Their Past Is Also My Past

20150828_111143Going through close to 100 letters to a Congressmen from his constituents didn’t seem that appealing to me, I admit. However, as I read through letter after angry letter from Americans who REALLY wanted the Vietnam war to end and send soldiers home, I found myself really relating to them, especially an attached newspaper article. It’s an “obituary” for the U.S. Army. It talked about the large amount of soldiers dying in Vietnam, leading toward the “death” of the entire branch. It goes on to say that positive attributes of the country had died, including obedience, pride, honor, sacrifice, and patriotism and that negative attributes, such as anarchy, civil disobedience, shame, defeat, selfishness, and apathy, has taken the Army’s place. That hit a nerve for me, because it hits close to home.

My dad was in the Navy for 20 years, my whole life and then some. He spent a little over a year of those 20 in Afghanistan as a hospital corpsmen, which basically means he helped those you fought for our country and our freedom but got hurt. He enjoyed his service. But while he was there, serving the country he loves so much, I was at home, in San Diego with my mom, just waiting for him to come home. I wanted him home, as well as all the brave men and women who were away from their families. It isn’t easy being apart for so long or any amount of time. You spend the whole day just hoping and praying that they’ll return home safe and sound. I can’t help but understand these people’s want to bring the troops home.

Meal Check-Heart Healthy Diet

Let’s take a look at a sample meal plan of mine focusing on Fat and Sodium:



2 scrambled eggs (Fat 5g, Sodium 62mg)

Green Tea (Fat 0g, Sodium 0mg)

Snack: Apple (Fat 0.3g, Sodium 2mg)


Green Smoothie (Spinach 0.1g, 24mg, kale-0.6g,25mg, Chia seeds-9g,5mg, Flax seeds 4.3g,3mg, Banana 0.4g,1mg, honey-0,1mg, peanut putter 15g,55mg) Total Fat=29.4g, Sodium=114mg

Cranberry Juice + Sparkling water (Fat 0g, Sodium 235mg)

Snack: String Cheese (Fat 6 g, Sodium  200mg)


Black Beans (Fat 0g, Sodium 430mg)

Brown Rice (Fat 2g, Sodium 10mg)

Grilled bell peppers and onion (Fat 9g, Sodium 16mg)

Salt and pepper (Fat 0g, Sodium 180mg)

Total Fat=51.7g          Total Sodium=1249mg

Overall evaluation of the sample meal plan: The fat comes from heart healthy sources although it does make up a large portion of the calories. The seeds and nuts have heart healthy fats so it is a good choice for a patient on a restrictive diet. The sodium level is within the American Heart Associations recommendations but it is pretty close and I am trying out a fairly restrictive meal plan at the moment. I am focusing on eliminating sugar, especially added sugar. I can tell if I have some corn chips with dinner it might push me over the edge, I can’t imagine what french fries would do.

I can understand how this diet would be a hard change for people who eat out a lot, not to mention fast food. It would be a big change for someone who doesn’t look at what is in their food. Food journals are a great way to track food, and there are many digital food diaries that heart patients can have on their phones.

The best recommendations I would tell someone who is trying to limit fats and salt intakes is to avoid fast food and stick to whole food with as many fruits and vegetables as you want. I would also direct them to all the great resources online and any community classes directed towards healthy eating and cooking.





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Looking for assistance?

Welcome to the second week of the 2015 Fall semester! On behalf of the Teaching and Learning Innovations team, I would like to invite you to our upcoming support workshops for VoiceThread and CI Learn: Introduction to VoiceThread in CI Learn this Friday, September 4th from 10-12p  with Michelle Pacansky-Brock Using Grade Center in CI […]

How is your CI Keys domain coming along?

Hello and happy Monday!

How are your course sites coming along? Please complete the online form in the Week 2 assignment list as soon as your domain is created. This form will be sure we have the address for your new website (http://…… This week we will be collecting your site addresses and entering them into a course feed so all of you will be able to easily view and comment on each others’ blog posts throughout the class.  We are ready and waiting for your links!

Remember, Michelle will be available tomorrow (Tues, 9/1) from 3:00-3:45 in Solano 2171. Please stop by if you have a question about setting up your CI Keys site. The support videos provided in the Week 2 assignment list should be sufficient to get you going, but stop by if you need extra support.

If you are unavailable tomorrow at 3pm and need support, please email Jill directly to schedule a time to meet.

best wishes,
Michelle & Jill

My First Week

My first week of college. My first week of college at a public university. My first week of college at a public, CO-ED university. My nerves are through the roof! Of course, I was nervous but I was also really excited. So far, it’s been a lot of fun. I’ve made a few good friends with people in my classes, as well as my roommates. I find myself not really missing home as much as I thought I would. Sure, I occasionally think of my parents and my home in San Diego, but I’m not upset. I actually feel free. Free to be my own person, make my own choices, and actually be independent. I finally get the opportunity to prove to my parents that I can be on my own and not just survive, but thrive. This next step of my life starts…now.

Hi Everyone!!

Just wanna say hi to everyone and I look forward to talking and collaborating with you all. I want to start of this blog with some humor so I hope no one is offended, but it’s just too funny not to post. Here’s to a good semester!

Cohort Requirements

Hello RISE Students,

I hope everyone is enjoying their first semester at CSUCI so far! Just in case it wasn’t clear before, you are required to attend one of the two weekly cohort study sessions and the bi-weekly Student Success workshops. You can find the times and locations under the Contact Info menu tab. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask!


Angelea and Andrew




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