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Yesenia Rosas 2015-02-01 02:48:32

Here is what I have eaten all day:

  1. Hot chocolate
  2. Fruit smoothie (spinach, 1 slice of cantaloupe, 1 slice of pineapple, ½ banana, and one orange)
  3. Sandwich (mayo, mustard, 2 slices of ham, spinach, and pickles) with one bag of hot cheetos :/
  4. Mexican cobb chicken salad
  5. Lots of water
  6. Hershey chocolate

If I were to have to change my diet to a low sodium/ low fat diet I do not think I would struggle a lot with the “low-sodium” part, because I do not like to eat a lot of salt in general. However, with respect to the “low- fat” part I might find it a bit challenging to adjust at first.


Who am I online, who are you online?

With so people making fake profiles,the increase in which many companies asking for your social media name  it is really important to make sure your digital identity shows your personality but also presents you in a professional matter. With that being said, what is a digital identity? Its how you present yourself to not only the online world but also people who choose to view your profile for different reasons. Ever since I was in high school, teachers and counselors have told me that I should be careful with what I post because in the long run it can hurt me if I were to put anything inappropriate. Since then I have always thought twice about what I choose to submit on my social media, sometimes it is hard because I consider twitter to be my online diary, and I cannot just always put is on my mind. Which takes me another point, are people always who they portray themselves to be online? Everyone has their own answer to that, but I think that we either do not really know everything about person or we know to much.

The statement from the video that probably should not had surprised but I guess it did because I actually heard someone my age say was “In plenty of job descriptions it will say we got the right to search you…”  But in the readings, Protecting Your Online Reputation: 4 Things You Need to Know [INFOGRAPHIC], what surprised me was that 78% of of recruiters check search engines to get more information on potential employees. I knew that companies and recruiters do this, I just did not know that the statistic was that high.

The fact that I am in a leadership gets impacted by digital presence is that my supervisor/coordinator does have to know what type of person I am before I am volunteer and educate children, she is going to have to make sure I am not going to tell children anything in appropriate.

I plan to to create a more positive identity by still continuing to think twice about what I choose to post on social media; ex, what I tweet about, what I like on Instagram and Facebook. Also, I will post more stuff about the things that keep more positive, share my perspective about my love and passion for education, and promote myself in the best way I can.

Week Three


Welcome to week three, where we will learn about leadership.  Click here to see the instructions, I’ll be posting a video overview here shortly.  Make sure to check out the “assignments” piece of this weeks’ work… you need to schedule an appointment with the program coordinator asap (if you have not already).

welcome to week 3

Hello world!


My name is Lisa Marie Clark, I am currently a student at California State University Channel Islands studying Political Science. This blog is dedicated to my research project.

Project 5 Assignment

American Buffalo, Two Trains Running,and Ruined

Often, when we hear the word “business” we imagine a large, complex mechanism impacting many, but business can be small or in some cases completely off the grid of what we think of when we talk about the economy. The underground economy is for many the primary way they get by from day to day. These 3 plays by Pulitzer-Prize winning writers present distinct pictures of businesses on the margins of our society who make up the underground economy so many depend upon.

Writing Project

Explore how business and economics connects to cultural concerns in these works as well as others the class has read this semester. For your final, create a screencast presentation where you  discuss your explorations.

For more videos see: http://cliftonjustice.cikeys.com/english-340/activity-3/


Project 4 Assignment

The Miser

Business and economic concerns are not just a contemporary problem; writers have been exploring the ways money affects people for some time. Moliere’s The Miser, written in 1668,  tells an entertaining story about greed. lust, and power. Full of stock characters, this work appeared to be harmless on the surface, but the ideas the writer advocates for are subversive for their time.

Writing Project

You will work in groups to adapt the Miser to the current era. Your group will create a concept and imagine a design for your adaptation and write a scene, which you will present as a staged reading to the class.


Project 3 Assignment

Raisin in the Sun and Clybourne Park

Project Description:

You will work in groups of 3 or 4 to explore this notion of home ownership in these two related plays. The presentation will tell the narrative of the two plays as well as discuss the concept of home ownership from World War II forward to our present day. Each group will contribute  to a whole class presentation, rather than creating a separate, unrelated set of slides. The project will require you to work in Google Presentations because of its ease in sharing. Coordination among group members and between groups will be essential for success on this assignment. To that end, you will select one of your group members to act as a coordinator, helping your group members to develop a coherent and cohesive presentation. Additionally, the coordinator will work with coordinators from other groups to make sure the entire presentation is unified. Because the coordinator has additional responsibilities, he or she will not be required to create slides, but will instead be evaluated based on the group’s work.

Draft Due:

March 14, 2015 @ 11:59 PM

Project Submission:

Submit the project to your CIKeys blog. Once you have your draft ready for review, leave a reply on the Project 3 page. Your reply must include a link to your project and a screenshot of the project.

Presentation Elements:

  • The presentation should both inform the viewer about housing and gentrification since the end of WWII, as well as relate those concerns to scenes from Raisin in the Sun and Clybourne Park. The viewer needs to understand both the issues and the narrative of the two plays;
  • With the assistance of the professor, the class will decide how to divide the different eras and the plays up for presentation;
  • Students who are not serving as coordinators are responsible for creating slides. The number of slides each group will create will be left up to the group, but balance between the number of slides each group creates is important. Slides should follow guidelines from “10 Tips for Making Beautiful Slideshow Presentations” found on the Project 4 page;
  • Coordinators will meet with the professor to report on progress and address issues that arise. As a consequence, coordinators will have additional organizational responsibilities that will be detailed as the class works through the activity. Coordinators are encouraged to assist group members in slide creation, even though they are not responsible for any slides;
  • Images should dominate over text in the presentation. You are encouraged to insert video in the slideshow presentation. Video may be from available sources (make sure you create a citation) or may be created by you for this assignment. Bullet points are strongly discouraged;
  • The presentation must include in-text citations on slides where appropriate and a bibliography section at the end with complete references;
  • The presentation is entirely digital. You will not be making an oral presentation.

Draft Grading:

The draft is worth 10 points (1/10 of your final grade). Late assignments will receive no points; missing elements will cause a deduction in points for the individual and the group. An evaluation of your group will be required and will play an important role in the credit you earn for your draft. Don’t assume everyone in the group will receive the same draft grade

For related videos see: http://cliftonjustice.cikeys.com/english-340/activity-4/

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Meet a SURFer: Rosalba Rocha

Students are at the center of our Interdisciplinary Research Learning Community. Meet one of our SURFers and get to know Rosalba Rocha a little better.

Rosalba Rocha

Rosalba Rocha, an Oceanside, CA native, is a third year Sociology and Political Science double major, with a minor in Chicana/-o Studies.