Disconnecting From My Phone and Laptop

Basically I knew the only way I’d be able to do this was if I parked in the far dirt lot, left my phone and laptop in my car and went to the library to study. I disconnected for about 5 hours before realizing that I had to use the computer to read online documents for class. Five hours is pretty pitiful but it felt like an eternity to me. I probably don’t spend more than a couple hours at a time without looking at my phone. I did find that I got more studying accomplished during that time because the temptation to look at my phone from time to time wasn’t there. However, I didn’t have the internet to look up terms I didn’t understand in the reading which made it kind of a pain to have to go back to. As for day to day CI  activities, I have no idea. I stayed in my corner of the library and didn’t participate in anything. I’m a recluse. I have a dozen cats on hold for me at Petco until I graduate and get a place that allows pets.

Attack of the Cell Phones!

Resistance is futile!

I chose to disconnect from social media, internet and text messaging on Saturday. I reasoned that it would be easier to ignore digital media because I would physically be interacting with friends and family and too busy to look at my phone. In fact, it turned out to be the opposite and I maybe lasted 5 hours, if I am generous with the timing. Checking my phone later, I found that the same people who I saw on Saturday texted me about the location of the restaurant, parking, appointment time and who had already arrived. We were all attending a surprise birthday party and everyone felt that they needed a minute-by-minute update of the whereabouts of others. During the actual party I did not notice anyone texting. However, phones were used to take pictures and show pictures posted on social media. I felt the strong urge to reach for my phone as well, I myself not wanting to miss the opportunity to capture a memory. Although well intended, the need to put moments on record can become an excuse also. In this era we are too keen on saving memories for tomorrow. As cliche it is to say, for a long time now the truth has been that we do not spend enough time living in the actual moment. I too am guilty of this crime! I only started using a smartphone last year and have already become the very thing I used to scoff at.

I have experimented with the “disconnect” exercise before and found that the best and only solution is to not have a phone or digital device with you at all. This past summer I went on vacation with my family. I was free from impending test dates and upcoming assignments and realized to really be on vacation I also had to be free of social media updates from my friends. Part way through the vacation I decided to leave my phone at the hotel each day of the vacation; we were typically outdoors from morning to evening. It was one of the best decisions I had ever made! I could not check for text messages, I could not receive phone calls and I could not even check the time. Not having a timer on vacation is an added bonus and it was my favorite part of abandoning my phone. It was liberating not knowing what other people back home were doing and knowing that other people did not know what I was doing either. And I did not care.

Making Contact!

This week I was to make contact with the people on my topic which is the LGBT Community.

I was a bit hesitant on what to put and on what site to make contact. I decided on Instagram and made contact through a comment because I notice very different people post there and I wanted to hear the contrast of the two.

So what I commented was essentially, “Hello friends :) I am a student in University studying the magnitude of social media and I have a question for you all. What does social media mean to you as a member or ally of the lgbt community?”

I haven’t had any comments back, but I look forward to the comments that do arise. If no one replays to my comment I think I will post the same question again in hopes that someone will comment.

I must admit I was nervous to ask a question and put it out there. I am very curious as to what members of this community might say, and I am further curious as to what people OUTSIDE of this community (trolls) might say. I wonder if they will even comment at all. Truthfully, I hope not. I don’t understand trolls, how could someone spew hate speech so boldly, and not think about the repercussions that it might entail?  I do look forward, though, to those who have actual insight to the matter. I want to know what they have to say. I want to know what it means to them to be apart of a community that can connect online, and what that might mean to someone who can only connect with someone online.

Let the Engagement Begin & A VoiceThread Reminder

Hi there, everyone.

Jill and I are on the edge of our seats watching your posts appear on our Tagboard. Thus far we commend those on Twitter who are asking critical questions and even reaching out directly to politicians (go, Melissa!). As the rest of you jump in, take time to mindfully lurk on the Tagboard and notice the practices your peers are demonstrating. This is a great way to learn. For those of you using Twitter, Jill and I may reach out with a tip or two as you progress and we will be retweeting our favorite posts.

Also, there is a low participation rate in this week’s VoiceThread. Please be sure to contribute one comment to the two VoiceThread slides (total of 2 comments) for this week (they are currently slides 3 and 4 in the VoiceThread).  Please make your comments by tomorrow to receive credit for this week.

Let us know if you have any questions along the way and we’ll see you on Thursday!

Challenge 5: Component 1: Engage

This week our challenge is to engage. Since we have been researching our topics and finding sources, now we must “make moves.” It took me awhile to figure out how I wanted to do this, I was really unsure about what I wanted to say or where I wanted to go with engaging. Being a shy person made this that much harder for me, but I knew it had to be done. The approach I took on for this weeks challenge was simply acknowledging the woman’s blog post that I came across last week. Not only do I think what she did was completely incredible, but sharing it with the world is such a brilliant idea. So many people here about this stuff on the news or elsewhere, yet fail to try to put themselves in those peoples shoes and that’s exactly what she did. Reading and hearing things from someone who has experienced first hand makes my connection to my topic much deeper than just reading articles on the web. I posted a comment where I originally discovered this blog post, which was on Instagram, recognizing her for her work and letting her know why I am engaging in this topic. I look forward to growing with this engaging process and not letting my shyness interfere by making an account for the blogging website this woman used, and also creating a Twitter, both of coarse to improve myself and create a digital footprint that will eventually make a difference. Let’s see what next week brings!


