Struggling with Stereotypes

I was reading the article “struggling with stereotypes: uses and abuses of a critical concept,” and I realized how relevant stereotypes are in TV shows.  Stereotyping is so mainstream that children are going to grow up believing that it is acceptable to do this in real life.  In addition, they may think it is normal to generalize and put people in different groups based on their gender or skin tone.  For example, a man is supposed to be the steady source of income in a family, and the woman is supposed to be a home maker taking care of the kids.  In my opinion, this has been a repeating theme in most kids programs.  I think this will be a never ending cycle.


Primary Source

Research methods pictureHarold T. Bizz Johnson wrote a response  to Rev. Bayliss on April 28, 1971. It was a response to the letter he received from Rev. Bayliss involving the My Lai massacre. This event happened in Vietnam in March 1968 but the public didn’t find out until Nov 1969. It was covered up until a reporter got a hit and published the story. The public’s support for the Vietnam War was strong but it soon eroded as military action escalated. Lt. L. Calley and his team were given instruction to invade a town that had vicious fighters. They shot and killed about 400 civilians including women and children. These men were part of the 11th brigade. When the incident got out the public was shocked. Many sided with the conviction of Lt. L. Calley while others had sympathy for him. Rev. Byliss wrote to Bizz asking him to excuse Calley for what he had done and that it wasn’t his fault. The men that were over in Vietnam were exposed to harsh conditions and were mentally and physically exhausted. Many used that to back up that those that did the killings were told to do so and when given commands they are expected to follow through. Bizz responds by saying that it there is still so many things that they don’t know yet it’s hard to come to an immediate conclusion. The president being the Commander –in –Chief of the armed forces has the role of final review in situations like this one. Rev Bayliss along with many other Americans expressed their concern that if Lt. L. Calley was prosecuted that he wouldn’t stand alone. Those that killed unarmed civilians should receive equal treatment under the military law. The Geneva Convention establishes standards of international law for humanitarian treatment of war. It required the Army to investigate all allegations to the massacre. During the Vietnam war the treatment of prisoners of war became a issue. They were being mistreated and ethical issues arose. The Geneva conventions stats that those who come into contact with the enemy must treat them humanely if they surrender. Lt. L. Calley and his brigade violated this, which caused the issue of injustice to arise. The public in such confusion what was happening over seas and had little trust in what the government was doing. This event caused more distortion to the publics view of war crimes. If there is more information you would like to know these sources will help you better understand the ambiguities that are in this primary source. These sources are reliable secondary sources because they are either form a database with scholarly sources or from creditable organizations.

Works Cited 

“Calley Charged for My Lai Massacre.” A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 14 Sept. 2015

Commander in Chief Powers.” Commander in Chief Powers. Cornell University Law School, n.d. Web. 13 Sept. 2015

“Geneva Conventions.” Council on Foreign Relations. Council on Foreign Relations, n.d. Web. 13 Sept. 2015.

“Content The My Lai Massacre.” PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 14 Sept. 2015.

“Selected Men Involved with My Lai.” PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 13 Sept. 2015.

“The Geneva Convention and the Treatment of Prisoners of War in Vietnam.” The Harvard Law Review Association, n.d. Web.



Google Docs for Group Notes

Hi All, Class was great today. It was wonderful to see and hear such passion in your discussions about the social issues you chose to focus on. I hope you enjoy digging into them a bit and sharing resources that you find with your group. We have set up a Google doc for each group. The docs are in your CI Google Drive. You can access this account through your CI email. You may also follow the appropriate link below. If you have multiple gmail accounts, be sure you are logged into your account in order to access and edit the below docs.


Jill & Michelle

Various color changes in Aitutaki sand

IMG_7463_2 IMG_7477_2 IMG_7498_2

You can see there is a big difference just in color in the sand all from the same island.


Microplastics in Sandy Beach Infauna

macro_microplasticsMicroplastics PhotoCredit

Struggling with Stereotypes

Before we began this class I never really thought that media had such an impact on the stereotypes we create.  I thought that it was more what we learned through our parents or are peers, but even those people had to hear it from somewhere, right? I found this stereotype article very interesting. At first I was worried that it was going to be attacking certain races  and trying to show all the ways they have been oppressed. Instead it gave examples of things such as school subjects and how teachers are taught to show students all the ways that they can be generalized into specific categories.  I also liked how this article didn’t say that generalizations or labels were necessarily a bad thing but rather they can be very beneficial if they are used in the correct manner. I liked the light switch  sample of generalization  that was used at the beginning of the article. I never really looked at it in that way before.  We do often think that just because we know one person from a specific “group” that means we know everyone associated within that group. There were numerous points made on stereotyping throughout this article that I thought were very provoking. For example the stereotype that all Italians were involved in some type of crime  (due to the depictions from “The Godfather” ) were quite prevalent in society for a while.  It’s funny how you don’t even realize that you are creating these labels just from watching a movie. I would like to think that media doesn’t have that much power over me cognitively but it’s quite scary to see that it actually does. Overall, I thought that this article made many good points and defiantly changed my view on just how much we stereotype.

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In Dr. A’s Office

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Social issues

Social issues are a big problem that affect everyone in the world, including university students. Every year us as the world try to solve these problems and how we can fix them. But every time we fix one or try to another problem comes up or another problem just keeps getting worse. Three social issues i am going to write about are Homelessness, Drug trafficking, and School money.

Homelessness has always been a social problem but now I see that there is more homelessness then years ago. I think homelessness is a problem because people start losing their jobs, people gamble, addictions and some just decide not to do anything. When I little I use to go to L.A a lot well I still do with my grandma and we use to walk these streets to get where ever we had to go. I would see tons and tons of people that were homeless in the streets. It would scare me and make me sad because I didn’t know how people can be so homeless or without a job. but when I started getting older i realized because some were addicted or just got laid off from a job. But to me I think they can move on from that and find more jobs. Theres basically jobs anywhere even if its not in your major as a college students jobs are pretty much easy to find. of course no one wants a hard job everyone wants the easy way to get money but if someone really wanted to get a job they go and find one.

Another Social issue is drug trafficking . Drugs  has also always been a major issue this is also a problem in colleges. Its really scary knowing this is happening in the world because we worry about the safety of our loved ones if they get involved in either of those types of issues. Some of the issues are the legalization of marijuana in states if it should be legal or not.  That way they can reduce drug trafficking, violence and even HIV thats if your using needles and sharing them.  Many colleges have had suffered consequence from drug overdosing in their student body.  We need to protect all of ourselves from this because their are dangers to drugs.

The third social issue is school money. School tuition and fees are a big problem for college students because we don’t have enough money to pay for schools. Every year I believe they raise the price for school tuition and it just keeps getting expensive from books, to parking permits and to housing where ever you live. Most students do qualify for finical aid some don’t. Some have to work jobs and try to get all the help they can. Some have to get loans and hope in the future that they can pay it off so they don’t go broke from owing all the money back to the government.