Non-Native Invasive Species on Santa Rosa Island

IMG_3569My capstone project will be focused on non-native invasive species on Santa Rosa Island. There are many invasive species on the island, most of which get dropped there as seeds from visitors shoes or gear and will often take root near Ports of Entry. These invasive species then compete with natives for space and nutrients to thrive, diminishing the natives populations greatly. I will work on creating a Plant Identification Chart for others to easily identify invasive species. I will also catalog plants using a GPS unit to map out a 20m zone around Ports of Entry as well as sample 500m transects along dirt roads and trails to see how much coverage invasive species are taking up. Ultimately the goal of this project will be to effectively map out the locations of these invasive species and create a management plan to potentially begin restoration. I hypothesize that invasive species will higher in coverage near Ports of Entry than Dirt Roads and Trails further inland.


Water Canyon Vegetation


This capstone project will take place in Water Canyon on Santa Rosa Island. Cattle and elk heavily grazed Santa Rosa Island for 150 years having severe impacts on the vegetation. The island has been going through recovery for 3 years after the last elk was removed in 2012. This study will look at the vegetation distribution throughout the watershed, primarily focusing on the riparian habitats and terraces. Surveys will be conducted to identify species within cross sections of the stream channel. Patterns of population niches will be identified. Further research will be conducted from literature to identify why certain species inhabit certain areas.

Vegetation distribution will be examined with regards to upstream/ downstream patterns, elevation, slope, and materials within the stream channel (boulders, rocks, soils, etc.). Additionally, Invasive species will be identified and examined to see the impacts on the native species. It is anticipated that biodiversity will decrease with an increase of invasive species. The study will compare the expected vegetation in Water Canyon with literature that focuses on vegetation in stream channels and significantly impacted areas. This project will be collecting baseline data that can be used in future research projects after the island has more time to recover or after any significant natural event.


Project Mentor: Linda O’Hirok

Weekend #1

I took my first trip out to Santa Rosa Island this weekend and finally got started on my Bishop Pine research.  On the first day I went on a hike with Cause and some other students to get accustomed to the island and on Saturday we really got started on the interesting stuff.  We started the day by getting up into the mountains at 8:30 am to meet Catherine at the erosion mitigation site at a couple of the island oak groves and around 12 pm I got to my site where I will be researching the Bishop Pines.  I counted 5 trees ranging from a few inches tall to 6 meters, but most of the big guys were dead.  I also got to enjoy some beautiful views from my research site without another person for miles, it was awesome.  Unfortunately I didn’t get any pictures on Santa Rosa but here is a picture of a large Bishop Pine grove that has almost completely died off on Santa Cruz Island from the boat ride back.

Santa Cruz Dead Bishop Grove

Entry #1- First Look

I have begun my project by looking at areas that have recorded sightings of the unarmored threespine stickleback fish in the Santa Clarita area. The first place I checked out was a small section of the Santa Clara River. I found a small creek with water emptying into it from an unknown source. The water closest to the source looked unhealthy and had a layer of foam floating on surface. In addition, the water was brown and it was difficult to see anything in it. I walked along the creek for about 15 minutes and did not see any fish. I thought the water was now uninhabitable until I saw a few snails and frogs moving along the bottom. Hopefully I will see some fish in the next spot I check out.


This photo shows the point source of water for the creek I found. The white areas on the surface were foam and bubbles which covered most of the surface of the pool beneath this entry point.

Representation vs. Misrepresentation (Challenge 3.2)

The challenges for our class are growing to be more in depth of our topics. We are no longer simply scraping the surface of our research, but in the second component of this challenge, we are tackling scholarly articles for information towards our topic.

In the subject of LGBT rights, I am most interested in the importance of proper queer representation in a heteronormative society. Heteronormativity is the concept that at first glance, characters in media, and furthermore, every day people, are automatically assumed to be straight. This impulse driven judgment of sexuality is the result of television shows, movies, and any portrayal of two characters in love to consistently be a man and a woman. In order to be a more accepting society, media needs to represent more variety in not only its people and characters but also its When I started my research, most of the media that I had in mind were television and movies that did not represent the LGBT people properly. I found an article through the Google Scholar search engine that made me realize that there is another industry that creates characters: gaming. I forget that game producers can also be at fault for not creating LGBT characters and instead only perpetuating the heteronormativity of society. This industry, along with novels and stories, are another facet of media that need to have more variety for LGBT representation.

