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Session 9

I found it interesting in chapter 6 when it states “dont let TV be your teenager’s main source of sex education”. I feel that this is interesting because many parents out there do not sit down with their children and talk to them about sex; they rely on the TV shows and the movies the children watch to teach them what they need to know.  Many parents also expect for their kids to learn about sex in schools.  Me personally i feel that certain shows can help educate teens what consequences can happen, however i still feel it is important for parents to have a talk to their children and make sure they are fully aware of  what can happen and way to prevent diseases.

I found it interesting that when surveyed about sending nude or racy pictures, there were more adults who said they have done it, than teens.   Sternheimer states, that teens “…age group is actually less likely to be sexually active than teens were twenty years ago”.  Also that “the rate of high school students who have ever had sexual intercourse declined from 54% in 1991 to 47% in 2011”.  i found this interesting because i would have thought that the rate had increased instead of decreasing.

October 26th

Sternheimer Chapter 6:

This was an interesting topic on teen sex! It is awful to think that some teens are more responsible than adults on the topic of safe sex. Many parents try to avoid the “sex talk” with their teens without realizing the risk they create for their children. The majority of the time teens only want to be involved in promiscuous relationships because they are curious about the subject. It’s a natural reaction to want to experience the unknown especially if there isn’t an adult to explain the risks involved.

The statistics discussed in this chapter were incredible, it amazes me to find out how much the percentages have risen about safe sex compared to years ago. One of the first facts that came to mind is how society has changed. Especially for girls, back in the day girls were only expected to finish high school and get married to have children and become the ideal housewife (regardless of how young they were). Now, a lot of young women I know aren’t really looking into marriage before 30.

Teens have become smarter, at least a significant amount of teens. Like this chapter mentioned the maturity level is not the same compared to years ago . A lot of teens are not expected to have jobs right out of high school. Teens have more opportunities to become involved with college or other activities. Teens no longer have the expectation to start a family at such a young age. I prefer the society we have today, having the opportunity to attend school longer can only lead to  more knowledgeable adults. Having more knowledge about how society works can help us educate our children on many topics.



Teen Sex and Media

As the times change so will the people in those times. With that said, I think the media plays a huge roll in teens having sex at an earlier age than in previous decades. Seeing the teen pregnant mom show on MTV is one of the shows brought up in this chapter and having that in your face when turn on that channel. Someone should tell MTV that the M in their name stands for music, but that isn’t much better these days. People getting pregnant to be famous is a part of the media that I really can’t stand and there are pictures of women and men in hardly any clothes is even your face at the grocery store. Reality shows that make drama just to stain the air is giving the teens these days bad advice in my mind, meaning if these kids are getting their education from these shows there is going to be may problems.  Im not saying that people weren’t premiscuous or dramatic in earlier decades because the text tells us that sex in the 20’s and 30’s was there but it wasn’t in our faces and children’s faces in those days and that is the difference. What is there to do though? I think educating our kids and spending quality time is the answer but that is way easy when I say that when I have no kids or wife and I can sit around all day if I want to. What do you think everybody?


Scott Lang

Disconnected from Social Media

Disconnecting from social media sounds easy in practice, but in reality we have been connected in for so long that it has become so hard nowadays to disconnect. Maybe if we actually checked out books from the library often or if our assignments in class did not have to be typed or done in video format than this task would be a lot easier. However, disconnecting for 24 hours was really hard due to the fact that I had class and I had to work on various assignments and had to use my lap top and online resources for the assignments. I find that when I am going on vacation or theme parks like disneyland and I am more distracted than it is easier for me to disconnect but most the days I am so connected into my technology. I actually like when I have the moments when I am lying on the beach and reading a book and relaxing, but those days now are very few. I looked around the building of Island Cafe and all around me there was various students on all sorts of social media. Though technology has brought on many great aspects and improvements in life and comfortability to our environment, it really would be nice if we could put away our phones, tablets, laptops, and ipods and just have fun with our peers and just talk to them.

Social Media

So the assignment was to go as long as we could without using social media or texting or calling people and to write about our experience. I was not able to go very long. I went about a couple hours in the morning until my dad texted me. Most peoples lives in America are very dependent on social media and cell phones and being able to contact people 24/7. When i looked all around me people would just walk around school today staring at their cell phones and not even looking up. Lots of people had headphones in as well and completely disengaged themselves from the world around them.

I think it is ironic we have to go as long as we can without technology and then blog about it to the world since blogging is a form of social media. In the nursing program as well, we were told to get skyscape on our phones and look for things online as well as use other apps we find useful when looking up medications in the hospital setting. Medical care is very dependent on technology now and i dont think its necessarily a bad thing. Technology enhances communication and makes it quicker and more efficient as well as making knowledge accessible at any time.

October 26

Porn is addictive

So if porn is bad for you because of what it does to the brain than sex is bad too. Dont they do the same thing to the brain?

“These porn users are being taught that those behaviors are more normal and common than they actually are.” Viewers need to learn what is okay and what is not. I had a class last semester that had the topic of porn almost in every session. I have talked a lot about this, ha. My thoughts have always been: If something that is odd turns you on, its okay, go ahead and indulge in your weirdness. But, with everything don’t over do it. Dont think that your going to find someone to wants to do or likes the same thing. AND no that it is not normal for you to have this weird fetish but if you can contain it, than its okay.

I watched the video about Jessica, the former porn star. Why did she let her rape define her?

She thought of her tapings as punishment.

