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Final Blog!!

5 5 5 I think my strengths with my blog, was linking class concepts with scenarios in Survivor. With commenting on others blogs, I participated every week and tried to link comments with course material but it was difficult. To improve on my blog and participation, I could have talked about Survivor a little more […]

Gettin’ to Crunch Time

Throughout this season of Survivor, the tribes have gone through the group development stages. When they first got there, they were in the forming stage and the loved ones stayed with one another until they had to separate and split into their tribes. At first everyone was polite and then entered the storming stage where […]

Wrinkle in the Plan

Last week, Julie decided to quit the game because she felt left out because her boyfriend was voted off previously. Missy is upset about this because she put a “wrinkle in the plan” that everyone was supposed to vote Josh out. Now that they have merged into one tribe, Huyopa, separates into two different teams […]

Million Dollar Decision

FINALLY THE MERGE HAS HAPPENED! When the tribes receive tree mail, they realize that the merge is finally happening and some have mixed emotions about it.  Josh and Reid start brainstorming ideas for their alliances once the merge happens and who they know for sure should be voted off once they go to their tribal […]

Make Some Magic Happen

Last week, Coyopas tribe member Dale, had his daughter voted off and it was very hard for him to watch her go through that. There seems to be tension between all the members of Coyopa. Hunahpu has had many hard times through their time on Survivor. Because of their carelessness for the amount of rice […]

Blood Is Blood

I think that listening plays a major role in all the episodes of Survivor. They need to listen to eachother to keep everything going smoothly and communicate with one another to prevent voting a tribe member off. I don’t like when Jeff asks members from other tribes what they think about another member going home, […]

A Hot Mess

The title of this episode says it all! The Big Five Personality Traits were a major role in this episode, Hunahpu showed many examples of personality differences. Showing extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness to experience and also had perfect examples of their opposites which are: introversion, disagreeableness, carelessness, neuroticism, and closed to experience. […]

Actions vs. Accusations

Episode 3 of Survivor goes along with the conflict chapter perfectly! In the beginning, Drew becomes frustrated with making a better roof that does not have holes and decides to take a nap instead of helping the rest of the tribe. There is affective conflict between Missy, Natalie and Drew because Drew does not think […]

Method To This Madness

Everyone is craving the need for affection. Each tribe member is trying to find an alliance with each member, and make personal connections with other to keep themselves from being voted off the island. Many members looking for an alliance are becoming over personal members and sharing facts about themselves to be saved. Josh seems […]

Suck It Up and Survive

This was the first time I have ever watched Survivor, and I am already hooked. I wish I had gotten into the show in previous seasons. During the first episode of Survivor, the groups are introduced as couples, such as husband wife, father and son, mother and daughter and partners. They then give background information […]