What’s Dumbing Down America/4 Problems Media Depicts Poor People

While reading the chapter in our textbook, I found it interesting that adults consume more TV than teens and children.  The author also states how Sesame Street is technically a bad show for children to watch, due to the fact it makes them tired or hyper.  Although, kids look away from the TV 40-60% of the time.  As a result, they are not watching a show continuously since numerous children have short attention spans.  I don’t think that TV is “dumbing down America,” since kids are using different forms of media for entertainment.  For instance, texting has become main stream in the past years.  However, the average texting age is 38.  I found that age to be immensely higher than I thought it would be.  Ultimately, it seems that adults are having more difficulty with TV usage as well as texting.

The 4 problems with the way media depicts poor people stood out to me.  I didn’t realize that TV shows and news programs rarely mention the poor at all.  They are the ones who are struggling the most, and the media is trying to hide it.  Many individuals are born into poverty; as a result, it is difficult to come out of.  I think if the media puts out stories of helping the poor, than people may have a more positive outlook about them.  To sum up, the media is misrepresenting the poor by making them out to be horrible people who choose to live that lifestyle.

Social Media Search

What we were supposed to do in this post according to our assignment was to find something on our topic that is in social media. My topic is health care.

Because I am a lady I thought I might find something on women’s health care. Unfortunately all I could find really, was stuff on Planned Parenthood. Lately, because of what has been going on with Planned Parenthood and the Republicans it’s all over social media. The worst part is that it is either really one sides or the other. So this time I decided to make it general; just health care.

First I went on Twitter. I don’t have a Twitter account so I went on the main website and clicked on advanced search. I put in health care in the searched words and #healthcare in searched hashtags. At first it was hard going through the average Joe’s opinion on health care because that was all I could find. Eventually I got to AvaMed. Avamed is an organization that “is the leading association for med tech manufacturers: legislative, regulatory, payment, news you can use”(@AvaMedUpdate). What I found from them was that their organization works with companies to make medical technology. Mostly, they try to work with companies or even try to get people to start medical companies. They also promote the use of new medical technology.

The second organization that I found was on Facebook. This also took me awhile because I found more average Joe’s on my feed that were associated with or shared links on health care. Eventually I found an organization called World Health Organization or WHO. What this organization does is help people around the world with health care. Recently they are working on a project that helps adolescents with health care (ages 10-19). Mostly what I found from going through their feed was that they are working on doctors and patient understanding that a person’s age effects people’s health differently . Not only that, but will want to be treated differently, hence adolescent health care.

Of course, with these different sites I did some research and found them credible.

Link for WHO: https://www.facebook.com/WHO/timeline

Discourse Community of CI Climate Symposium

Discourse Community of CI Climate Symposium

The first criterion in qualifying as a discourse community is a common goal. Educating and communicating about the threats within the ecosystem within the region and coming up with solutions to solve the problem. One of the main topics that I can imagine that would be discussed is pollution. Pollution would be a controllable effort in which multiple individuals can get together within a community and accomplish diminishing the cause.

The second criteria is the Intercommunication that goes on between the groups. Through seminars and meetings individuals within have discussion between board members and students. Written communication includes the posted scheduling online, reservations, and information inter-exchanged within the group. Intercommunication will be topic relevant information and educative.

Information and feedback is the third implication in meeting the needs of a discourse community. Meeting requires both directors and participants to communicate and reciprocate information back as to what is a good solution. And in re-defining problems that do exist. Both board members and participants will be initiating input. After participants have had time to listen and internalize the information, questions may be asked and or alternative solutions and suggestions may be expressed. This in an important factor in which collaboration contributes to powerful end results.

An established genre is another involving factor between the communities. The genres included in climate include ecosystems, geographic regions, the climate itself; and cause and effect approach along with solutions in order to resolve the issues at hand. Other subgenres include biology, biosphere, and public policy. The genre in climate can technically cover an array of topics. The topics in which are discussed at the CI symposium include the “Climate Change Paradigm Change”, (1), how acidification affects organisms living in the ocean, the impact climate change has on health, rising sea levels, and solutions.

The Specific Lexis is another important and relevant factor required that is developed over time. Specific lexis includes terminology that has already been learned such as the cascading effect. The cascading effect is how the effect of one behavior on one organism, plays a role onto the rest. Or how cars co2 impacts the layers within the biosphere. Lexis will be something that is developed over time as students develop and take an array of courses within biology or inter-relate fields. Lexis is an important dynamic as key words trigger background information relevant to topic content and solutions.

Relevant discourse and expertise plays in important impact and establishment for the community. Public policy members are important within biology because public policy plays a big role into how research is conducted as well as what scientists can do and cannot do. Biology majors are also acceptable because biology covers several subtopics including the climate. Environmentalists would be extremely acceptable because climate is a specific topic within the field. There are several topic related fields as health, policy, biology, and environment play a role into climate. The climate affects health, policy affects climate, and biology and environment are the studies within the climate.


  1. 2015 California State University Channel Islands. 1 University Drive, Camarillo, CA, 93012. CI to Host Climate Symposium”. Web. http://www.csuci.edu/news/releases/2015-climatesymposium.htm

The Social Search (part 3)

So primarily looked at twitter and facebook for more information on who or what I could learn about textbook and prices. After a fairly quick search but a ton of pages I found a few organization that are working toward a better system for students and higher edu. Faculty forward looks at the cost of higher education in a general sense and voices some of the more unseen effects of student fees, not being able to buy new clothes and not having an open dialog enough dialog with students to show where their money is going. The other site is flat world education which is trying to change the entire dynamic of traditional higher education formats and personalizing them. while the model is new and I personally don’t agree to it they are on social media to show the issues that cause the website to be made, the dissatisfaction with the method that publishers are with the way the handle the price and distribution of textbooks.


looking at social media never was a positive thing for me as a student, I constantly felt that it was overly biased and would get buried by more popular stories that are more appealing to a wider audience. As an example there is a story on the textbook tag on twitter about a highschool textbook and how it skewed the fact the slaves from Africa that were brought to America were called “workers” and how in texas this is a major outrage. while I agree that this is a major issue I had to dig for more information on my topic or change my search altogether.

