NRS 420 Group Communication Homework

State a team name, letter of your group (A-F), and describe the reason the name was chosen:

Group 1 consists of:  Brittany Brown, Marylou Fulton, Julia Greiner, Alissa Pang

Team Name: “The Fiery Synapses”

We chose this team name because we are the means by which the information and knowledge on the chapters for The Nervous System will be “fired off” and communicated to the rest of the class:)

Meeting time(s) and location(s) for the duration of the semester:

Presentation Date: 4/29/15

Skype meeting dates…

Feb 13, 20, 23, 27

Mar 6, 12, 27

Apr 3, 10, 24

Role of each group member (Are there roles? Or delegated tasks?):

The Nervous System section will be divided as follows:

Chapter 21: Marylou

Chapte 22: Brittany

Chapter 23 Part 1: Alissa or Julia

Chapter 23 Part 2: Julia or Alissa

Each group member will be responsible for doing their part but will also take part in looking over the entire project as a whole before project is finalized.

Who will lead each meeting each meeting? If you will rotate, detail how this will occur?:

We will rotate the leadership role. Each member will lead at least one meeting.

Who will take minutes and record action items? If you will rotate, detail how this will occur?:

The team leader will be responsible for taking the minutes and record action items. They will record what goes on during the meeting they lead.

What will your process be for dealing with group members who miss meetings or who are late? How will you address first time offense and repeat offenses? Will the discussion happen one-on-one or as a group?

This group will discuss any issues that arise one-on-one first (with the group leader) and if problems persist, we will discuss the issue as a group.

What will your process be for dealing with distractions (side bar conversations, cell phone conversations, etc.) during a meeting? How will you address first time offense and repeat offenses? Will the discussion happen one-on-one or as a group?

This group will discuss any issues that arise one-on-one first (with the group leader) and if problems persist, we will discuss the issue as a group.

What will your process be for decision making? If you decide on a consensus vote, what will your process be for making a decision if consensus cannot be reached?:

We will collaborate as a group to make decisions. If a consensus cannot be met, we will use a Randomizer/Numerator machine to come to a conclusion.

What will your process be for dealing with team member who does not fulfill his or her team assignment(s)? How will you address first time offense and repeat offenses? Will the discussion happen one-on-one or as a group?:

If a group member is not fulfilling their role, the whole group will get together to discuss the issue.

What will your process be for resolving conflict within the group? Will the discussion happen one-on-one or as a group?:

This group will discuss any issues that arise one-on-one first (with the group leader) and if problems persist, we will discuss the issue as a group.

List any other applicable group norms that your group committed to

-As a group, we will touch base at least once a week to “check in” with each other.

-We will support each other! If one or some of us fall behind, we will not blame, but pick up the slack if need be.

-We have to keep our eyes on the mission at hand.  But, we also need to be responsible for each of our parts.

-Each group member will be forthright and transparent with fellow group members about any personal struggles we may be dealing with that may be hindering the progress of the project.

-We will not have a culture of blame.

-We will assess the situation and collaborate as a group on how to move forward if issues arise.

First and Last Name of all group members:

Brittany Brown

Marylou Fulton

Julia Greiner

Alissa Pang

Signature of all group members:

All members of the Fiery Synapses have convened regarding these topics and are in accordance with the contents of this assignment.

Group Rules

State a team name, letter of your group (A-F), and describe the reason the name was chosen:
Group 11 (Nikki, Carl, Janine)
COPD – we chose this name because it is the disease we chose to highlight in our project

Group Meeting time(s) and location(s) for the duration of the semester:

Jan. 28 – Broome Library – delegated first portion of project
Feb 8 – Deadline for voicethread outline and powerpoint on Googledocs
Feb 13 – Nikki’s home – recording voicethread/PPT for 1st part of project

March – TBD
April – TBD

Role of each group member (Are there roles? Or delegated tasks?):

Nikki – Leader
Tasks: Voicethread assignment – Patho/Presentation of disease
Carl – Recorder/Online coordinator
Tasks: Voicethread assignment – Interventions & related complications to disease process

Janine – Researcher
Tasks: Voicethread assignment – Pharmacological interventions

Who will lead each meeting? If you will rotate, detail how this will occur?:

Nikki Ives

Who will take minutes and record action items? If you will rotate, detail how this will occur?:

Carl Eisenthal

What will your process be for dealing with group members who miss meetings or who are late? How will you address first time offense and repeat offenses? Will the discussion happen one-on-one or as a group?

