First NOAA collaboration


With the new cooperation between the university and NOAA, we are able to share resources in multiple ways, from the sharing of equipment, vessel usage, training and much more. The NOAA Center of Excellence for Unmanned Technologies invited our team to come observe a test mission using the AeroVironment Puma UAV aboard the research vessel the R/V Shearwater. This last Monday, team leader Paul Spaur, and member Tim Holcombe joined the multi-disciplinary NOAA team on the R/V Shearwater at the Santa Barbara Harbor. The ship set out into the Santa Barbara Channel and ran a series of 10+ flight missions, launching the UAV while at sea.

AARR Technician Tim Holcomb observes the setup of the Puma flight plan.
AARR Technician Tim Holcomb observes the setup of the Puma flight plan.


NOAA Corps Officer launches the Puma
a NOAA Corps Officer launches the Puma

The Puma is a fixed wing aircraft that is constructed with high impact foam, allowing it to be very light, and very durable. It was designed to land on water, and has a modular payload system. The payload systems enables it to carry a variety of imaging and sensor packages. The craft has stand alone video capabilities which can be used by one or two people, an autopilot system allowing for way point navigation, and gimbaled cameras with the ability to zoom in, and switch to an infrared / thermal view. The unit has a robust radio system, allowing for long range data, video and control. The unit is piloted by NOAA Corps Officers that have been trained and certified in flying UAVs.


The Puma is recovered and placed on the back deck of the ship.


Remotely piloted technology is giving agencies such as NOAA the ability to better understand and protect natural resources. Unmanned aircraft can be used to survey and inventory marine mammals, vegetation, survey coast lines, monitor for poachers and illegal fishing and much more. Unmanned surface or underwater vehicles can monitor underwater sounds, whale and other large marine mammal behavior and migration, monitor vessel noise pollution, monitor fish populations and much more. These systems can provide around the clock monitoring and research, and offer the added benefit of reduced costs, allowing greater coverage, especially in remote places that have limited resources. The cost of one flight with a traditional aircraft could pay for nearly a season worth of flights with a UAV. In addition to the monetary savings, electric UAVs can reduce the impact to the environment by reducing the amount of noise, and emissions.



Patient Education: Colostomy Care

There are a multitude of websites and YouTube videos available for patients seeking more information on colostomy care. However, for patients that do not have access to internet resources or who are not educated in technology usage, finding information may be a challenge. I found a booklet from Cedars-Siani Medical Center given to patients for colostomy education and information. I found the booklet to be helpful in the sense that it addressed troubleshooting issues such as intimacy, travel,  leakage, and how to approach friends and family about this medical condition. There is also detailed information about the anatomy of the abdomen, tips for taking care of and cleaning the stoma, skin care, and diet. I found the images throughout the booklet to be lacking detail, so I think a good supplement to this would be a take home dvd so that patients  are able to view the techniques being put into action. Below is the link for you to check it out!

Click to access colostomy_booklet2.pdf



Videos for Kids

CHLA has a lot of educational material for parents who are taking their children home and need to know how to take care of them. For instance, I found this page on G tube care for children:

The information listed above is certainly very helpful for parents who want to have resource in order to make sure their kids are well cared for and that nothing goes wrong. But we’ve talked a lot in various classes about different learning styles, and the importance of presenting information in a manner that will be understood. So what about videos? Sometimes just reading the words doesn’t bring it home enough. So I found some good videos for parents to watch.

What about the kids, though? If I was a little kid and I was coming home from a scary hospital experience with a tube into my stomach, I would be very nervous and upset. I think maybe learning more about what’s going on inside, and the reason why the tube is helping me to get better would help me to feel more comfortable.

I had no luck finding a fun, simple video that just explains what a G tube is, why it’s there, and what it’s doing, as well as why the stomach needs it. I found a lot of dry videos with a pediatrician explaining G tube care, but I think there’s a need for Sesame Street style health care videos for kids that are going through health problems.

At least, that’s what I think I would want.


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Faculty Research Roundtable

The Student Research Steering Council is sponsoring a roundtable of research-active faculty on Tuesday, October 6th. Aimed at current students, the roundtable will focus on faculty research experiences. Faculty presenters will provide advice about how to get involved in research and how they have benefitted from their research experiences.

  • Date: October 6, 2015
  • Time: 5.45-7.00
  • Place: Anacapa Commons

Roundtable Objectives:

The objectives of the roundtable are to meet faculty from across the disciplines, learn about their intellectual development, and discover how research fits into their intellectual and teaching lives. Among the questions panelists will address are:

  • What’s your background?
  • What’s your field?
  • What’s at the core of your field? (this is an interdisciplinary group)
  • How did you get interested in that field?
  • What led you to pursue graduate work?
  • How did you get interested in research?
  • What role does it play in your intellectual life?
  • What does your research center on?
  • How did you choose that?
  • Did you have mentors? What was their role in your development?
  • What advice would you give to students interested in getting involved in research?

