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Blog 9

This weeks readings were very informative. I felt that they were direct and brief. The articles focused on offering the reader solutions to breakdown oppression in its many forms.  The Cycle of Liberation, and How to Interrupt Oppressive Behavior differ in how they explain the same process, but in the end both articles offer the same […]

Blog 8

This week’s readings were about social economic status in higher education. The articles were about the difficulty of students in lower social economic position. They were divided into three sections homeless, working poor, and non working poor.  The articles were filled with statistics about each group and also provided real life examples of students in […]

blog 7

This week’s reading was all about gender in higher education. The articles covered an array subjects that were strongly correlated with gender, while the chapter reading was more focused on the change in higher education enrollment and completion between the sexes. I found the reading intriguing this week because they addressed so many issues with […]

Blog #4

I enjoyed last week’s class because it altered my perspective of Affirmative Action. I always knew that Affirmative Action was flawed, but I agreed with it because it is a step forward in attempts to resolve the unfair treatment of minorities and women. I always leaned to the argument that white males are the only […]

Blog #3

This week’s readings were emotionally straining. As I read through them  I was rattled with number of thoughts and emotions. The statistics presented in each article were not only alarming, but despairing.  One of the stats that was especially startling was that black males are 50% less likely than white males to make it to […]

affirmative action

This week’s reading was very interesting. I am still trying to process my thoughts about it. Before the reading I felt that Affirmative action, while not entirely fair, is necessary in America. I feel that it is needed because there are still many prejudice infrastructures in American companies that disqualify minorities from opportunities in the […]

White Privilege

I loved the articles for this week’s reading. They were all thought provoking and challenging. Reading this literature influenced me to spend a great deal of time in reflection on how white privilege pertains to me. Peggy Micontosh did a great job explaining what white privilege is and offering a long list of examples to […]