-Missing meetings or being late is understandable with proper reason.
– First time offense will be excused and we will try to work on scheduling around
everyone’s schedule
– Repeat offenses will be communicated with member of the group alongside
all the members of the group
– If it is merely difficult to meet based on differing schedules we will attempt
to meet evenings utilizing Skype

What will your process be for dealing with distractions (side bar conversations, cell phone conversations, etc.) during a meeting? How will you address first time offense and repeat offenses? Will the discussion happen one-on-one or as a group?

-If a group member does not fulfill their assignment after expectations have been
communicated, an extension will be made so that they may be able to turn in
their portion of the assignment in time.
– If the offense continues, other group members will have to step in to complete
the assignment to receive credit by instructor. However, the group member’s
failure to cooperate and meet deadlines will be communicated to the professor.
The amount & quality of work (or lack thereof) will be evaluated by the group
alongside Dr. Jaime Hannans to designate the grade this group member merits.

What will your process be for resolving conflict within the group? Will the discussion happen one-on-one or as a group?:

Conflict will be resolved using discussion and compromise by all group members. If conflict is due to a group member underperforming, the process mentioned above will be utilized. Discussion will occur as a group and will involve respect of all group members and their opinions.

List any other applicable group norms that your group committed to:

It was agreed by the group that constant communication and early deadlines will be set throughout the course of the semester. Group deadlines will be prepared far in advance of the class deadlines in order to control any unexpected complications. All group members agreed to respect the early deadlines and each others’ opinions.

First and Last Name of all group members: 
Nikki Ives
Carl Eisenthal
Janine Villanueva


Group Guidelines


-Strengths: organization, time management, has significant interest in topic (renal), consistently meets deadlines

-Weaknesses: group projects, busy schedule, lack creativeness in composing computer presentations.

-Values: appreciates equal workload, timeliness, quality over quantity

-Strategies for successful team functioning: setting deadlines, appreciating each other’s unique talents and perspectives, communication (especially if things do not go well), equal distribution of workload


-Strengths: Possesses leadership qualities, dependable, organized, and creative

-Weaknesses: Busy work schedule, different schedule than team members, not computer saavy

-Values: Honesty, hardwork, and respect

-Strategies for team success: Meeting deadlines, respecting other’s ideas, equal workload, interest in topic

-Leadership Style: Democratic leadership style: Involving others in their decisions

-Communication Style: Hopefully, everyone uses an assertive communication style. Having a passive or aggressive communication style will get the group nowhere fast.

 State a team name, letter of your group (A-F), and describe the reason the name was chosen:

Our team name is the ACE inhibitors (B). This name was chosen because we are responsible in providing information about the renal systems.

Meeting time(s) and location(s) for the duration of the semester:

Between nursing 420 and 488 on Wednesday afternoons. Whatever was not taken care of we will meet after nursing 488. We will meet at various locations on campus; classrooms, library, student union, and outside.

Role of each group member (Are there roles? Or delegated tasks?):

Roles have not indefinitely be defined. Each person will pull their weight equally and we will work as a team to get the job done.

Who will lead each meeting? If you will rotate, detail how this will occur?

Each person will contribute to the meeting with no particular leader. Everyone will be encouraged to share their ideas and have an equal input.

Who will take minutes and record action items? If you will rotate, detail how this will occur?

Rose will take minutes and keep track of what is said at each meeting.

What will your process be for dealing with group members who miss meeting or who are late? How will you address first time offense and repeat offenses? Will the discussion happen one-on-one or in a group?

We hope that everyone is responsible enough to meet, however, things do come up and there will be another mode of communication to keep the absent group member updated; email, phone, googledoc, etc. Repeat offenders will be talked to in a group setting.

What will your process be for decision making? If you decide on a consensus vote, what will your process be for making a decision if consensus cannot be reached?

There will be a democratic vote. Everyone will have the right to have an opinion or idea. We will narrow it down to two topics and vote. Two out of three gets the vote. We are not worried that we will not meet a consensus.

What will your process be for dealing with a team member who does not fulfill his or her team assignment(s)? How will you address first time offense and repeat offenses? Will the discussion happen one-on-one or as a group?

Again, we are in hopes that everyone in the group is responsible and respects each other’s times and wishes. A person that does not fulfill their assignment will be talked to in a group setting. We will find an alternative to the student getting the assignment done.

What will your process be for resolving conflict within the group? Will the discussion happen one-on-one or as a group?

