All about me

My name is Raul Perez and I’m from Downey California. I graduated from Warren High School, where I was actively involved in many organizations and sports at my school. I’ve ran Track and 009Cross Country for all four years and played a bit of baseball. Although baseball was and still is my main sport I stuck with running and I’m blessed to say it was a really great decision. While I was running, my cross country had won the CIF Division 1 title marking both the first time the school had ever received a Division 1 title as well as the team. I am currently enrolled as a Environmental Science and Resource Management major and I do not plan on switching majors anytime soon.

I love the environment and just nature in general. I’m more of the outdoors type I just like to be outside and explore the world around me. Whether it’s playing sports, out hiking, being at the beach or just being outside and hanging out with friends I do it all, I rarely like being indoors. With my Environmental major I plan on becoming an Environmental Lawyer were I would then hope to make a difference in some aspect in the world. I know no one man can change the world, but my main goal is to just preserve the world long enough for my kids and my kid’s kids to live happy lives. I am currently the first in my family to go to college, so this experience is as new to me as it is for everyone else within my family.

I have three brothers back at home two of which are way too young to even understand where I am at, so its kinda hard being away from them at times. Coming to Channel Islands has been a big step you can say, although I’m not too far from home I do get a little homesick every now and then. I am excited to be here at CI and be apart of the SURF program with all of you amazing people. I’m ready to just take on this year and let life take me on its’ journey, because I know for certain it will be great.

Nursing401 Introduction Post


My name is Vy Do (Pronounced Vee Doe). It’s ok if you still pronounce it wrong, I will respond to anything that sounds close to it. I am an RN at Glendale Adventist Medical Center in Surgical Intensive Care. We care for primarily for open heart, neuro, and surigcal patients. I have been an RN for 2.5 years. I did my ADN at College of the Canyons, and I also have my BA in Communication Studies from CSU Northridge. After  I finish my BSN, I plan to take a (long) break from school. In the future, I would like to pursue clinical education.

Outside of work and school (in the whole 2 hours that remain in the week) I like to cook and binge watch Netflix. I also like to travel, and I’m going to Chicago and New York in the next few months.

1968 Vietnam War Newsletters

Andrew Hauffen

September 3rd, 2015

I never really looked into the Vietnam War until I witnessed some newsletters sent to a Congressmen during the time named Bizz Johnson. Most of the letters I have looked  at were during 1968 and most of the people who wrote to Bizz Johnson were for the war. I assumed those people were for the war because they did not realize how tragic and how expensive it would be.

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I feel that this photo means a lot towards our country because looking at this photo can confuse a person. And what I mean by that is this letter can go both ways, for the war or against the war. The quote “Let’s not our freedom go piece by piece” could mean we are losing men each and every day in the battlefield. It can influence people to create groups and organizations to conquer the idea of sending more young men and women to sacrifice their lives. So basically against the war.On the other hand, the quote “It seems to me we could win sometimes” could illustrate the motivation by this individual to support the war. It might seem like he would want to be sent overseas to help his country overcome the war.

vietnam photo 2.JPG flipped

This document interests me because it is simply an American women wanting peace. Also caring for her children in an aggressive and vigorous way. Not ashamed of her language and cruelty towards Bizz Johnson shows the grit and the confidence against this war and that personality is really intriguing. It does remind me of my Grandma how prideful she is towards her beliefs and that amazes me quite a lot.

If I was living in that period of time, I would probably be forced to be a combat troop in the military as a eighteen year old young adult. I would probably be motivated to serve my country as an American. Working hard in training camp, then being strong-willed and strategic in the battlefield. But at the same time missing my family back at home. I would do everything in my power to become successful during I am on duty. Motivated to be some type of leader in my unit. The sooner and more sophisticated I do my job, the sooner I get home.

1971 Vietnam War Letter

Vietnam War

Every letter that I read in class on Friday was heart warming. Most of the letters I read were from women from various ages. But this was a male writing a letter to the senator. When I read this specific letter it almost made me cry a little. These letters were written in 1971 and that is when most people started opposing the
IMG_5361war. They started opposing the Vietnam war because it had already been going on for a long time and they didn’t expect it to last that long. Also because the United States began bombing Vietnam and the citizens didn’t feel safe in their Vietnam war Letterown neighbors.

In this letter this man, Vincent, was writing this letter because the war in Vietnam had already taken way too long. He said that the war had started when he was in high school and he was a senior in college when he wrote the letter. The reason why this letter made me tear up was because four of this man’s high school friends were killed at war. He states “I must say one of the most revolting sights in this entire world is to attend a military funeral and sit and look at the American Flag draped over a closed casket containing the pieces of a life long friend.” Its sad knowing that a friend you have known for a long time that at their funeral you cant have the casket open to see them one last time before they are buried because they are in pieces. This letter made me value my friend more and to be thankful that I wasn’t alive at this time because I can not bare with losing someone close to me. Everyone I know is valuable to me in some sort of way or form.

Hello Class!

