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What Can WE do? #9

Last week in class we discussed briefly about our thoughts and feelings about the tunnel of oppression. One common theme that arose from this experience is that a lot of us were saddened by the experience because we see this happening on a daily basis but we just don’t recognize it. It made me realize […]

Blog #8

Last week Julian began class by informing us about the different clubs that are available on campus. I, myself is involved in a club. I feel really good to for once in my education career be involved in a school club. The past years I couldn’t join clubs because I was working five days a […]

Blog #7

In the the previous class discussion we had a scenario where we were given a star and tearing them off or keeping the ends according to the script that was being read. I thought it was interesting to see how the people on the stars can sometimes be the ones to turn their backs on […]

Blog #6

In last weeks class we had a real-life experience of what it means to be handicapped. Many of us go throughout our days complaining about the simple things in life such as what to eat, wear, and that the day is too hot or too cold. On the other hand, we have individuals that have […]

Blog #5

Last weeks class consist of us going around the classroom and discussing about different questions that we had to answer within our group. I can say I had a blast talking about these questions because all my group members could relate to the questions. We not only discuss about the hardships about being Latinos and […]

Blog #4

In the previous class meeting we had a “court case” of both the pros and cons of affirmative action. I really enjoyed this debate because both sides presented arguable statements to defend their position.  Even though from the beginning I was confused with affirmative action from the beginning, paying attention to the arguments of both […]

Blog #3 America the home of the Injustice

In the previous class session we started class with an activity that would let us reflect on our short and long term goals. We don’t do this on a daily basis and that is why I learned that sometimes it is good to sit down and write your goals down. Like Julian stated, studies have […]


In the previous class meeting I really liked the activity we did outside of the classroom. I liked how  I was linked to a classmate throughout the whole activity. That made me feel like I was not the only one going through hardships in my personal life and my career as a college student. However, […]


Unfortunately I was not able to attend class last friday due to a personal matter. However, I would have liked to hear those personal stories that we all have to share in regards to the struggles and barriers that we have all overcome. I would now like to  share a little part of my persona […]