Hopefully, there is no conflict. If it is a conflict between two group members than the third does not need to be present. The conflict will be discussed in a professional manner in hopes to resolve it and move on.

First and Last Name of all group members:

Autumn Moon

RoseAnn Fischer

Cesar Rivera


  • Which self assessment did you take?

The self assessment I took was Values in Action Inventory of Strengths (VIA-IS)

  • What were your results?

My results were kindness, bravery, leadership, honesty,spirituality, teamwork, fairness, perseverance, forgiveness, hope, judgment, perspective, social intelligence, love, prudence, creativity, humor, humility, gratitude, zest, curiosity, self-regulation, appreciation of beauty and excellence, and love of learning.

  • What did you learn?

What I learned about me with the results of this quiz was I have some strengths that I   wouldn’t have considered strengths because I thought that was most people had.

  • Do you agree or disagree with your results?

I agree with most of the results but there are some that I believe are not my strengths and are something I can improve on for example kindness was the very first I tend to be kind but I wouldn’t believe it would be my biggest strength.


Meal Check

Below I have a list of the meals that I ate on Saturday, January 31st, 2015. I found this activity to be very exciting because I enjoy learning about health and fitness. I enjoy eating healthy not only because of its health-benefiting effects, but also because I feel better throughout the day. In addition, I also enjoy working out at the gym regularly and it has been a passion of mine since I was younger. The importance of this assignment focuses on cardiac patients and how they require a cardiac diet in order to live a healthy life. It is important for these individuals to eat meals that are low in fat (fat-free, 1-percent fat), low in cholesterol (less than 13g of saturated fat), low in sugar, low in sodium (less than 2400mg). Aside from these restrictions, it is also necessary to increase fiber, fruits, and vegetables. I have learned a lot from this assignment and I have even made some changes to my own diet. I have even found myself checking nutrition facts and comparing different items with each other. Remember, you only have ONE body!

Meals for Saturday, January 31st, 2015

Meals for Saturday, January 31st, 2015

My Self Assessment: My Strengths

I took the Values in Action Inventory of Strength assessment, which consisted of 120 question survey and at the end  tells you your 24 Character Strengths in order. The first three were Prudence, Hope and Love. I did not know what the word Prudence meant, and since it was my first strength that was listed I saw that it meant that I make very careful decisions/choices because I do not like to regret things later. After reading that, I reflected on my life and it was so true! I hate making decisions, especially ones that can go really really wrong or really good. I would I do agree with my results, no matter what obstacle comes across me I always try to solve it, and if there is no way of solving it then I do not stress about it because that will make me age faster, but also I know that not everything is worth stressing over. Love, I value my relationships with the people who value them just as much as they value the one they have with me. I love people, I consider myself a very people person, and although I know I cannot simply “love” someone as soon as I meet them, that can always change in the long run if our friendship-relationship continued.

Week 4: Delirium in the ICU

Delirium in the ICU isn’t the name of the next big a horror movie, sadly it is a growing problem in ICUs across the nation. According to the article “A Pilot Study on Delirium in the Intensive Care Unit” published in Dimensions Of Critical Care Nursing, delirium is linked to longer hospital stays and a worse prognosis for patients. According to the article in order for us to stop the rapidly growing problem, we need to have an understanding of the types and causes of delirium. There are 3 different types of delirium, which include: hyperactive, hypoactive, and mixed type (Whitcomb et al., 2013). Hyperactive is most recognizable and is characterized by an agitated patient with a hyperactive motor activity (Whitcomb et al., 2013). Second is the most common type of delirium hypoactive, which is characterized by lethargic stupor and a depressed consciousness, with no signs of agitation (Whitcomb et al., 2013). Third considered the most dangerous type is mixed delirium, which is a mix of hyperactive and hypoactive, so a patient may quickly switch from a lethargic stupor to a frightening state of agitation (Whitcomb et al., 2013). The article also pointed out that the main causes of delirium maybe connected to sleep deprivation and a heavy use of sedatives.

The study focused on a possible correlation between insufficient sleep and the development of delirium. The study also aimed to identify other environmental causes contributing to delirium. This pilot study, studied seven different patients, for seven nights, ages 65 and older, all which were intubated and sedated. The study found that between the hours of 9pm and 6am on average 48% of the patients remained awake, 30% were in a light sleep, only 18.5% were in REM, and 3.4% were in a deep sleep. I found it very interesting that they found that one patient had remained awake for 58-88% during his entire hospital stay. After reviewing the findings of the article I definitely agree that there is a relationship between a lack of REM sleep, sedation, and delirium. I realize that if patients aren’t getting proper rest, they will not be able to heal properly. Sleep deprivation in combination with sedation, and the development of delirium needs to be further investigated in my opinion. It would be interesting to see if with improved quality of sleep if delirium levels would decrease.



