty cheeses like feta. Despite this I did go on a long run yesterday and think I sweat out my fair share of sodium in the heat. I also try to stay away from processed foods and know that many are prepared with large amounts of sodium.


I think following a heart healthy diet or any kind of restrictive diet would be difficult. I love food and tend to let myself eat what I want as long as it is in moderation. However, I definitely can’t say I always moderate myself appropriately, especially when studying or writing a paper :)

Thankfully there are many tools available that can help an individual monitor how they eat and exercise and how it affects their health. I know a large part of keeping myself active involves setting goals and tracking my workouts. It can be very motivating when you’re able to track your progress and see improvement.

Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

My Digital Footprint Audit

The digital footprint audit was an exercise that I have performed before on my own. Nevertheless I was able to find some new things out that I had not seen in my previous searches. My name is very unique and although there are people out there with a similar name there isn’t really anyone with the exact spelling of my name. When I type in my first and last name there are a few things that come up. One of them being a picture from my facebook referencing where I went to high school. This was a little strange to me due to the fact that I didn’t think that my highschool and my social media sites were connected but I guess that shows how much I know about the internet. These pictures were in the web part of my search. When I went to the images I noticed that there were pictures on there that I had taken with my phone and a lot of them were of my good friend Daniel who almost passed away due to a really bad motorcycle accident last year. This was strange because I thought that I had only backed up my phone to my computer but I guess some pictures have leaked out for the public to see. When I went to the news section of my search I was reminded of a guinness book world record I had set at x games 16 in 2010. I had a feeling that this was going to show up but I found it under very different circumstances than the previous times I have searched for it. This is why I printed out a part of it to bring and share with the class.

There was also some pictures and connections to previous semester at santa barbara city college where I had done some assignments for several online classes with a group and their names and pictures showed up as well. The teachers to those online classes were conned to my name assignments and tools we had used throughout the semester. Last but not least there were a few videos of some biking and snowboarding that I had made years ago and those were very easy to access and view. When I typed in my name in parentheses I noticed that there were a lot of connections to the misspelling of my last name and when I typed it in with social media sites they were right there and easy to view. All in all this assignment showed me that it can be really scary having your name out there on the internet so easily accessible for anyone to view. This is why we must be careful on what we share with the world for safety and so that we have a great chance at getting that dream job in the future.

Nurses with “White Caps” and now with “Apps”

Technology….to me…is amazing, wonderful, and once you learn how to use it effectively, is so helpful! I have been using my electronic medical record (EMR) at my job for almost two years and I still learn a new trick and short cut at least every couple of weeks. I have some reservations about the accuracy, generalizability, and the overall safety, but all in all, I feel that these are helpful tools that will only provide practitioners more knowledge right at their fingertips. I have already witnessed the providers searching on their phones for pharmacology.

For my own nursing future, I believe it will make my job easier in terms of finding the necessary information in times that I am unsure. A couple examples are, accessing Epocrates when a patient is on a medication I am unfamiliar with; also, the app for medical Spanish or google translator…I often have patients that have language barriers and with a little help it would make a world of a difference in their understanding and compliance.  A downside that I foresee, is having patients feel a false sense of empowerment with the information and they may either incorrectly self-medicate, or they may come in and argue with me or the providers because they are sure they have what they researched on the internet (I have already encountered this).

I feel like I will use technology more in the next few months because just going through the new apps available enticed me to download more and I am excited to try out my new sleep cycle app. I sleep talk and sleep walk so I have Excessive Daytime Sleepiness (EDS) and I am curious to see my data charted on this app of how often I stir. I also downloaded Medscape which may come in handy as a quick reference for my triages. I like to look things up and figure things out when they are new, so this app will expedite that.

I feel that the patient portals where they enter their data for blood pressure (BP) and blood sugars (BS) will be very helpful for providers if the patients are completing them correctly. This will eventually become a staple of assessments. The app for continuous heart monitoring will also be a helpful assessment tool.

Managing care at home through mobile technology will be extremely difficult for many people. Patients have difficulty operating their BP and BS monitors, let alone all these different devices. I do, however, feel that where there is a will there is a way and if any individual sees the benefits outweigh the costs, they will make stronger attempts at mastering these new technologies.

The safest way to evaluate the effectiveness of these technological advances is by testing them against evidence based data and our assessment skills. The patients will still need to come in for check-ups, this is not a replacement for face-to-face evaluations, this is just a tracker for continuity of care.