The real problem is the  people who are producing and directing this stuff.

So the website talks about viewing porn and how it is harmful but the video is about actual porn stars, why isn’t the website more about not going into that type of lifestyle because viewing porn and actually starring in it are different things. Most people who go into the porn industry aren’t addicted to it .. they come from bad backgrounds or need the money. So, I’m a little confused as to what the two have to do with each other.

Videos: lying with images..

Crazy how  the graphs can be manipulated like that. I dont know her name but someone in class last week talked about how women do look this good and we need to not bash them but just not compare ourselves and I have always thought that. There are so many anti-photoshop things now its kind of annoying, for some reason i have much doubt that this much photoshop is used. sorry.

What is with the Timberland tires, I have never even seen those. That was confusing.

Hausmanns videos: After reviewing all of the 15 strategies, I can see now how they all relate to one another and what their relevancy is. I have noticed some of them before, but did not understand how it was possible. Sometimes I have caught myself playing into certain steps, such as the ALL in the macs ad. It is crazy how companies pose these fake messages to benefit from them. With the Walmart video are we automatically assuming the Good for you label is b.s?


I really enjoyed reading this chapter and looking on the website online. I always heard that watching porn could render your expectations of sex but I have never heard that it could impact you on so many levels. I was majoring in the science field for a long time so to read all the affects that porn has on the body especially the brain, seems absolutely crazy. I think that this article would be very valuable to people who are struggling with a porn addiction because it gives such good insight and provides so much information about how porn affects all aspects of your life.

The book also provided a lot of valuable information about promiscuity.I do think that people do get caught up with the idea that children are losing their ” innocence” a lot younger than they have been in  the past but like the book said that’s a lie. People were always promiscuous the were just not as open about it. Not too long ago girls were getting married at a young age to people they did not necessarily care about.  By doing this it does not make them any more chaste than young people now a days who are being sexually active with people they love. Also teen pregnancy may not have seemed as dominate as it does today in our society but I do not think that has anything to do with today’s media. When young girls got pregnant in the past they would jump straight into marriage or get and abortion  and now young girls are stepping up and taking care of their child themselves. Overall I think that this chapter and the website both gave me a lot of insight to promiscuity in the media.

Events on Campus this Week!

Hello class!

I hope everyone is having a great week so far! There are only a few events on campus this week! If I could recommend one event to go to on campus, it would be the Tunnel of Oppression, based off the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles. They are still looking for volunteers if you are interested.

See you all in class!!!

CI Events 09

Katelynn Crook, TEA

Unplug activity

This morning I am reflecting on my past 24 hours of “unplugging” from my phone and social media accounts.  Although school work still required some use of my electronic devices, my use for the day was decreased significantly.

My first “unplugging” moment was when I went on my run.  I decided to leave my phone at home and run without music.  I was surprised to see so many other people out exercising at the same time. As I ran past each person, I waited to see if they were going to say hi.  Most of them did not, until I initiated the exchange.  I normally say “hello” to people on my runs, but this time I tried to be even more friendly.  I asked a few people, “Hi, how’s your day going?”  I noticed that just a few more words out of my mouth created a much more connected feel in the few seconds I was running past them.  Two people even offered me a “good job” or “keep it up” as I ran past.  Stepping away from my music made me notice more people out and about and I think it enhanced the short, few second exchanges I had with my neighbors.

I also noticed that I was finished with my homework by about 6:00 yesterday.  Without the distraction of my phone or computer (for social reasons), I was able to be a lot more productive.  Being done earlier allowed me to sit down in the backyard with my parents and hear all about their days.  We are usually pretty good about visiting without distractions, but being finished with my homework allowed me to give them 100% of attention without feeling the need to run off to something else.

Lastly, I left my phone in the car when I went to take my Pilates class last night. Usually I mess around on my phone as I sit waiting for class to start, just to have something to do.  Last night I sat there just observing things around me.  I was surprised to see an older gentleman come up and sit right next to me.  He began to ask if I had taken this class before and told me it was his very first time taking it.  He asked me all about it and even admitted he was a little nervous.  It was nice to spend those few minutes visiting with a person, rather than checking my Facebook or catching up on junk emails.  After class I checked in with him to see if he liked it and he said he hopes to be back next week! I think that “unplugging” from my devices made me appear more approachable to that gentleman.  If I was on my phone, I probably would have missed the opportunity to make a new friend.

As a waitress, I see people plugged into their phones way too much.  Often when I approach my tables with, “good evening, how are you tonight?”  I am rudely interrupted with “I’ll take a water.”  It is as if they didn’t even hear me trying to start a friendly exchange because they are too involved with their phones.  Its incredibly disrespectful and immediately makes me want to just walk away from them.   Unfortunately, because I still want my job, I am left in an awkward place and cannot even say anything to them.  It also drives me crazy when parents bring their kids iPads, mini TVs, or cell phones to act as babysitters during dinner.  What happened to kids being entertained through the conversations, the coloring sheets provided by the restaurants, and a few small toys they were allowed to bring when we were kids?  Sadly, this kind of behavior within restaurant settings is only going to lead to children becoming “plugged in” adults in the future.  Its a terrible cycle!!!

This exercise was a really good reminder of how reliant we are on our devices and how it can negatively impact the relationships around us. Putting it down once in a while is a great way to observe what’s taking place around us.   Although I am writing this response now, I am going to continue to stay disconnected throughout the weekend and see what other social exchanges I can have with those people around me.