Faculty Panel Participants:

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Upper GI Endoscopy Patient Education

This YouTube video is a great tool to educate pre-op patients about what to expect during an endoscopy procedure. The audio and visual explanation helps the patient get a more detailed and interactive understanding.

Uncovering the Truth about Reagan

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It is no doubt that I did have my reservations of biased opinions when it comes to President Reagan. But it has come to my attention that this man not only claimed he cared about the people, he showed it in his actions. To me that’s really all one can do in his position, even when facing all that he had to.

On January 3rd, 1966, Governor Reagan at a time of financial crisis for California, spoke with great optimism. The state of California was facing a huge budget deficit, the highest taxes in the nation, a frightening crime rate, air and water pollution, and exploding welfare costs. In this time he had spoken with great words of wisdom in stating that, “Our problems are many but our capacity to solve them is limitless” (Reagan). Just that in itself, helped me see the importance of having the consistency in a philosophy like his. The philosophy being to aim for economic freedom, smaller government, fewer regulations, and lower taxes. This stood out to me as I passed by not only because it had it’s own spotlight, but because it gave the President credibility in his optimism towards our country even in the many hardships we were facing at that moment in time. It also presented a very good explanation as to why he became Governor in the beginning of his journey to Presidency.

The speech called, “A Time for Choosing” was evident in the museum as to what shaped Reagan as an individual and made him such a popular candidate for Governor. In reading about how he at first resisted the call to run, made me grow fond of him as a person. I say person because in his speech he had stated that, “I am not a politician, I am an ordinary citizen with a deep-seated belief that much of what troubles us has been brought about by politicians” (Reagan). The way  Reagan established his connection with the people made him so much more empathetically appealing as a Governor. His humility struck me to the core in awe of the way he moved through his journey. Seeing this made me more intrigued in being able to continuously walk through the museum with great admiration of Ronald Reagan himself.

Following the title of Governor Reagan came most promisingly, President Reagan. His promises to create a smaller government, lower taxes, and build a strong national defense, made him a good candidate in this time period. Reagan stated that, “More than anything else, I want my candidacy to unify our country; to renew the American spirit and sense of purpose” (Reagan). In that, I could see the way he saw his own purpose and captivated that through his speech. Reagan’s “Vision for America” stood out in his passion for the people of America’s purpose. He inspired the people in a way that every President should, but not many could.

The video of the Presidential Assassination attempt in March of 1981, made me well aware of his faith in acceptance of whatever is to come of his life. This event, in the way he dealt with it and viewed it established his humility and gratitude for being given a second chance. In turn, he gained a lot of respect when he responded to this event writing in his diary, “Whatever happens now, I owe my life to God and will try to serve Him in every way I can” (Reagan).  I see why the museum emphasized on his faith because I see now that that’s something he greatly valued in his life which showed in his actions during his two termed Presidency.

November 5, 1994 was the day the truth came out for the well-respected President. Reagan opened up in a letter he wrote to the American people about having Alzheimer’s disease. I had come across this letter in a glass case in awe of what he stated being in his condition, Even with the disease he had, he still seemed so strong in his faith and accepting of the tough experience he had to go through. It amazed me that even in his condition,, he could still write so beautifully with such inspiring words of wisdom and integrity. President Reagan was a great example for the American People, even in spite of the many challenges he had to overcome in his two terms. In the end, as he was suffering the most physically, I still saw the strength he had in the foundation of his values. It was evident in the sense that President Reagan was and always will be a great inspiration to us all.

Digging deeper in the emotional impact of the letter, Reagan writes about working together in progress for the future of our great nation. He then goes on about the importance of keeping faith, trying our best, and moving forward in knowing that we did everything that could be done. Then he closed with a touching thank you to everyone. To me, this resembled a significant viewpoint in the way President Reagan cared for the people and had genuine intentions to be the voice of the people. This showed me just how much he unconditionally believed in our country to be good together. In this letter I saw the essence of who he was; and that’s saying a lot considering it’s just two pages.

One key emotional element I had felt when reading this letter, was compassion. I felt greater compassion for what he went through and that compassion didn’t sadden me, it inspired me. This was evident as to why the museum ended on that note, because that was the lasting impact he had. I think it was designed in full circle to evoke that compassion which ultimately lead to inspiration. The same feeling everyone seeks to feel when going to any kind of museum; we crave to feel inspired by those who are seen as important either in history or the present.