The other article I found dealt with the fact that for a large portion of the limited LGBT representation that exists in media, the characters are often given a common trope of a gay man and his straight female friend and their antics together. Part of this trope comes off as stereotypical, and the article calls for a change in this current misinformed representation.

I believe that working on the representation that the LGBT community receives will help nurture society into a more accepting and informed one. The company that creates Barbie dolls has begun to make dolls that are more representative of little girls everywhere. Just as it is important for children to feel they are represented in the way that dolls and toys look, generations should be able to watch, read, and witness media that presents all forms of sexuality in a positive light so that they do not feel ostracized or discriminated against.


So far everything is going well. The high school students don’t appear to be that interested in all of this. I am very much hoping that this will change as the year continues on. Most of the students seem to be nice enough and I hope that it will be fun for them to learn it all and I hope that i have fun teaching them all about it.


Hello my name is Dylan Fadich



… and this is my capstone

Geomorphology of Water Canyon on Santa Rosa Island

My capstone will focus on gathering geomorphological information on Water Canyon on Santa Rosa Island. I will be taking cross sections of water canyon and studying sedimentation flow throughout the river channel. We will also be studying the erosion effects and dynamics of the stream channel in order to do this, permits must be granted to set up sediment traps in the canyon. My mentor and project overseer will be Linda O’Hirok. This Project was proposed to her by the National Park Service whose goal is to gather more data on the geomorphology of Water Canyon. My hypothesis is that there will be large scale changes to the sedimentation and erosion processes throughout the different sections of the Water Canyon stream channel. Once we are out in the field my hypothesis and aspects of my project could vary slightly.

Blog Post #1

This is my first blog post. I don’t really know how this works, and am not sure if it will show up on my website or not. I am having trouble figuring out where everything goes once you’ve made something, like a page, how do you get to it when you are on your site? You can type it into the URL but is that the only way to find a page. I’m not even sure where this blog post will go.

Help! If anyone from Capstone that is more tech-savy than I,

actually sees this!

Over and Out

-Aspen CotyIMG_2042

Fact? Or Is That What They Want Us to Believe?

