Pizza Project

Project 1 – Pizza Website


Pizza Site

01 02 03 04 05

Pizza My Heart website

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Zapparelli’s Pizzaria website Pic

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Hangout on Air: Diversity in Groups, a Cross-Cultural Connected Learning Experience

What happens when university students in California are connected with university students in Japan to teach each other about diversity in groups?  Join Michelle Pacansky-Brock in this Hangout on Air to find out! This is a question that Jaimie Hoffman and Mario Perez recently explored. The two professors took a non-traditional approach to college teaching […]

Pizza Website

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Research Updates

On my ESRM 499 Capstone page I have updated you on some of my progress.  My capstone research project is going well…my data collection is mostly complete (~90% I’d say), I’ve started my data analysis, and am coming up with a few observations that I will begin writing about in my Discussions section of my final paper.

It’s a lot to look at, but please check it out and post some comments!  I really appreciate feedback (even the negative stuff), it will help me get better!

–Julie :)

Do you know what it means to miss New Orleans?

Data collection in Louisiana!
Data collection in Louisiana!

Central California Coastal Trip

Last fall I went on a trip for my ESRM 462 Coastal and Marine Management class. We caravanned up the coast stopping in Santa Barbara, Big Sur, and Monterey Bay. Activities ranged from touring Abalone farms and learning about sustainable aquaculture to visiting the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute and learning about their Autonomous Underwater Vehicles and how they are used. Below are a few photos from the trip as well as a video I shot and edited on the Monterey Abalone Co.


The view from my tent!
The view from my tent!

Abalone More Abalone Cal Ploy SLO's Pier Foggy Shore Line