There is plenty of research that has been done to evaluate the effect of technology on patient care. Informatics has been a part of nursing for quite some time and the data is always evaluated as part of the nursing process. The more and more technology that is introduced, the more research will be completed.

As I mentioned before, some of the things I can anticipate as a “con” are the patients’ false sense of completely understanding their healthcare needs, the lack of knowledge on how to use the technology properly, the accuracy of their recordings, the accuracy of our technology for each patient, the lack of face-to-face assessments and treating the individual, and more. Some of the “pros” are the continuity of care, the accessibility to information, the patients’ involvement in their care and the encouragement towards health promotion. More pros are the savings in cost for the patient and healthcare agencies, the patients have access to their records faster, and more.

About Me


Hello, name is Vannessa Barretto. I have lived in Oxnard throughout my entire life, except for one year in 2010-2011, came back for school but not for long….

It was a difficult decision for me to head back into school after graduating with my ADN from Ventura College this past year 2014. I have been going to college ever since high school graduation without any real break the last 8 years (hah I could’ve gotten a doctorate already).

In 2010, I headed off to North Dakota being offered an athletic scholarship with collegiate softball. I took advantage of the scholarship and pushed my luck in nursing while being a full time student, employer,  and athlete traveling the U.S missing classes, didn’t work out the way I wanted it to. So came back home to save money and focus on school and my future career.

I had played softball for 15 years straight, to add year round and it was a huge change for me that took some time to get use to. I realized all things happen for a reason and I couldn’t have been more thankful for how it all played out.

Now since after graduating with my ADN, I have been working for Community Memorial Hospital in Ventura since last November working in the Medical-Surgical/Oncology Unit. The experience I gained from North Dakota doing a full year of nursing opened my mind set of what nursing can be, how the culture is so different even in the United States. As I gain more experience in the nursing field I plan to work in Public Health/Travel RN, possibly in a manager setting or work my way to a Nurse Practitioner in years to come. However with all this schooling taking longer than expected, I have been thinking of taking a break after our graduation this upcoming May. I would like to travel with partner in crime (whom you see in the picture below). Actually for the first time, I will be traveling outside of the country in a few months for a short period in time but as a glimpse of what is yet to come.

Look forward to all your posts/responses.

Ciao!..See you soon.

Partner in crime

Challenge #1 Digital Footprint Audit

Technology has become a really important tool in our lives. After searching myself in the internet I was really surprised of my findings. I use a lot of social media in order to stay communicated with my friends and family who don’t live near me, Even thou I have always kept in mind of how nothing is private, I never imagined of how much someone can know about myself by doing a simple google search. Although I did not find my Facebook directly, I did find my pinterest account. I was surprised to see my pinterest profile picture under the image search but I did not see any of the pictures I have on my Instagram nor on my Facebook. I was also really surprised on how I was able to find information about my academic achievements by searching my name and the name of the schools I have attended. Besides being surprised about the findings on this challenge I also became really aware of how nothing is private in the web. All the activities we have performed this past weeks have make me realized how important is to be more mindfully on what we decide to share online. We have enter an era where  companies search their interest applicants’ social media profiles in order to obtain more information about the individual’s personal life. It is very important to respect ourselves and to be wise about what we decide to share with our different social medias. Posting something inappropriate can bring really serious consequences; for instance it can  make the difference between obtaining a job opportunity or not.

Digital footprint

When I did the ” My digital foot print” I was like okay lets see what kind of stuff I find about myself. When I googled my name I found a tons of people named Ricardo Esparza and none of those people were me. So then I put my high school name at the end and I just found my name in Max preps where it showed that I played soccer and football for my high school but I found no pictures. Then I googled my name and the city i live in Oxnard. I still didn’t find anything but I found my dads Facebook and the shop he use to own and I worked at. Nothing surprising and then I  googled all the user names for my social media accounts and I popped up.  It showed my old myspace page and it showed links to my friends profiles too. I think my myspace was private so it didn’t show that many pictures just my old profile picture on images. I also put my instagram username and it popped up and its public and nothing to hide. Its kind of scary though knowing people can just type in your name and something else like your city or school name and your information can pop up real quickly. Even if you have nothing to hide and don’t care who sees it, still to me is pretty uncomfortable. but then again it can be useful if your trying to do some research on that person , not in a stalking way though.