Arrived at LAX!

after a long flight home we made it safe and sound!

Back in the States!

We just landed at LAX.  Guy and John still have more airtime ahead, but we are all in Los Angeles now.           

Heading Home

We are on our way home after two fantastic weeks of learning, service, all manner of interdisciplinary coastal monitoring and assessment, cultural exchange, and making tons of new friends. Our internet credits have all expired, so we have been unable to post for the last day and a half, but check in the next few […]

Growing Young Minds.

We need more diversity in science and engineering fields. Ventura County STEM network is building those connections.

Leberkas tail bresaola ball tip frankfurter shoulder doner pork loin biltong.

Turkey chicken pork cow t-bone beef spare ribs tongue drumstick cupim doner. Drumstick kevin flank, andouille picanha pastrami shank turkey tongue. Shank pork tri-tip, short loin jerky drumstick boudin. Strip steak rump doner turkey alcatra tongue sausage beef frankfurter. Doner swine cow biltong ham kielbasa turkey beef ribs shoulder.


Paving New Paths

Our collaborations help students grow.

Tri-tip pig rump sirloin leberkas, shankle pork belly boudin shoulder porchetta spare ribs. Rump kielbasa ground round meatloaf, short ribs corned beef leberkas porchetta turkey spare ribs swine. Landjaeger meatball filet mignon sirloin, jerky hamburger ham shank bresaola picanha swine. Turkey ham andouille, cow chuck rump drumstick venison shankle biltong pastrami. Bresaola jowl short loin, t-bone boudin chuck swine.

Swine boudin tri-tip, shoulder rump landjaeger pastrami jerky sausage beef. Swine short ribs pastrami bacon landjaeger cupim salami pork belly. Jowl pork loin kielbasa doner pork chop beef ribs. Ribeye cow chuck, strip steak pork loin kielbasa filet mignon chicken alcatra ball tip fatback pastrami. Pork belly tongue alcatra short loin ham salami cow landjaeger ham hock sirloin. Leberkas tail bresaola ball tip frankfurter shoulder doner pork loin biltong.


Second to last day…

Everyone is out and about today rushing to get as much done as we can before we head on back to the States tomorrow night. Our Reef and Robotics Teams are on the boat, our Ciguatera Team is meeting with Dr. Helen at the hospital on their never-ending hunt for public health stats, and I […]

Bridging the gap

The Ventura County STEM Network brings together community leaders.

Bacon ipsum dolor amet pastrami picanha sausage turkey alcatra strip steak porchetta chicken ribeye. Meatloaf corned beef filet mignon pig. Pork belly jowl porchetta, ball tip alcatra turkey strip steak doner tri-tip bacon pork loin sirloin ribeye kielbasa corned beef. Bresaola brisket shoulder biltong.

Jowl spare ribs cow, turducken porchetta prosciutto pork loin landjaeger. Short loin cow turkey meatloaf pancetta beef ribs kielbasa salami chicken ground round corned beef frankfurter shankle tenderloin. Flank biltong kielbasa, pork loin andouille tri-tip short loin chicken swine salami. Shankle short ribs drumstick beef ribs ham hock ground round tri-tip. Brisket shank cupim t-bone rump. Venison alcatra beef ribs prosciutto t-bone frankfurter swine cupim ham.

Back in the U.S.A

Let me just start by saying that I miss London terribly, I also miss seeing my London Brigade every day.   

London was truly an experience of a lifetime.  I am so thankful and greateful for this opportunity Dr. J presented all 15 of us with.  Not only were we all presented with a wealth of knowledge before we left, but once we got there the learning continued to overflow.  From tours of castles, iconic buildings, bridges and beautiful places.  

Of everything we saw Westminster Abbey was my absolute favorite.  That place left me in such awe.  Every inch of this place was adorned with prominent people of influence, from Charles Dickens to Charles Darwin, kings and queens.  This place is also home to memorable events such as Princess Diana’s funeral, and William and Kate’s wedding.  
We saw so much in London.  Thank goodness for Dr.J he planned everything down to the wire.  We saw everything anyone going to London for the first time would want to see. 

I just cannot express enough how thankful I am for all the people I met on this trip.  We all became so close so quickly and all connected on a level that will forever be unique because of the environment we were in.  

I am forever thankful for this.  Thank you Dr. J, my fellow classmates, and everyone who made this opportunity possible. 

Missing London…

Well I’ve been back in the states for almost three full days now and let me tell you, jet lag is real! I’ve been sleeping more than I thought I would and at strange parts of the day but the trip to London was so worth it. I never thought I would have been lucky enough to travel in college while also getting credits for it. I can’t explain just how grateful I am for this opportunity. It isn’t everyday you get to travel out of the country, studying something you thoroughly enjoy, with a professor who is loved by all and students who you end up becoming close friends. 

My favorite part about this trip was getting to do both the touristy things while also experiencing some of what locals experience everyday. California doesn’t have much of a public transportation system, so getting to ride the underground everyday was quite the treat. The locals there are so used to the jam packed train and the heat radiating off of every body, it doesn’t phase them. 

It’s funny to see how different people are, the opinion I formed in just one week is that people from California are MUCH nicer than the people from London. Don’t get me wrong I did meet some wonderful locals over there and I would absolutely return to the gorgeous city. 

I can never express just how grateful I am for Channel Islands and all the amazing opportunities it offers it’s students. This London trip has taught me so much and showed me part of the world I didn’t think I’d get to explore. Dr. Jenkins, I can never put into words how thankful I am for you taking on all 15 of us and organizing such an amazing class.


Back in California 

Before I left for London I was almost bummed because I wasn’t going to be able to see a friend from the east coast, but on out last day in London I didn’t want to leave at all. The entire experience that I had was and amazing one and has set the bar very high for trips to come in my life. I don’t think this trip would have been the same without the great group of people who I was able to share it with. I knew no one before getting to London, but after spending one week with them I have a strange sense of closeness with them. Seeing all the sights and experiencing what London had to offer almost sped up the time for friendship. I know that I am going stay in contact and be close with these friends for a long time, and it’s because of the unreal journey that we were able to take together. 

The whole week everyone could not stop talking about how perfect and amazing the trip had been planned. We were able to see the sights the right way, and see a lot of them, while still being able to explore and check out the city and what we were interested in after. I know this was because of Dr.J and how hard he worked the make that trip what it was. Everyday Taylor and I would end up talking about how crazy the day had been and how we couldn’t think of how it could have been better, and we knew that we had another one of those days to follow it, we both knew it was because of Dr.J. 

When we got back to the states it was nice to see friends and family, but I was missing my new friends and family from London. There was a bond that was built over that week that was surprisingly strong. Telling my friends about the trip started to bum me out because I missed being in London with that group. I also gained a traveling bug, this trip has sparked a desire to travel to more places more frequently. 

In the end this trip is hard to describe in words, I only have great feelings about it, and am so happy that I got to experience it with the people that I did, and I am excited to see where the next journey will take me.