When it’s 5 O’clock in the fuckin morning…

There are so many things that happen at 5 o’clock in the morning, people heading to work. Coffee shops opening their doors, my great granny takes walks in Arizona at 5 am because it’s unbearably hot during the day. But the things that aren’t obvious are the conversations that occur, the conversations racing through our minds before the day begins, the annoying, gnawing, worries that just stay floating in your brain. Sometimes, I like to do this at night too, right before bed. I seem to panic right before bed or in the early morning; I think about literally everything from what I am planning to do that day to all the people I owe money too or the bills I haven’t paid yet. Then from there I repeat, repeat, fucking repeat, (because of my OCD; which in a way I think we all repeat things that are bothering us). I would let myself worry so often about the same things I would exaggerate them to the point of being ridiculous but I still believed whatever I thought in my head was 100% true. There are two things I suggest, keeping with the theme of TIPS FOR ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION, when it’s 5 o’clock in the morning and there is no one around to talk to except yourself, 1. Don’t exaggerate and 2. Recognize and hold onto the truth. When you exaggerate a situation you only make it worse in your head, which ultimately makes the entire situation worse. Try to hold onto what you Know for a fact is true. If you know your grandfather has always helped you out when bill time came around (for example my situation) then try to do what you can and remember that you will have his help because that’s just the way it’s been. The last things I suggest for when you’re alone are 1. Have something to preoccupy yourself near. I keep a basket, literally, of books next to my bed so if I ever wake up in the middle of the night I can pick up a good book and take my mind off of my worries so I can sleep. 2. Remember to Remember! We always forget the things that make us feel better when times get hard. But if you know you have a good support system or a good significant other, try to remember those people will always be there in the morning. If you don’t have a support system, don’t fret now,  Friends make great support systems and if you can’t find any of those I suggest finding a club or a group that meets weekly to have something to lean on and people to count on when dealing with these disorders.



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Break “Away”

Material Recovery Facility (MRF) - processing station for recyclable material.

Material Recovery Facility (MRF) – processing station for recyclable material; sorted by material type, cardboard, paper, aluminum, etc.

As the New Year begins and the ideas of minimizing, downsizing, and change are fresh in our minds, I find myself revisiting a concept I wonder about frequently—the American waste stream and our romanticized idea of “away.” We throw our trash (which is another word I consider loosely used, and up for debate) into bins in our home with Febreeze-scented bags that we clumsily tote to our curbs with tired eyes, and when we head off to work, or school, or yoga, that material we deemed waste is picked up and taken away. This unrealistic approach to thinking about waste management may have been satisfactory in the short term; however, conceptually, it is unsustainable, antiquated, and misleading. This idea of away implies that there is somewhere else, more importantly, someone else, who will manage our waste appropriately.

Simply put, away is NOT here. Realistically, away is, at its best, a recycling center. Away is a landfill; and when people are uninformed, or unable, or desperate, away is a burn pile, or a pit in India or China, or another developing nation that will ultimately pay far more than the monetary price you or I will pay on our trash bill. Not only are developing countries not necessarily responsible for the massive amount of waste being generated, they are likely incapable and ill-equipped to manage the waste appropriately, to environmental standards we would expect if it was managed in our backyard. That however, is a discussion for another day.

Litter found walking a 1/2 mile loop around my grandparents remote forest property in New Hampshire.

Litter (all recyclable – straws) found walking a 1/2 mile loop around my grandparents remote forest property in New Hampshire.

As I sit here, drinking my coffee and listening to the trash truck pull away, my mind rushes back to the tennis rackets my neighbor threw away when they cleaned their garage out, or that trash can I drove by full of cardboard that will go straight to a landfill, not to be touched again, so another batch of trees somewhere must be cut down, and transported, and processed, then transported back again. We live in a world, where keeping up with the status quo, means embracing everything “eco” and “green,” yet we’re so busy, we don’t even know what’s recyclable anymore.

My issue is not with landfills, or owning items, or cleaning out your garage. Instead, I question the speed at which we move, the way we have disconnected our lives from the lives we pretend to lead, and the sheer fact that we don’t question these things more often. So, I’m curious, where does your waste goes? Have you been there?? Go—look around; take a tour if you can, I bet you’ll be impressed (or astonished) when you do!

Educate yourself, empower others, and simply have more by living with less.


Hey class!

I’m excited to meet you on the first day of class! This is where you will find announcements for our course; be sure to check back regularly!

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2 Jan 26 Frodeman, “Philosophy dedisciplined” sections 2-4. Come to class with active reading
Jan 28 Finish reading Frodeman using active reading as practiced.Look up “freedom” and “justice” in Wikipedia and analyze using the process we used in class. VocabularyMap what you understand of philosophy as a field

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“CI Computer Girls” was Selected to Receive the NCWIT Student Seed Fund!

Congratulations to our CI Computer Girls !!!
CI Computer Girls has been announced as a winner of Fall 2014 (Round 9) Student Seed Fund award from the National Center of Women & Information Technology (NCWIT) sponsored by Symantec. We are very proud to join the Previous Winners in an effort to promote, retain, and support women in Computer Science and IT programs.

As a winner, CI Computer Girls will receive a grant that will fund hosting a programming boot-camp with two-fold objectives:

  • to ease introduction of female students to the world of computing, foster the feeling of comfort and belonging to a supportive group of peers from day one,
  • to gain new knowledge while at the same time practicing leadership skills and building self-confidence.

Watch out for the official announcement here.

We would like to thank both NCWIT and Symantec for their ongoing support  and the very special and generous award!