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Hello classmates, for those of you that don’t know me my name is Lauren Thomas. I live in Santa Barbara and currently work at Cottage Hospital on the Telemetry floor as an RN. I started at Cottage Hospital almost a year ago and went through their new grad program, which was a wonderful experience! I’m currently working nights but I’m hoping I get to switch to the day shift soon as I miss my sleep!

I finished my ADN at Mount St. Mary’s College in Los Angeles because the waitlist for the RN program in Santa Barbara was over 4 years long. I lived in a cute “hipster” part of town called Los Feliz and enjoyed hiking to Griffith Park as well as frequenting the many restaurants in the area. I chose to continue my education at CSUCI because I believed that I needed to obtain a BSN in order to stay current in the nursing profession. This as been a challenge being a new nurse on the night shift and keeping up with school, but it’s something I know I’ll appreciate later into my career.

In my free time I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. I love being outdoors, whether it’s running on the beach, hiking the many trails of Santa Barbara, or enjoying a glass of wine in Santa Ynez Valley. I love animals and have Persian kitty at home who keeps me company. When I’m done with the BSN program my goals are to travel more, I’m thinking Bali might be a good idea when I graduate!

Curiosity is the Heart of Discovery

I have never been quite sure what to make of the Curious George children’s books.

George is a chimpanzee taken from his jungle home by the Man in the Yellow Hat. George’s curiosity results in many harrowing adventures. He is carried off by a bunch of balloons, he winds up in jail (and escapes!), he flies a kite, and he rides a bike. George’s curious adventures consistently land him in trouble, yet he Curious_Georgealways returns safely to the Man in the Yellow Hat.

What are we to learn from George’s adventures? On the one hand, George is stripped from his jungle home by a stranger, and his curiosity consistently puts him in peril. On the other hand, George learns from his adventures and he returns safely to the Man, who is protective of the chimp.

I prefer the latter interpretation. George’s world is a place to learn lessons through trial and error; the Man is there to encourage and protect George. George’s life is an adventure in discovery. Failure and success are united by George’s curiosity.

Curiosity and discovery are the most powerful agents of change in human history. Curiosity and discovery are at the heart of our undergraduate research efforts at Channel Islands. We encourage students to raise questions and join us in discovering answers to those questions. Throughout their four years at CI we hope to prepare students to quench their curiosity and generate new questions to be answered.

Habits of MindThis year I am privileged to work with about 20 Student Undergraduate Research Fellows (SURFers) in a research Living-Learning Community. These 20 intrepid freshman students, representing different disciplines, live together in a residence hall and take three linked courses focusing on interdisciplinary research, critical thinking, and written and oral communication skills. Throughout the year SURFers are developing the “habits of mind” that are integral to effective problem-solving: Persistence, creativity, critical thinking, effective communication, application, and remaining open to continuous learning.

Student research is emblematic of our focus on innovative teaching that is student-centered. Student research is a unique opportunity for students to seize control of their learning with extensive mentoring from faculty. Hundreds of CI students conduct research and present their findings at state, regional, and national research conferences. Many of these students are, like me, first generation college students who underestimate their ability to go toe-to-toe with students from “more prestigious” universities. I have watched students transform before my eyes into capable and confident scholars who wind up pursue academic and career paths that they could not imagine.

Curiosity and discovery are life changing. If you doubt that, watch this.



Project 3: How do communities shape writing, or how does writing shape communities?

What is a genre? This is the question which i will explain further and answer in project 3. Most people have relatively the same idea of what they believe a genre is, which is a classification of movies or music. Such as country music or action movies, yet there is a much different meaning of the word genre’s when it comes to discourse communities.

Genres are around us everyday, new and reoccurring ones. As Dirk states, “when something new happens that requires a response, someone must create that first response…genres develop because they respond appropriately to situations that people encounter repeatedly.” Dirk continues to go on to explain how situations that are experienced for the first time create the setting for the genre. Such as the first state of the union given by George Washington. He was the first one to give such a speech and had no outline to go by, but since then there have been many state of the unions with similar layouts to the first.

Dirk goes on to explain the importance of genres by stating, “knowing what a genre is used for can help people to accomplish goals, whether that goal be getting a job by knowing how to write a stellar resume, winning  a person’s heart by writing a romantic love letter, or getting into college by writing an effective personal statement”. This further explains the necessity to know what the matter at hand is, and there will a genre to go along with it. And if there is not, then you, yourself are going to create the outcome and layout of that specific genre.

Now that we have the notion and idea of what a genre is, I will go ahead and discuss the different genres that take place within my local Santa Barbara surfing discourse community. And the first of that would be the local weather forecast on 17ft.com. The website tells you the forecast for the week in many different categories, from swell height, peak period, average period, swell direction, tide, and detailed graphs and maps of the region. And the projections are reliable, they have their projected analysis in red and the actual in blue. In the screenshot below you can see the accuracy and detail.