My name is Rebecca Van Winkle (yes, really that’s my name), I am married and mama to a very energetic boy, Ronan, who just turned 4 a couple of weeks ago.  I have spent many years working in the Physical Therapy field before realizing that my place was really in the nursing realm. I graduated from the Moorpark College ADN program in May of 2014 and have struggled to get hired into a hospital without having the coveted BSN after my name.  However, today is a happy day! I was actually finally offered a position as a home health RN, and I’m excited to finally begin my life in the nursing field.

I’m excited to be in this journey with all of you, and I’m looking forward to building lasting friendships from our time together.

Letters from Wartime


It was interesting, to say the least, to look over the letters sent to congressman Bizz Johnson during the Vietnam war. While a vast majority were opposed to the continuation of the fighting, some wrote with a great deal of emotional attachment, mourning or fearing for a relative overseas in the military. On the other hand, some wrote using a more political point of view, explaining that the president had overstepped his legal boundaries in regards to the war effort.

The couple that wrote the letter which particularly caught my eye chose to not only address Johnson as his constituents, but more importantly, as Americans. Though they hold the United States in high regard, referring to it as their own “great country,” their own patriotism seem to have been crushed by a more prominent craving for violence in the United States at that point in history. Their acknowledgement of our country’s mistakes represents not only their opinion, but the opinion of a great deal of American citizens, which was shifting from pro-war to pro-peace.

In my own opinion, the most crucial aspect of the letter is the ending, in which the writers state that in spite of any efforts that have been or will be made, the Vietnam war is “one that we have lost.” Even with the original objective of supplying aid and supplanting communist regimes, the body count of either side was far too massive for their to be any true winner, and I believe that this is what the couple was trying to convey. Their view is much the same as many other U.S citizens at the time,

Historical Context

  • The Cambodia Campaign added further anger to the war, which was already lengthening
  • American involvement in the war had been going on for over a decade
  • 6,173 deaths in 1970 alone


Hi my name is Vatina Thongtha. I graduated from Ventura College in 2013. Since then I have been working in the Main OR at Community Memorial Hospital. I love being an OR nurse and this is where I see myself for many more years. I am married and have 2 boys. I am currently expecting my third child, a girl finally! In my spare time, I like to watch movies and go shopping!

About Me

 Snapchat-1054698107567139855 My name is Ilyanna Camacho and  I hope to major in Registered Nursing although I am thinking of changing majors to Political Science or to Sociology.  I grew up taking care of family and helping others with various work. Which is what led me to want to help in the community or at least make a difference in others lives. I am the baby of 4 children, my moms only and my dad’s fourth. I am very close to both my parents, as they are my biggest motivators. Although times were not always easy they taught me to never give up but to stand up and find another way around until I made it. These wise words would stick with me for the rest of my life. I didn’t really have the typical high school experience but I do not regret it in the slightest because I was able to realize my potential early on. In my early teens we began to move around a lot so I switched from public High School to an Independent Charter school. Within that same time I began to work and continued to work through my last three years of high school. Focusing on school and work really helped me grow up  and realize I am the one who needed to be responsible for getting to work, maintaining school and my grades. I do also enjoy traveling to see my family in Carrillo Puerto, Mexico twice a year. Where I enjoy nights of music, food and lots of laughs. My favorite hobby is to help care for animals we started fostering puppies when I was 15. I kept it up until I fell in love with a little boy Chihuahua right after my 17th birthday. Seeing how attached I got my mom didn’t make me give him back but told me I could no longer foster. Being away from my fur babies is the biggest challenge, but I hope to begin volunteering at the local shelter to give back to the kindest creatures around.

MyeyesMytruth 2015-09-04 02:13:11

Major, Bishop-Surfer-Reflective Journal

My name is Bishop Major I am currently enrolled at CSU channel Island in Ventura county. I have been here a few days now and I’m enjoying myself here. I originally from Sacramento California, and attended High school at Sacramento Charter High school. My major is political Science and I stay in Santa Cruz Village. I have one brother who is 14 and just started high school, my parents are recently divorced but i doubt I will be getting two christmas, but it was a rough summer trying to navigate the divorce as well as pack up my life and move out here and get everything situated.




My Digital Footprint

When I went to look at my digital foot print I was a bit nervous. The reason being, I was worried about what I might find. Not that there was anything that I would be embarrassed about or incriminating. I was more worried about people finding information about myself that I would consider private. To my relief there was nothing too personal that I could get all worked up about. The only main thing that a person could find on myself on the internet is my instagram account, which I don’t keep private. So to me, that was not a big deal. There was also a record of my income from my previous job. This was also not a big deal because they had all the student workers income posted online as well. There was only one post from Facebook that I was mentioned in, but that was only because I had liked a post. When I looked up images of my name there was a picture of me that I found. It was an old picture from my Confirmation. It had been associated with Myspace. Thinking it was from a friend or relative that had tagged me I went to investigate. In my findings I actually found that it was my old account. I immediately went to delete my account so as to not have anyone see pictures of me on the internet. To my surprise there were not that many pictures left on my account, but anyone could look up my name on images in Google and find me. This I was not comfortable with, so I deleted my old Myspace account. Not to mention I hadn’t used my Myspace account since I was in 8th grade.