Video Captioning

Have you joined the many instructors across the nation that have flipped or blended their courses? Are you using video to support student learning?  Do you have videos that you use repeatedly each semester? If yes, I am sure the thought of captioning your videos is daunting. T&L Innovations is here to help!  We have set […]

Twitter Madness

I didn’t know what retweeting meant before this week. Maybe I should start by saying I didn’t even have a Twitter. It’s been encouraged by my University Transfer course. Not so sure why I never bothered making one since now that I have one it is obvious how powerful of a tool this media site can be.
I engaged with Twitter for the reason that mostly everywhere you look, or everyone you engage with most likely has a Twitter that represents their reality. Such an interesting thing that quite frankly I’d love to build on.
Since Twitter is used world wide it may be a perfect way for me to push the message of help in regards to the Syrian refugee crisis.
The first thing I did was look up the hashtag #RefugeeCrisis and very quickly realized it was too broad. I came across pages that were outdated and that were also not referring to the current crisis. Therefore I narrowed it down to just #Refugees. Hit the jackpot on that one with how many rich posts there were.
I retweeted one I found interesting and that I believed others would find appealing and motivating.
There was much to learn from this experience. Yet this was just the spark of my Twitter footprint. Now, I am mindful towards many things. Not only the content of my work, but I am considerate of the complexity that this issue brings. Now, it is me creating the content others might come across. This new addition to my project changes everything I had been doing before.

Active Participation – Engaging in Social Media with Purpose


This week in #UNIV349DC we are looking to truly engage in social issues online by being active participants. With college tuition being a hot topic for the upcoming election but in few other places, I have decided to engage with the politicians who will potentially be making decisions regarding the costs of college in the near future. As previous posts can attest to, this cause is near and dear to my heart and I truly believe that we can make leaps and bounds as a country if we weren’t turning such a profit from education. Some of the most brilliant minds in our history would not have been able to afford further schooling by today’s standards. People often ask what if the cure for cancer is hidden inside the mind of someone who can’t afford college? I think that investing in the minds of students is the absolute best investment that we could ever make. As a tax payer, I would happily watch my tax dollars being spent on our future rather than creating more messes.

I reached out to Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders on Twitter because they both have high presences there and are the front runners regarding this issue and in the election as a whole.

feelthebern fightshillnah

As you can see from the number of retweets and favorites, they are capturing the attention of Twitter users. I have been following Bernie Sanders’s campaign from early on, so I have a relatively good idea about his goals, but have disregarded a lot of what Hillary Clinton has said until the statement that she made in the photo above. “…your fights are my fights,” she says and I sought to challenge that because the cost of college is easily one of my biggest struggles. I look forward to hearing from the camps of both candidates and will report back on any progress.

I also sought to engage with all Twitter users by tweeting out a question and creating a hashtag. Fingers crossed that something comes of it, because I truly would like to hear the thoughts of other students or even parents – those that are directly affected by the issue.




Wish me luck!

MGH, Professor in Training

The post Active Participation – Engaging in Social Media with Purpose appeared first on Professor In Training.

Sepsis Protocol

In Cottage Hospital, when a pt presents with signs and symptoms of sepsis, a policy called SLAY SEPSIS Resucitation protocol is in placed for the healthcare team to follow, especially in the ED. The acronym stands for:



Activate team/Antibiotics

Yell for fluids


Straight to Critical Care

Early goal directed tx


ScVO2 Monitoring


Source Control/Steroids

The main steps are to initiate severe sepsis or septic shock order set. Then supplemental O2 or intubation for mechanical ventilation must be done. Lastly central line or pulmonary artery catheter placement must be accomplished for ScvO2 and SvO2 monitoring.The rest of the tx will then be based on the pt’s CVP, MAP, ScVO2/SvO2 values.Lastly,  per the recommended initial empiric abx therapy for pts with severe sepsis and shock protocol, the type of antibiotics used will depend where the suspected source of infection is located.


Cottage Health (n.d.). SLAY SEPSIS Resuscitation Protocol. Unpublished Internal Document.

Cottage Health (n.d.). Recommended Initial Empiric Antibiotic Therapy for Patients with Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock. Unpublished Internal Document.


Challenge 5 – Engage

Hello Everyone! For this weeks challenge in #UNIV349DC we were tasked with instructions to actually engage with other social media users via their respective sites. Since my professors narrowed down the list of sites we could use for this challenge I decided to focus all of my energy on Twitter. For this challenge I also created a new Twitter account @univstudent349 to make sure I keep my school stuff away from my personal stuff.

In order to engage in twitter I followed the usual hashtags #mentalhealth and #mentalhealthawareness. During this week I found that #mentalhealth was drawing more congruent results. The following screenshots are of the results that arose with #mentalhealthScreen Shot 2015-10-27 at 2.31.58 PM Screen Shot 2015-10-27 at 2.30.08 PM

The first screenshot is of twitter user @Rethink_ which I found was a invaluable resource for those suffering from mental health and specifically thoughts of suicide.I did not really repost anything from them specifically but I did find the resources and links they post to be very helpful when it comes those who need immediate help. The posts that really inspired me as I read the comments because this site really seemed to help those in need. When I say those in need I am referring to those people who feel the need to self harm and that benefit from talking to someone who can help alleviate their anxiety or depression.

The second screenshot is from a collaborative site called @BBCPanorama. At the moment that site has the top tweet with a link to an article by Maria Kane, Chief Executive of the Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health Trust. I also used my twitter account to retweet things from that user. Moreover, in the article Ms. Kane discussed in her site that mental health is in critical condition and severely needs the help of others to fund the push for more mental health availability. Ms. Kane is part of a trust titled Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health Trust that attempts to serve those people who have mental issues that do not have their own means to reach mental health. The article describes how the Trust searches for people who need help and simply goes and does what it can to help.

After my engaging in both @Rethink_ and @BBCPanorama it has been reinforced in me how much mental health affects our country. Both users describe the extent of people that need help and how hard it is for these people to reach it.