After reading this letter, I not only had great respect for him as an individual, I had admired him for the bigger picture of who he was. I think that’s what this library and museum did for President Ronald Reagan. The museum carefully portrayed how he cared about us, which in turn makes us only care that much more about him. He believed in the good of the people, which is why the museum only portrayed the good in him. Some people might say it’s pretentious to do so, but ultimately this letter resembles the whole story. Reagan was and will always be devoted to the people cares about, and he cared greatly for the American people, his family, and God. That’s what he wrote about in his letter. His belief that we can do as much good in this world as he saw in all of us.

In all honesty, the truth is the letter, the museum, the library, all of it resembles his truth. Reagan wasn’t a perfect President, neither was any other President for that matter. But he did do one thing, he lead by example in knowing his truth. Yes, maybe his truth wasn’t good enough for everyone but that doesn’t matter. Because through every experience he encountered, we the people got to see a strong, devoted, and compassionate individual who took not so great circumstances, and transformed them into the United states we see today. Whether that looks bad or good to anyone is ultimately their choice to see it that way. Not Reagan’s, not Obama’s, because they didn’t and don’t get to choose. They just believe in our country regardless of what happens and see to it that we change to be better for the future endeavors of America.

Furthermore, the true essence in Reagan’s history lies within the last letter he wrote to the American people. The object is significant in the sense of it’s underlying meaning towards the way he carried himself through every event in the timeline of his life. Reagan was strong in his relationship towards God regardless of what happened outside of him. That was consistent throughout his two terms as President of the United States of America. Reagan showed the kind of President he wanted to be through his actions. This letter reflected his intentions so profoundly in his honesty about what he was going through with having alzheimer’s disease.

Overall, the letter represents the deep struggles both President Ronald Reagan and his wife had to endure. As he wrote, “In the past, Nancy suffered from breast cancer and I had cancer surgeries. We found through our open disclosures we were able to raise public awareness” (Reagan). To me, this made me understand the truth behind this letter and the reason why it had it’s own individual section. This letter in all aspects addressed the way both Reagan and his wife Nancy, decided to open up about their personal experiences. Their deep understanding and acceptance was there to help the people to better understand and accept themselves, physically healthy or not. His outing in this letter was created for people to get more informed on their condition and to know that even the President isn’t immune to suffering. Ultimately, President Reagan seemed to always want to be seen as an ordinary citizen in society that just deeply cared about creating change for the people. Towards the end of his life, that’s the truth that I believe the museum wanted to portray. His humility and faith even in the position he was, carried him through the Sunset of his life. 

The truth behind Reagan’s story is evident within the letter represented in the glass case at the Ronald Reagan Museum. The moment of his confession to having Alzheimers made him relevant to society and the ordinary citizen. I discovered the truth through looking into Reagan’s past as I walked through the museum and saw why he was who he was. The one thing that was clear throughout his entire journey was that from early on he knew his purpose. I am a firm believer of everything happening for a reason, and I think Ronald Reagan became President to help the American People see their purpose in this society. He inspired people to find that through his actions in his whole lifetime. Even till this day it was amazing to see the how packed and popular the museum was on an ordinary Friday afternoon. I think that in itself  is telling of how accurately the artifacts, messages, audio, and video recordings resemble Ronald Reagan’s journey in the truth of who he was as President.




the Reagan affect

Ronald Reagan was the   president of the United States. His term lasted  eight years, throughout his presidency he was faced with a lot of obstacles. Ronald Reagan was elected in  1981 at the end of the cold war . Throughout those years America and Russia didn’t really see eye to eye. within  my adventure through the Reagan library I have embarked on artifacts that explain the tone of  the cold war and  the end of Reagan term in office.


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throughout my adventure in the Reagan library ,I first encountered a  tunnel that that had a inner layer that described the basis of the cold war. In the picture above , it shows a illustration of the leaders in the cold war: Leonid Brezhnev ,Nixon,  Gorbachev. The enlightenment that his picture offers to me was a thought  created at biased perspective on Russia and their satellite nations, the very mode that they created in the tunnel of the museum  wanted me to look at the  Communist part as a source of evil. for example in the second picture their is a illustration of a strait jacket. in the picture their is a small explanation about the strait jacket. the summery stated that the communist party in Russia, USSR, put political prisoners in the strait jackets for when they were sweeping through the house of the Kremlin.

Through the tour their were certain artifacts that hit home for me. when I seen the manikin warring the close of president Reagan’s wife I started to think of my mother, the nostalgia that the manikin created made me think of how my mother, my mother like old Victorian dresses, that relate back to the 1920’s. The very demeanor that the first lady chaired reminded me of my mother. for example, when I seen that the fist lady was very active in the development of extravagant parties. It reminded me of home and how m family would throw big event and my mother would be at the four front of it.



Educational Aids

There are many apps out there for smart phones that can be utilized to help teach patients.  below is a link to an article that shares the top diabetes apps for 2015.

Pancreatic Cancer


Eric, Rosa, Leslie, Tommy, and Jane 09/23/15