October 27th

This chapter was an eye opener to the reality that still today sex is a very sensitive topic that parents often avoid with their teens. even with shows like Teen Mom and talk shows that test supposedly “Baby Daddy’s” of teens who have unprotected sex. often times I’m surprised that mothers and fathers don’t take the initiative and tell their kids if their having sex they should be on birth control to avoid the risk of getting preganet. I think we need to educate kids young because sex is all over television, social media and everywhere else that human eyes might lay upon. Lets  a few moments of fun.face it we should be open to sex talks and education all day for teens because it’s more complicated than just

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October 26th

Chapter 6 Pop Culture Promiscuity

This chapter had various shocking statistics while reading through. The fact that teens are not as bad as adults or that the amount of teens who have had sex has dramatically decreased from 20 years ago. I also thought it was interesting that the author noted the way people think about sex has changed and the economics and demographics of an ever changing society also played a role. When it came to knowledge and parenting on the topic of sex I thought this chapter had an interesting viewpoint. Adolescents especially aren’t knowledgeable about certain things because they are never taught about sensitive topics not in school or by there parents.  If this society was able to be more informed than that could make a difference. The author also said that this current culture has many areas that allow teens to be away from their parents and act in a different or sexual way. But at the same time the parents cant be  dominatingly strict. Parents need to have a balance between strictness and teaching there children about sensitive topics and then trusting that they will make smart choices based on the knowledge given to them.  “We ignore the majority of teens who are responsible or don’t engage in sex”. Sternheimer Pg. 149 The author makes a valid point that family monitoring, support and communication play huge roles in peoples lives.

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Fight The New Drug’s website was very interesting to me. Additionally, i had no idea this site  existed and pornography was such a problem. In addition, after browsing the website, the site does a great job on explaining the harmful effects of pornography. Moreover, the site explains that pornography can be harmful in three ways. These ways affect the brain, heart, and the world around you. Additionally, they elaborate on how pornography can be addictive, changes your way of thinking, affects your behavior, ruins relationships, and may lead to violence.

Furthermore, in chapter six, Sternhiemer explains how we all “live in a time where nothing is off limits in pop-culture, and the most private information about celebrities love lives becomes tabloid fodder.” I can definitely see how young teens may be influenced due to the content displayed of a celebrities life. The young individual may think it’s acceptable to act or mirror a celebrity, which may lead to negative outcomes. Additionally, Sternhiemer elaborates on how many adults fear that sex is no longer a big deal to kids, and how young teens are hooking up and growing up fast. This might have to do with the sexual content they read, view, or hear that may trigger certain actions. 

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Disconnect yourself from everything was the challenge.  Was it possible ? Somewhat, but overall no. I can’t believe how much of my life revolves around my phone, computer, or even listening to the radio when I’m driving. I stopped by some grocery stores and noticed many people on their phones. Even when having lunch with my classmates most of us were having  a conversation, but our phone was always by our side and constantly in use. Its very surprising how much I need my devices whether it is to socialize or to complete my daily duties with school and work. Its definitely necessary that we take some time away and look at our surroundings and engage in conversations with people.  Its something good to try once in awhile and see the difference .

Surviving Sepsis Campaign Bundles

In order to contribute to our understanding of sepsis management, I searched sepsis protocols and found the “Surviving Sepsis Campaign Bundles” through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.

The Surviving Sepsis Campaign Bundles include:

  • To be completed within 3 hours:
  1. Measure lactate level
  2. Obtain blood cultures prior to administration of antibiotics
  3. Administer broad spectrum antibiotics
  4. Administer 30 mL/kg crystalloid for hypotension or lactate greater or equal to 4 mmol/L
  • To be completed within 6 hours:
  1. Apply vasopressors (for hypotension that does not respond to initial fluid resuscitation) to maintain a MAP greater or equal to 65 mm Hg
  2. In the event of persistent hypotension after initial fluid administration (MAP < 65 mm Hg) or if initial lactate was greater or equal to 4 mmol/L, re-assess volume status and tissue perfusion and document findings
  3. Re-measure lactate if initial lactate was elevated

Please review video at:



Levy, M. (2014). Surviving sepsis campaign: The takeaways. Retrieved from www.medscape.com/viewarticle/831158


Disconnecting from electronics has always been hard for me but once it happens, I find it calming. Over the weekend I was able to disconnect for about 4 hours. I couldn’t do the 24 hours. I spent those four hours eating with a friend and just walking around talking. While eating, I noticed a lot of people would have their phones out–something I would do. My friend has his phone out too and he would check it from time to time.

In the past for my birthday I rented a cabin in Topanga Canyon for myself. I wanted to get away from everything and just relax. There was no service up in the mountains but there was wifi. I spent the two days up there reading the newspaper sitting outside. I used to read the newspaper a lot but now I rarely have time. I drank wine looking at how beautiful the sky was. I showered outdoors. I did a lot that I wouldn’t have normally done surrounded by people and electronics. It did get creepy at night though being alone in the mountains. I probably wouldn’t do it again because of that.

End Of Life Care

End of Life Care

Ever since the death of my sister I found it very hard to talk about death of even think about it. Because talking about something makes it real and gives it power. For the longest time I spoke only of life with death not a topic for conversations. Then the most amazing thing in my life happened. My beautiful amazing son was born. The epitome of life, love and compassion. Then when he turned 4 he asked. “Pappa does everything die”. This forced me to confront the issue, talk about it and think about it. So I decided I will face death but on my terms. So our family had a conversation about, end of life wishes, DNR, what procedures can be done. We even spoke about who may be in the room when procedures like CPR and intubation is done. Even when life support could be turned of.  This again really hammered home for me how I wanted to spare my family the sadness of seeing all these procedures done to me, and that only the medical staff may be in the room. I have seen CPR done and have done it myself with family in the room and I could see how seeing this brought them anguish and pain. It was a relief to be able to voice my wishes and hear my loved ones wishes. And it turns out we feel the same way. It was a cathartic moment to realize a loved one will make sure my wishes are adhered to