Screen shot 2015-09-04 at 1.45.20 PM


Not only is it a good place to check the report and swell, but not anyone can read the buoys and know the best spots to surf. That is where local knowledge comes in, anyone can see that the waves are coming in at 6ft at 13 seconds with a little south wind but not everyone knows where the best spot in Santa Barbara county is the best to surf in these conditions.

Another local source of information and reading for the surfing community in Santa Barbara would be Bliss Magazine, they are free at most of the local surf shops. And they cover everything form local up and coming talent to the latest events and tour info. That is the WSL tour events, world surfing league. Speaking of which the next event that is coming up is the premier of the new Volcom surf movie, Psychic Migrations on Sept 17th down in Newport. But not only is it a local news source for the surfing community it also gives local artists a chance to showcase their work by having a new artist featured in each magazine.



It not only appeals to males either, it often times showcases new bikini lines and female surfers that are changing the way we look at the sport.

Another genre within the surfing community would be Surfing Mag and Surfer Mag, they are international and cover the latest events and happenings of the surf community. They have articles that everyone can relate to about traveling, girls and just life in general. Not only that but they have articles of surf destinations that many of us have never even heard of, getting surfers all around the globe to travel there, meet and advocate the global surfing community as a whole.




Dirk, Kerry. “Navigating Genres.” Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing. Eds. Charles Lowe and Pavel Zemliansky. Parlor Press, 2010. 249-262.

“Santa Barbara Surf Report.” Santa Barbara Surf Report.m N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Aug. 2015.

“It Works | SURFER Magazine.” SURFER Magazine. N.p., 31 Dec. 2013. Web. 04 Sept. 2015.

“A Discussion on Style.” Surfingthemag.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Aug. 2015.

Technology and Media Literacy

In the article by Tessa Jolls and Carolyn Wilson, the quote that struck me most was “the technology would come to act as extensions of ourselves, shaping and influencing our attitudes, beliefs and behaviours” (69). Technology and media literacy are heavily connected, so does this mean that media literacy is doing what the quote says?

About Me

My name is Lisa Esplana, I received my ADN from College of the Canyons in Spring of 2014, I currently live in the Santa Clarita area. I am not working currently, I would like to work in Pediatrics or the NICU. I have been married for 14 years, I have 3 children, 2 boys ( ages 4 and 10 ) and 1 girl ( age 13). Outside of school I enjoy spending time with my family and doing outdoor activities with them such as hiking, biking, camping or just hanging out at the beach. I also like to read whenever I can. My current goal is to finish the BSN at Channel Islands and start working as a nurse so I can explore the different fields of nursing and gain experience. My future goal would be to obtain a Masters in nursing as a Nurse Practitioner.


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People’s Protest Against Troops in Vietnam

We know for a fact that during the Vietnam War there were many casualties on the battlefield even though most thought at first that it was a good thing. Soon public opinion changed after the increasing number of deaths and citizens being drafted into the war over the next few years. What most people don’t know is that the majority opposed it by writing letters to the government about this opposition. This is just one of the many letters sent to them in response and demanding that they end the war. Most don’t seem to see the point in this war when all they wish for is the return of their children from such a dangerous fight. If the government realized sooner than perhaps they could have prevented this whole ordeal and save thousands of American lives. The Vietnamese didn’t offer much resistance to them in the first place so who are we to judge them based on their actions?

Letters From Past War

History always seemed like a dull or boring subject, until I did research on past letters to Congressman Bizz Johnson during the Vietnam War. I read a total of 38 letters addressed to the Congressman, all during the year 1970. The average “push” in all the letters was to dissolve the Vietnam War and bring our troops home. My most surprising discovery upon these letters was that about 95% of them were written by women, just common household, child bearing women. I was so taken aback because in that time period women did not have the same rights as men to voice their opinions, especially in politics.

The most interesting letter I came across was from a young Californian  woman named Nola Houlgate. Like her I’m a teenager with younger brothers and a responsibility to look out for them. She begins her letter by informing Johnson that she opposes the “‘conflict”‘ in Vietnam and states that she feels that the government is lying to American citizens. Nola then goes on to say that in our country (US) it is illegal to murder people, but our people are killing thousands. One of her arguments in the letter that I personally agree with is, “Who is the government to decide who shall kill and be killed?”. It interests me that a 17 year old girl has the courage to write her political views to a Congressman, but these letters foreshadow the upcoming battle for women in that time period.

It has recently occurred to me by looking upon past wars that there is always a big push or movement for a specific group of people’s rights after a war. So in the 70s’ the second wave of feminism started to progress, mainly with issues involving inequality in the workplace. Women pushed for rights such as: equal pay among men and women, non-discrimination laws during the hiring process, and total gender equality. Reading the all the letters from the women brought me to the conclusion that women were taking charge and voicing their opinions of the war so they could also make a stand for their civil rights. Thus being said women were mostly the ones losing their husbands, sons, and brothers to the war, which forced them to take over the mens jobs.




  • http://www.workforce.com/articles/the-women-s-movement-in-the-70s-today-you-ve-come-a-long-way-but
  • CSU Channel Islands Bizz Johnson collection