Friday September 25th as a class we all went to the Ronald Reagan Library and we seen many different artifacts from his presidency. It was our job to determine what was trying to be said and weather it was being interpreted correctly.
For the first item in the collection, I had pick the Love letters Reagan had wrote to his wife while they were married. I had decided to pick these particular letters IMG_6417because the museum had presented himself well as them both to be a romantic couple almost like the ideal couple. That although the two were still married that they loved each other as if they are still first time loves all throughout their marriage. It’s almost like I and others would want and strive to have a marriage like there’s. These particular set of letters do not relate entirely to his time in office, however these do relate to his life before and throughout his presidential term.
The second item in the collection, was not so much something from Reagan himself but from his wife. I had picked the showcase of Mrs. Reagan’s “Just Say No!” campaign to stop the consumption of drugs in young kids. I had pick this particular showcase as well as picked something Mrs. Reagan had done because the president I believe is only as good as his first-lady. According to the museum she seems to be on the same level as he. The museum presents the two of them as a super strong couple being able to accomplish almost anything, as if they are the power couple. Once again this collection doesn’t directly represent Reagan and his presidency, however it does show and represent just what type of movements and actions both him and his wife was taking to fix matters needed to be fixed.
The third item in the collection had been the Get Well Canes people had sent to the president as he was recovering from the shot he had taken. I had picked these particular items because just from the sheer fact that Reagan was able to take a bullet and almost come off unscathed is remarkable. That is what I believe exactly how the museum had wanted to painted him. They had painted him likeIMG_6418 as if he was a superhuman or a war hero who just came back from battle. They present him like as if he could overcome anything and could do anything. I just found it really interesting the many different canes were sent to him because they weren’t like just the basic ones they were all like decorative and unique. The timeline in which this happened was actually during his presidency in 1981, where the shooter was caught moments after the shots being fired and was identified as John Hinckley Jr.
The fourth item I had chosen to further look in depth was a map on The Geographical Election of Ronald Regan in 1984. I had decided to pick this specific map because I found it really interesting the way the museum had decided to interpret it. Although Reagan was identified as a Republican and the Republican party is always associated with the color red, however on the map he is identified with the color blue. Which blue is commonly associated with the Democratic party, Although politics should not be about the most likeable the Democrats are considered more the a party for the common man. Thus being I think the museum had purposely chosen the color blue not only to maybe fool some that aren’t aware of his party affiliation, but also the chose the color blue to present more of a calmer state of mind and a likable state.
The last and final depiction I had decided to pick was a statue of Reagan and one of his constituents conducting a meeting. I had decided to pick this depiction of him conducting the meeting because the way the statues are depicted it is like the IMG_6419two shown are having a complex and intellectual conversation. Shown by both the hand motions and the way the constituent is pondering his request the conversation seems to be going well. The funny thing about it all is that the museum decides to have the statues set up like that but not more than like ten feet away the actual picture of the event is shown and the two are having a casual conversation. The statues are being shown to have more complexity and depth then what there was, they try to present the President as if he’s some type of philosopher as he gives his “great” ideas.
Now the way in which the curator had decided to form all these exhibits and articles can almost be perceived as a lie, a lie in the sense that it is extending the truth way more than it should. Take for example upon me walking through the museum, knowing nothing of Reagan, I was personally charmed by everything that was depicted. I sincerely felt that he was a very well rounded individual and that I should get off my butt and do something with myself. Now had it not been for my professor explaining just what exactly is the Library’s motives and what they were doing I would have fallen into the trap and believe he was almost like a God.
That is not to say that I don’t think he was a great person I do not know enough about him to formulate an opinion of him. I just couldn’t help but to look at all the young kids that would walk past me as they are in such amazement while they stare at Reagan. I have just one concern about it all, people especially young children should be able to formulate their own thoughts on subjects in which is IMG_6420presented to them and decided what is right and wrong. Now although this might not been as server of a situation but take a hypothetical situation. Take into account if there was a Nazi Germany museum and they was depicting how great fascism was. If children go into it all blindly they would start to believe Nazism was actually good. Then we would have all these young people falling into a life in which might not be ideal.
As a whole what we should do before walking to facilities such as these is search and so a little of digging around and have a sort of background information that way when walking to a museum we know what we are looking at. Then when stumbling upon some thing in which we might not know if its factual we should when we get a chance dig further into the object and determine the validity of such objects.
That is why I believe it is always our responsibility not only as people but as a society that we try to represent information and ideas in the most non bias way as possible that way people and individuals would be able to formulate their own ideas when coming up to places such as these. For that these places always tell a one sides story in which they believe is the right one and we’re suppose to just accept it for what it is. When we go to museums what we really should be doing is digging and looking for what is factual and what is not don’t just simply believe blindly.



I found this chapter to be very difficult to read because, these are teens who actually had to go through these terrible emptions all alone. I can only imagine the pain and confusion these teens felt as their lives seemed to be, deemed unworthy by bullies who no doubt are dealing  with their own issues, and taking their anger out on another person so they could feel better about one self. I have been a victim of bullying and had my fair share also of being the bully in elementary school. I know for a fact that I feel remorseful and disappointed in how; I treated a few kids at school when I come across there profile on Facebook or other social media sites. these events have brought more awareness about bullying and have helped anti bully campaigns get under way. I support the anti bully movement and feel its my responsibility to speak up if I see that crap happening anywhere I go. I feel as though Ravi got off to easy and that sent out a message that justice is not served and that our system most definitely is screwed up. My heart goes out to Tyler’s family for the pain they’ve had to endure and the loss of their son.

Adult Cyber Predators

The scary truth of internet predators is still not given the attention it needs to raise awareness of the full truth in my opinion. So many young  girls and boys fall victim to these sick bastards daily however, its unfortunate that the media doesn’t always cover these abductions on how much they really do happen. in my opinion the story has to be good enough to get ratings and then the story dies out. when the show “catching a predator” aired the world was seeing for itself that these men were business men, fathers, coaches and at times a person who was looked up to in their community. I believe we should air a story everyday because, a  young girl or boy goes missing everyday in our country. in Hueneme Ca, last year a sex house was discovered its sad because its here in our backyard and there is no telling how many more are out here. the war on both of these issues alive and going strong, I fell as though a strong community can help each other by simply being more  educated on what these homes may run like.