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Choose a disaster that has occurred in the last 10 years (in the United States or internationally). Research the event online. Blog your report about the event specifically addressing the healthcare perspective. What were the barriers for providing and/or accessing healthcare? Who responded? How long did it go on? How did socioeconomics and environment impact… Read more »

Close to Home

Who knows about drugs?? Take an informal survey of family members, friends, or coworkers. Do they know the medications they take? If they don’t take medications, do they know about over the counter medications – drug/pharmacological/generic/brand names? Do they know the side effects and safe doses? What about homeopathic remedies and herbal medications? Let’s do… Read more »

Heart healthy or hype?

Heart Health or Hype? Exploring the effect of diet trends on cardiovascular disease This article looks at diet trends for cardiovascular health, mainly foods that are supposedly “especially good for the heart,” and find out whether they are heart healthy or hyped. I already knew that omega-3 fatty acids were heart healthy, but was surprised… Read more »

Likes & Dislikes

I like that we’re moving toward a more tech-y CI. I do like the traditional pen & paper assignments and class time, but it’s fun to switch things up and this is where the future is headed! Haven’t run into any dislikes yet — I hope it can stay that way