Mission Pillar Reflection

Skills of a Leader Called Me

Today I took the Values in Action Inventory of Strengths (VIA-IS). This specific survey talks about the 24 strengths that you have as a leader and places them in order of strongest to weakest. My top 3 strengths are Honesty, Perseverance, and Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence. My bottom 3 strengths are Self- Regulation, Spirituality and Humility. I didn’t really learn all to much, to be honest I don’t take much from these kinds of activities because they all vary from test to test, one can tell you that you have a wide range of perspective and another telling you to work on your perspective. AS far as what it told me, I can’t say I agree with it because I feel like I have stronger strengths than what was told to me.

First Post

Hello Everyone!

First post of the site and I would just like to thank anyone who is visiting. Check out the menus and such as they will be updated periodically with exciting information on my current research at CSUCI.


Values in Action Inventory of Strengths

This week I had the opportunity to take the Values in Action Inventory of Strengths (VIA-IS). I found that the test rated my top twenty four strengths. My number one strength was perspective, two Hope, curiosity, Bravery, and leadership. These are the top five but so on and so on, the bottom four include prudence, forgiveness, creativity, and honesty. I learned more about the description of what these qualities are. I knew about all twenty four qualities but just got another insight from another perspective. Based off my own qualities and what I learned out of humbleness I agree. I say this because perspective being number one, aside from the other twenty three is by far my greatest strength. Though the test may have been bias or not I feel anyone can hold those 24 qualities depending on who they are. This test helped me build on my perspective.

Hello Hemodynamics…

Hemodynamics seems really complicated with the lines, connections, wires, transducers, and optical cables. However, remember you usually do some level of hemodynamic monitoring on all patients when you evaluate vital signs, urine output, and hydration status.

This month is dedicated to cardiac health and as you can see I have updated our banner and colors to reflect that! As we talk more about cardiovascular disease and assessment, and after this week’s simulation, I am sure you will all remember key elements to ask for new complaints of shortness of breath or chest pain.

Have a great weekend!

Project’s ACCESO 2015 Summer Research Institute

Project ACCESO is seeking applications from CI and community college STEM students to be part of the 45 student cohort this summer. Students need to apply for this program by 5 pm Friday, February 20. The application can be accessed through this website: http://www.csuci.edu/projectacceso/research/application.htm

HACU National Internship Program

The HACU National Internship Program (HNIP) is seeking applicants for the summer and fall 2015 internship sessions. HNIP provides students the opportunity to receive valuable work experience through paid internships with federal agencies and private corporations nationwide.

The final deadline for students to apply for the summer internship is February 27,2015 and for the fall session is June 12, 2015.

For more information visit www.hacu.net/hnip


CSU Trustees’ Award for Outstanding Achievement Scholarship available for students


The CSU Trustees’ Award for Outstanding Achievement Scholarship is available for the 2015-2016 academic year. Students who have overcome adversity, demonstrated financial need, and have attributes of merit, including significant personal achievements, superior academic performance, and exemplary community service are eligible for this award.

The CSU Trustees Award will be available for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) students, an Information Technology student, engineers, a veteran, a student who gives the most to his/her home, university, or global community, students studying the humanities, and students studying to become teachers.

Scholarships will be awarded in the amount of $6,000 for the 2015-2016 academic year.

Applicant must:
Demonstrate superior academic performance with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale and be in good academic standing.
Demonstrate financial need as determined by the campus Financial Aid and Scholarships office.
Be currently enrolled as a full-time equivalent undergrad or graduate student in any major field at a CSU campus and remain a CSU full-time equivalent student during the upcoming academic year.

Application Deadline: Friday, April 3, 2015

Meet a SURFer: Christian Morris

Interdisciplinarity is achieved in the IRLC by ensuring that we include students from a variety of disciplines. Strong grounding in a student’s discipline is important. Discussion across disciplines promotes curiosity, inquiry, understanding, and creativity. Meet another surfer:

Christian Morris

Christian Morris is a ceramic artist, musician and acting student. Christian is a native of Pittsburg, PA. He is a junior majoring in art, with an emphasis in ceramics.

Online Teaching: A New Beginning

I started teaching online in 2003 and as I grew into the role of an online instructor a lot of things began to change for me.  My teaching (both online and face-to-face) became more active, placing my students at the center, and my views about how people learn also began to change. Last spring, I […]