Whitman, J. J., Morgan, M., Irvin, T., Spencer, K., Boynton, L., Turman, S., & Rhodes, C. (2013). A pilot study on delirium in the intensive care unit. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing, 32(5), 266-270. doi:10.1097/DCC.0b013e3182a077cd

Meal Check Assignment


  • 1 Banana (medium sized)

0.4g Fat (0.1g Saturated), 27g Carbs (14g Sugar), 1.3g Protein

  • 1 Cup of Oatmeal

3g Fat (0.5g saturated fat), 0mg cholesterol, 0mg sodium, 27g Carbs, protein 5g

  • 1 cup of 2% low fat milk

4.8g Fat (3.1g saturated), 20mg cholesterol, 100mg sodium, 12.3g Carbs, 8.1g Protein

  • 2 Tbsp of Peanut Butter

16g Fat (3g Saturated), 150mg Sodium, 6g Carbs, 7g Protein

  • 1 Serving of 100% Gold Standard Protein Supplement

1 g Fat, (0.5 saturated fat), 30mg cholesterol, 130mg sodium (5%), 1g sugar, 24g protein

After Gym:

  • 1 Serving of 100% Gold Standard Protein Supplement

1g Fat, (0.5 saturated fat), 30mg cholesterol, 130mg sodium (5%), 1g sugar, 24g protein

  • 20g of dextrose

20g Carbs (20g sugar)

  • 8 egg whites

0.1g Fat, 55mg Sodium, 0.2g Carbs, 3.6g Protein

  • 1 cup of oatmeal

3g Fat (0.5g saturated fat), 0mg cholesterol, 0mg sodium, 27g Carbs, protein 5g

  • 3 strawberries

3g Carbs (3g sugar)

  • 1 oz of almonds

14g Fat (1g saturated), 0mg cholesterol, 0mg sodium, 6g Carbs (1g sugar), 6g Protein


  • 1 Serving of 100% Gold Standard Protein Supplement

1g Fat, (0.5 saturated fat), 30mg cholesterol, 130mg sodium (5%), 1g sugar, 24g protein

  • 1 Apple

0.3g Fat (0.1g saturated), 2mg sodium, 25g Carbs (14.4g sugar), 1g protein

  • 1 oz of almonds

14g Fat (1g saturated), 0mg cholesterol, 0mg sodium, 6g Carbs (1g sugar), 6g Protein


  • 8 oz Chicken Breast

11.12g Fat (3.12 saturated), 120mg cholesterol, 42g Protein

  • 2 cups of rice

3.6g Fat (0.8g Saturated), 20mg of sodium, 90g Carbs, 10g Protein

  • 1 oz almonds

14g Fat (1g saturated), 0mg cholesterol, 0mg sodium, 6g Carbs (1g sugar), 6g Protein


  • 8 oz Chicken Breast

11.12g Fat (3.12 saturated), 120mg cholesterol, 42g Protein

  • 1 cup of Rice

1.8g Fat (0.4 Saturated), 10mg of sodium, 45mg Carbs, 5g Protein

  • 1 Spring roll

Unknown but it contained vegetables and steamed shrimp

Bedtime Snack:

  • 1 Serving of Casein Protein Supplement

1g Fat (0.5 saturated), 30mg cholesterol, 150mg sodium, 24g protein

Overall, I believe I would not have trouble meeting a cardiac diet simply because I can consume meals that are low in sodium, fat, and cholesterol if need be. I am not sure I would be able to comply with a diet if protein was limited! As you can tell by the information above I consume about 200g of protein a day and some diets restrict it to less than 30g/day :(