Social Issues Go to Social Media

Hello everyone, today we dive into the huge world of social media and what it has to offer the LGBT community. I chose the three formats that I have an existing account for, due to that I really did not want to open new accounts just for research purposes. I am quite amazed with the amount of pages and how diverse the selection is. On Twitter alone there had to be hundreds of links to different tweet pages and different types of blogs.  LGBT Foundation, Rainbow Noir, Buzz Feed LGBT (fun page to read). Think Progress (more political news) and Los Angeles LGBT ctr. were some of the twitter pages that I dove into and am now following. They list everything to latest news, upcoming events, where to find support and much more. When I went to Facebook I had the same result. The two pages that caught my eye were Human Rights Campaign and LGBT News.  Both pages “stand for the equality dealing with the most serious issues in the LGBT community.

As my attention turned to YouTube that is when things got REAL. Last week a few of my classmates and I were discussing “coming out’ and how it can be a very scary time. Not being gay myself I could only use my imagination and try to understand. I had tried to show my support and let them know how I felt but my words came out wrong and I may have either sounded like an idiot, or maybe even offended them, which I apologize for.



After watching this video I was left in tears and still remain very emotional on how this young man was mistreated. This is the type of behavior that sends today’s society back to the dark ages of understanding and equal rights. I understand that some people just do not, nor want to understand the LGBT community or the people who are in it, but what I do know is that day will come to an end. The word is spreading to be good to each other and live in peace with our differences no matter what they are. I can tell you that over the past few weeks I have learned so much about LGBT and all that it has to offer, and I am glad that I have.

So remember to smile, make someone else laugh out loud, and have a fantastic day.



Peer Review Search

challenge 3 component 3

What I did this week is search my topic ” Refugee Crisis” on twitter and Facebook. The first thing is I typed it in twitter and it popped up a lot of tweets about refugee crisis and updating every once in a while about a problem in the world. The one that got me the most was a recent tweet that happened and it was a man carrying a young boy which I think it was his son not to sure maybe his nephew. But it got to me because its sad seeing that there are young kid also suffering and having to move to different countries because of problems that are happening where they live. Its really a sad thing to imagine a kid fleeing with his family. Sometimes its just the kids that leave their own family at a really young age and have to travel by themselves. . On Facebook I found a post where it took you to a website that was about the European Commission and Turkey forming a plan on helping the refugees in their country. They also finding other ways on how to come up with the money so they can create more centers in there country.  A lot more other post showed up about how many countries are trying to solve this problem and how can they help refugees in their own country when they cross the border.   Still some countries are strict on refugees coming in from different countries and some are boosting up their security rates and guards to stop them.

Challenge 3, Component 3 – Social Media Opens Eyes

“What is the point of being alive, if you don’t at least try to do something remarkable?” – John Green

This week we were asked to search social media for insight on our topic. The refugee crisis is such a fresh topic that I was unsure if people even knew about it, but I was surprised that I was able to connect a previous article to an event on Facebook. The University in England that I mentioned in my last post has a page for the march they are going to put on for the refugees and to raise awareness. All of the pictures and posts that they have on their page brought tears to my eyes because they are making the change. 2.2 million people were invited to this even and as of now 503 people are planning to attend. Although I wish that number were bigger I am happy that some people realized the severity of this tragedy. When I searched the hash tag #refgueecrisis on Instagram, I was in awe. I found a picture that broke my heart. On a coastline there were hundreds of lifejackets washed up on the shore along with floating tubes. This made me think about how many people didn’t make it to a safer place and had to suffer such a tragic death. We are in the year 2015 people, this should not be happening. Everyone deserves a fare chance at life. After seeing this picture and seeing that people on the other side of the world are making a difference just makes me realize that we need to do the same.

Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

Challenge 3 Component 2: Database Reasearch

This week we were asked to search for more articles on our topic of the refugee crisis, except we were given specific directions to search websites that are known for more credible resources. Searching the database from the library took me on a whole different path than searching the web.   I came across many articles from students and journalists, and there were so many more newspaper articles from all over the world. Reading these different articles made me realize that many people are becoming more aware about the refugee crisis and some of them are actually taking action. This particular article stressed the importance about how important it is to take action and help these people who are living a nightmare. (http://infoweb.newsbank.com.summit.csuci.edu:2048/resources/doc/nb/news/1584A8EA6E3BF000?p=AWNB ) It brings up how this crisis became such a big deal to the rest of the world, which I have mentioned in m previous posts. The three-year-old Syrian boy whose body washed up face down on the shore of Turkey made the whole world upset about this situation and wanting to take action. One of my biggest questions is “Why did it have to get so bad before anyone started helping?” This led me to searching through many more articles; then I stumbled upon one that was more about information, but information that made me a very happy camper. In England there is a group of university students who have created a committee that is having a march on October 16th at 7:00 PM in order to raise awareness and bring out the humanity in people around the world to want to make a difference. This inspired me to be a part of something like this in order to make the world realize that we need to be the change we want to see in the world.