ICU Delirium

The article I read “Incidence, Risk Factors and Consequences of ICU Delirium” stated they found a 30% incidence of delirium as opposed to previous reports of 80%. Excess use of sedatives lengthens time spent on a ventilator and prolongs hospital stays. According to this study patients were evaluated with the 8-item Intensive Care Delirium Screening Checklist (ICDSC) and level of sedation was measured with the Richmond Agitation and Sedation Scale (RASS). According to the article delirium has been term an “organ failure” of the brain resulting from severe systemic disease (Ouimet, et al. 2007). Patients were screened for a plethora of pre-existing diagnoses, and found that as well as those with alcoholism and hypertension had the highest incidence of delirium.  Drug induced comas also has a high incidence of delirium.   All patients in the study were assessed daily and followed until either death or discharge.  I think it is amazing how many patients suffer from ICU delirium.  I have not spent much time in the ICU however when I did my nursing school rotation and the pt was under light sedation and on a ventilator.  I never once see them implement the CAM –ICU Sedation Scale or any other scale nor was the RASS used.  So I see how ICU delirium can go undetected in a patient.  The ICU nurse was doing a lot for the patient so I do not want to come across as she was not doing her job I am just relating my experience.  The first stage is recognizing ICU delirium as an issue before solutions can be implemented. Which hopefully will educate ICU nurses of the incidence in delirium and preventative measures or interventions implemented I think the part I found most interesting was that according to the article hypertension and alcoholism were the leading comorbidities to developing ICU delirium.



Ouimet, S. , Kavanagh, B. , Gottfried, S. , & Skrobik, Y. (2007). Incidence, risk factors and consequences of icu delirium. Intensive Care Medicine33(1), 66-73.

Meal for a Day

On February 2, 2015 I had:

  • 1 bowl (about 1 cup) of Reese’s puff cereal with whole milk: Serving size of Reese’s Puffs is 3/4 a cup. Without the milk, total fat is 3g and sodium is 160 mg. 1 cup of whole milk is 9 g of total fat and 130mg of sodium.
  • For lunch:
    • half a steak and white cheddar cheese panini sandwich from Panera bread: total fat 18g and sodium is 910mgOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA
    • 1 regular sized (20 ounces) iced green tea. Total fat is 0g and sodium is 10mg.
  • Dinner: 1 1/2 cup of homemade Ham soup. I do not know the Fat content and sodium but most of the fat and sodium content would be from the Ham. No extra salt was added. Other ingredients (Carrots, onions, celery, potatoes, and elbow macaroni noodles).
  • Snack: 1 bag of mini nutter butters: 115mg of sodium and 6g of total fat
  • Other Beverages besides water: Arizona Green tea: 16 fl. oz. has a total fat of 0g and sodium 20mg

After looking through the American Heart Association Website, there are different recommendations on how to change lifestyle habits such as nutritional habits and exercising. The website also offers different languages such as Chinese and Spanish. Looking at what is recommended for a healthy lifestyle in relation to nutrition and exercise, the recommended sodium intake is 2,400 in order to reduce cholesterol; however, the recommended intake for lowering blood pressure is 1,500 mg. Looking at what I had yesterday, if I had eaten a whole panini sandwich for lunch, I have already eaten more than my recommended sodium intake if I were on a low-sodium diet. Furthermore, my patients may not only have poor blood pressure control, but may also have heart problems such as heart failure that may decrease the recommended sodium intake to about 1,200 mg. I think we ask a lot out of patients, to suddenly make changes in there life especially when it comes to eating habits or exercise. I think it is important to understand that we are asking them to make lifestyle changes and that it takes times. I think including the patient into plan of care is important because it will affect them in the long run. Asking them what they will be willing to cut down and what is possible for them to do now. Making smaller strides to conquer the huge milestone. I do not think I could change into a low-sodium, low-fat diet in one day. I think it would take time, but it’s important to find creative ways in order to conquer the smaller strides. For example, I do really exercise as much as I should and I noticed I would have a lot harder time breathing after a short walk up stairs. Also, my 4 year old sister could not walk far and would constantly complain. What I did, was I decided to walk to the farthest park in my community with my sister and son. After about a week, my sister would not complain walking to the far park nor after we played at the park to go home. Not only did I help build her endurance, I built my endurance back up as well. Maybe, our patients have a hard time walking and can only do minimal exercise, and that is where we as nurses have to be creative in order to help our patients make those small strides.


Also, on the American Heart Association website, to maintain a healthy diet, control blood pressure and cholesterol, and maintain a healthy weight, a variety of fruits and vegetables should be consumed daily. Looking at my meal list, I need to tackle that better because there will be some days I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables and on some days it is very minimal the amount of fruits and vegetables I eat. Exploring the website, I have gained a better understanding the changes we are asking our patients to make and things that I have to take into consideration such as the patient’s culture and lifestyle.
